Chapter Nineteen- Flashback

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A/n- TW: mentions of r@pe

Shooting through the air, still in human form, dried tears streaking down your puffy cheeks. Your eyes burned as the wind stabbed them, but you paid it no mind. The dim light of the sunset was just enough to shine over wales, providing you the light you needed to locate what would be your new home. You crossed over fields, towns, small houses in the middle of nowhere, as you just flew as far as you could. You consulted a map in your hands, a map of days that told you where one Miss Lena Bluejay had a loop- July 27th, 2009. You just had to get away from what loop had previously been called your home.

You were nearby, you saw an old, beaten down house in the distance. You knew that had to be where the loop was concealed. You flapped your wings harder, ready to just get there already. When you finally arrived at the house, the stench overwhelmed your nostrils and you coughed before entering to feel the familiar pop in your ears and temporary pressure in your head. You exited again as quickly as possible, anxious to escape the burn in your nose. You wiped your eyes and cheeks as best you could and looked at your map one last time and saw with dismay that there was no written location where the ymbryne you were searching for lived. You shifted into a blue macaw, as you were sure it would catch the eye of the woman you were looking for, should she happen to see you. You didn't go in human form as you would have to fly lower in search of the home, and you would be at higher risk of normals seeing you.

You had been flying for roughly thirty minutes when finally you saw a small farm, which looked much like any of the others. You would have totally ignored it, had you not noticed a woman reclining in a rocking chair on the front porch. Her hair looked much like Miss Peregrine's, though it was streaked with grey and shorter than you presumed your ymbryne's- No, she wasn't your ymbryne anymore. You cursed yourself for even thinking it. She was watching three children playing on the lawn- One was a little boy, roughly six, he was disappearing from one place and appearing in another. The second was a girl, probably about fourteen, upon first glance you thought she was normal, until you saw her grin which spread quite literally across her entire face and was lined with sharp teeth. The third was another girl, about ten, with grey ears poking out of her matching hair. She had a wolf's tail poking out of her shorts.

So, you were safe to assume that you had found what you were looking for. You flew down and landed on the arm of the rocking chair that the older woman was sitting in.

"Oh, hello!" She greeted you with a warm smile. "You've not come around before, my dear. So you must be peculiar, huh?" You let out a trill and hopped down from your perch, backing away from her to have enough space to change back.

"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Y/n." You stuck out a hand for her as you ruffled your wings. "You can probably gather what my peculiarity is."

"What a lovely name. I'm Miss Lena Bluejay. I'm an ymbryne- We are very similar to you, actually. We can transform into birds as well, but we control time and-" She cut herself off at the sight of you nodding knowingly.

"I know much about the peculiar world."

"Oh, wonderful. Did you grow up in a peculiar family, then?"

"...You could say that."

You shifted your weight from one foot to the other as you examined her up and down. She wore a simple green dress, which accented her eyes of the same color. She had the beginnings of wrinkles on her forehead and beside her eyes and mouth, but they were barely there at all. You estimated she was in her mid forties, that is when she was frozen in time.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now