Chapter Twenty Four- Revenge Comes at Night

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A/n- no kiddos reading this chapter: smut incoming. you have been warned. just skip to the next chapter if you're a kid or are uncomfy with smut. now, without further ado, enjoy, my lovely gays ;)

That night was one to remember, certainly. It started with dinner. You were seated next to Miss Peregrine, next to the end of the table.

"You can eat." Miss Peregrine gave her order, just as she always did.

"I'd rather eat something else." You murmured in her ear, throwing a wink her way as you pulled back and innocently shoveled a forkful of chicken in your mouth. She fought herself to maintain her composure in front of the children, but internally she wanted nothing more than to feel you insi- No, no such thoughts at the dinner table. Focus.

She was too busy scolding herself silently to remember to begin eating, so when you snapped your fingers in front of her face with a wide smirk, she was startled out of her trance.

"Apologies." She mumbled, quickly grabbing her fork and cutting into her chicken.

The two of you managed to behave for a few minutes, until she finished eating. You were focused on your conversation with Emma, and didn't notice that the woman on your other side had finished.

The blonde girl was relieved to see that you were in a better mood than you had been in for quite a while. You were actually smiling, which was absolutely wonderful for her to see. "So, y/n, why are you in such a good mood?" She asked, a bright grin on her own face. But right at that moment, your girlfriend decided it would be the best time to kill you by placing her slender hand on your thigh under the table. You paled as she squeezed lightly and tapped one finger three times.

Goddamn it, really? Now?

You shook it off and tried to pull your leg away, but her hand only followed.

"Uh, I just... Sorry. I need a drink of water." You swallowed hard and turned to glare at Miss Peregrine, practically daring her to keep her hand there as you took a long drink. She narrowed her eyes fractionally, her lips twitching into the smallest smirk. Your eyes widened as she slid her hand up an inch further. 'Stop that.' You mouthed, but she only looked at you with that same damn smug expression.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Emma asked, drawing your attention back to her.

"Yes, I'm quite well. Thanks. Uh, but I'm in a good mood cause I- I'm not in a bad mood." You choked out, trying your damndest to ignore the woman's hand sneaking up even further. Emma raised an eyebrow, but just as she opened her mouth to say something else you cut her off. "You know, while I was at the other loop, I sure missed your stupid face." You commented, poking her shoulder with the handle of your fork.

"Excuse me!" She exclaimed, but you winked at her playfully.

"You know I love ya, blondie. And your face isn't stupid." You smiled at her and she sighed. She pretended to be mad about it, but secretly she was just glad that you were acting semi normal again. You held your smile as you reached under the table and batted Miss Peregrine's hand away, resulting in her finally retracting it. You let out a small sigh of relief and finished the rest of your dinner in peace.


You didn't get another moment to mess with the woman again until after reset. She fell behind the group, as always, and you snuck up behind her and snaked your arms around her waist.

"What you did at supper wasn't nice." You hissed in her ear, kissing down her neck until your chin rested on her shoulder.

"I said I'd get you back, didn't I?" She spun in your grip and before you could react or even figure out what was happening, she was holding you bridal style and making her way once more toward the house, your cane laying across your torso.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now