Chapter One- Why am I Like This?

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"Alma!" You yelled, standing at the base of the stairs and fidgeting with your white t-shirt.

"Miss y/l/n, I've asked you not to call me by my first name. What is it you need?" The Bird peered over the banister at you, an eyebrow raised as she hurried down the stairs. You couldn't help the wide smile that spread across your face as she came clearer into view. Her striking blue-green eyes, dark shining hair, signature navy blue suit... Everything about her was simply perfect. Your eyes lingered on her lips, when you suddenly realized that they were, in fact, still moving.

"Y/n? Are you there?" She had already reached you, and was standing on the step in front of you, looking curiously down at your face.

"Sorry, Miss. What was that?"

"I asked you what it is that you needed from me."

"Oh, I just wanted to say hey. I haven't seen you much today." You grinned and punched the woman's shoulder lightly, though she didn't much react.

"Hello, y/n. I'd love to talk further with you, but unfortunately Claire is needing help with her lesson work, then I have to make supper. I'll speak with you later though." She gave a small smile and you felt her birdlike gaze rake over you one last time, taking in your entire form before she turned and climbed back up the stairs. You grinned proudly and ruffled your black feathered wings as she left. See, that was your peculiarity- You could turn into any bird you wished. Though, even in human form, you always had these big black wings on your back. It wasn't always like that though, they started growing in when you were eighteen, and it was honestly quite painful. Not an experience you'd wish to endure again. Your parents, they disowned you when they realized you were pretty much a circus freak- You had found the loop when you were twenty one and stayed here, happily becoming one of Alma Peregrine's permanent wards. She gave you everything your parents never did. Though there was always one tiny problem.

You were in love with her.

You had been falling further and further in love with her the longer you stayed, and it was honestly becoming unbearable. But who could blame you, really? Every little move she made, her mannerisms, the way she just almost acted like a bird, but not quite. Everything about her was so exquisite.
Emma and Olive, your best friends, were the only ones who knew about your feelings toward Miss Peregrine- You still hadn't told her. No one but them even knew that you like women. You'd been there for four years, but even in that time, you still hadn't gotten the guts to tell your headmistress how you really felt, or to tell anyone your sexuality.

You watched as she disappeared up the stairs, a wistful smile on your lips.
"I wish I could tell you, Alma." You whispered, turning and going out the front door. "Hey, Olive!" You spotted your redheaded best friend lounging under a tree, and her head lifted to greet you with a smile.

"Hey y/n! What's going on?" She asked as she rose to meet you.

"Not much, I was just talking to the Bird." You smiled goofily, looking toward the looming house.

The two of you talked for a while, when suddenly Olive grew serious. "Have you told her yet?"

"Nah. I don't have the courage." You laughed lightly. "I want to, but I just really don't know whether she feels the same. She's so confusing."

"You can't know unless you tell her." Olive pointed out as she prodded you with a gloved finger.

"I also can't get my heart broken unless I tell her." You shrugged. "We'll see what happens, I guess."

"I guess so. But would you please at least flirt?"

"Fine, I will discreetly flirt sometimes. But I'm not taking it far." You grumbled quietly.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now