Prove my love.

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Toby's POV:

On the drive home, Spencer was curled up into a ball staring out the open window the whole time.

It was beautiful outside, but Spencer was still in her trench coat.

"Baby, are you okay?" I ask as Dustin in the back seat giggles at his rattle.

"Im... As good as I can be right now.." She mumbles.

Dusting runners fall off and he begins screaming as we pull into the driveway.

I out his shoes back on, and Spencer takes him out of his car seat.

Spencer plays with Dustin on the couch and he ends up asleep in her arms.

I smile at the wonderful sight and sit down beside them.

I notice a bruise on her collar bone and my face grows red with anger.

"S-Spencer, did that guy do that to you?" I ask.

She slowly nods, sorrow in her eyes.

"Where else did he hit you?" I ask.

She gets up and I follow her.

She slowly puts Dustin in his crib and walks to the bedroom, me following.

"Toby... He hit me in a lot of-" "you don't have to show me." I say.

She lifts up her shirt, just up to her belly button but hesitantly. She flinches when I touch the stitches right by her belly button.

I also take notice in a few scrapes scratches and bruises on her lower stomach.

She also pulls up her swear pants a little and it reveals another couple stitches on her shins and a bunch of bruises.

I sit beside her and kiss the scar on her shoulder.

"Spencer, why do you seem so freaked out by me?" I ask. I'm confused, because when I first saw her again she was super happy.

"It's not you! It's just... The feeling of anyone ever touching me is-" "scary." I cut her off softly.

I feel ashamed of what I did to make her go to the hotel... What happened to her in that scary house... And what she's going though at this very moment is because I was upset.

I was upset with how life was going for us... And I started drinking... So much I was a new soul when I was drinking.... I wasn't myself... I was... Hurting Spencer. In multiple ways: sexually, physically, and mentally.

We sit there in silence for a second, Spencer probably thinking of the horrible things me and that guy did... Even comparing them.

She suddenly throws herself onto me, making me fall back into the bed.

"Spencer... What are you doing?" I ask as she kisses my neck.

"I... I love you Toby. So much. I don't want to be scared of you anymore, I want to show you how much I really love you." She says nervously.

I pull her off of me, not wanting her to do anything to me.

Or for me to take advantage of her.

"Spencer... I know you love me. You don't Have to-" I'm cut off by silent sobs into my chest.

Her back falls and rises and she pants taking a look at me.

"t-Toby... I want to. I'm sorry for not being here for a long time..." She says softly.

I pull her up with me and allow her to cry unfit he crook of my neck.

"Baby I don't want you to say sorry or ever try to prove your love to me. I-" "i-it's not about you, honestly. It's that I can prove to myself that I can be a better wife... A better mom and a better person. I want to be a better person, Toby."

"Then don't try to prove anything to me. Just sit here." I say.

".... Okay." She mumbles.

Spencer and Toby: together for eternityWhere stories live. Discover now