Chapter Three- Anything

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After you'd taken a quick shower to rid yourself of the smell of alcohol, you lay in your bed, pondering and listening to the peaceful crickets chirping and the wind softly whistling outside your window. It's not long until you drift off to sleep, your dreams filled with Miss Peregrine- just as they always were. When you woke up, you opened your eyes and immediately noticed that the sun was brighter than it normally was when you woke up. Your instant realization was that you overslept, and you shot out of bed just as you heard a knock on the door.
"Y/n, are you decent? It's time for breakfast."


"One minute, Miss Peregrine. I'm so sorry." You called, essentially ripping your pajamas off and throwing on a bra, tight fitting t-shirt, and shorts. It took some working, as always, to get your wings through the special holes, but you managed. Miss Peregrine had fixed all of your shirts up when you first arrived, carefully measuring and creating holes just the right size for your wings to fit comfortably through. You would forever be grateful for that, because it made wearing clothes so much easier, plus your shirts no longer ripped from badly torn holes in the back. Once you decided you were decent, you threw open the door in a rush and barreled right past your headmistress.

"Slow down, young lady."

"I'm an adult." You giggled, doubling back to poke the woman whom you hadn't noticed.

"You're still a young lady," She mused as the two of you walked, "Especially to me, since I'm well over a hundred years older than you."

"Hey, no need to remind me." You threw your hands up in mock defeat.

"You're in a good mood this morning."

"Slept well." You called over your shoulder, reaching the stairs. You turned back to face her, a wicked grin on your face.

"What are you planning? That look says something is about to happen." She donned a concerned look, before shrieking as you started tipping over backwards. You twisted in the air and spread your wings just as you reached the bottom of the wide stairwell, swooping up and catching yourself easily, laughing as you saw your headmistress hurry down after you.

"Don't you ever do that again!" She shrieked as soon as she reached you.

"We're living the same day over and over- I have to keep it fresh somehow, my dear." You winked and strode away into the dining room, taking your seat with a grin.

"You're late!" Emma and Olive said at the same time, each poking you.

"I overslept."

"How on earth did you manage that? You've been here for four years, you'd think you'd get used to it." Emma scolded you.

"Ah, lighten up Em. I got tired from my trip last night."

"Speaking of, what were you off doing? We aren't stupid, you definitely weren't just patrolling." Olive asked, whispering in your ear.

"Just thinking." You dropped your voice and whispered in her ear, "I'll tell you later. It was fun."

"Eat." Miss Peregrine addressed her wards, now that she was at the head of the table, her usual stern look on her face. You obeyed and shoveled a forkful of food in your mouth, your eyes rolling back and a pleased sound escaping your lips at the taste. Soon your plate was completely empty, and there wasn't even a crumb left. You waited for everyone else to finish theirs and stood, taking your plate to the kitchen and setting it in the sink as the others followed suit.

"Go get ready for the walk, Miss y/l/n. I can handle the dishes." Miss Peregrine came up to you and smiled.

"Nah, I'm helping you." You turned and twisted the knob, releasing water from the pipes, and started to scrub.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now