Chapter Nine- Notes and Dreams

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You woke up slowly, pressing your hand over your eyes before opening them. You smiled when you remembered what happened before you fell asleep, when you thought of the beauty of your headmistress. But when you looked around you realized with a pang of sadness that she was no longer there. Instead, in her place in your chair, there was a small note.

I'm very sorry I left while you were sleeping. I had to make supper. I'd have stayed if I could've. If you're reading this before I've returned, please stay in bed, I will bring you your food as soon as it's time. I hope that you slept well.
Miss Peregrine

You smiled and held the note close to your chest, then tucked it into a drawer next to your bed and settled back in under the blanket. You were almost asleep again when you heard the door open and close softly and sat up, greeted with your favorite person, holding a tray of food. "I see you're awake, y/n. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling so much better. You're magical." It was true; your headache was completely gone, and your stomach felt perfect again. Though you were really hungry.

"Not magical, just peculiar." She winked and laughed a bit. You smile and listen peacefully to her laugh. "I brought your supper. I don't know if you saw the note-"

"I did. Thank you." She brought the tray to you and you inhaled the scent. "Oh it smells so good!" You exclaimed.

"I certainly hope it tastes as good as it smells. Enjoy." She smiled warmly at you and you grinned right back. "I should go eat with the children, I must make sure no one kills each other. I'll be back once everyone is done." You nodded and she ran a hand through your tangled hair before slipping back out of the room, leaving you to eat.

You finished your food, which was amazing as always. It always baffled you how, even in a loop, she still managed to make each meal huge, unique, and delicious. Just as you were collecting your silverware and setting it all neatly on your tray, you heard the door. "It was fantastic, as always, Alma." The woman shot you a look and you feigned a pout.

"Oh, you act like such a child sometimes. That pout." She chuckled.

"Only cause you treat me like one." You joked, swinging your legs off the bed and rising to meet her. Her arms shot out automatically, ready to catch you should she need to.

"You know very well you'd still act like a child."


"You're in a good mood." She commented. "You haven't been for the past few days."

You remained silent, your smile falling just slightly. Instead you walked into her still outstretched arms and nuzzled your face into her neck, wrapping your arms around her thin waist. "Time for the movies?"

"If you're feeling up to it, we'll go down and watch them."

"I feel fine now." You pulled back and beamed at her. She noted your strange change in behavior with a pang of confusion and worry. But she brushed it off, hooking an arm through yours and grabbing your tray, before leading you downstairs. You conversed quietly until you arrived in the kitchen, where you were bombarded by a worried Emma.

"Birds, are you okay?" She practically smothered you in a tight hug as Miss Peregrine washed up your plate and cutlery.

"I'm fine Em, I feel better now." You laughed.

"Don't you ever worry me like that again." She pulled back and hit your arm repeatedly, until you caught her hands.

"I was hungover. Passed out." You dragged her closer and whispered. Her eyes widened and she stepped back to glare at you.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now