Chapter Ten- Miss Peregrine

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You were back in your room, hurriedly throwing on your trench coat. You knew that you needed to leave sooner this time, so once you had it on, you shifted into a black peregrine falcon and shot out your window, flying as quickly as your wings would take you. You knew the sour irony of the bird you had chosen, but you had done it simply for the speed. In no time you had arrived outside the bar and made sure no one was looking before shifting back into a human and straightening your trench coat.

You entered and took a place at the bar, ordering a simple whiskey. You didn't know much about alcohol, admittedly, just that it helped to distract you. You nursed it as the same man from last night came up to you with that same grin on his face. You beat him to the punch though, introducing yourself before he got the chance.

"Angelica." You stuck out a hand and he shook it.

"Matthew. Where are you from?" He asked, noting your unusual accent for the area.

"Around." Your mouth twisted into a grin. "Wanna get out of here?"

"I- Well, that was quick. With a pretty girl such as yourself though, I certainly won't complain."

The next thing you knew, you were outside the pub, pinned to the wall as he kissed you roughly, your whiskey long forgotten inside. You kissed back just as fiercely, though there was no electricity, no sparks. It didn't have that rightness that you had always read about when you kissed The One. Though, perhaps, that's just in the stories. Perhaps there really wasn't any of that nonsense. You focused back on the present as his hands dug into your hips, his grip tight as he lifted you to wrap your legs around him.

"You wanna take this further?" He panted out, and you could feel his... Excitement.

"Not tonight, Matt. I'm sorry. Lets just stick with this for now." You pressed your lips back to his and he nodded, eagerly kidding back.

This carried on for a while longer, until you were tired and worn out. He had to go to work and you checked your wristwatch, panicking when you realized that it was already five thirty in the morning. Miss Peregrine would already be up. Shit. You turned back into a peregrine falcon and raced back home, flying into your window and collapsing into your bed in a pile of feathers. That pile morphed into a human shape, which stood tiredly and slipped off your trench coat. You tossed it in the bottom of your closet but froze with panic when you heard a familiar voice behind you.

"Where have you been?"

Oh holy hell, why?

You turned slowly around, your golden eyes wide and muscles tense, to face your headmistress.

"Uh- I-"

"Don't you dare think about lying to me, y/n. Do you know how it feels to find one of my wards missing? I had no idea where you were. And now you just fly in here, wearing that trench coat, which I know means you were with normals. So now, you will answer me honestly. Where were you?" She hissed, drawing closer to you as you stepped back.

"I was at the pub." You hung your head, hiding the shame you felt at being caught.

"Y/n, you know I don't allow drinking! Why can't you understand that? If you keep this up, if you can't follow my rules-"

"What are you gonna do? Kick me out of the loop? Maybe it's better that way, Alma. Maybe I shouldn't even be here at all anymore." Your voice wavered and finally broke on the last sentence.

"That's not what I meant, you know that very well, I would never. You belong here, and you always will. Why are you acting like this?" Betrayal and concern flashed across her sharp features before she schooled them back into her firm expression.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now