Chapter Twenty One- My Little Bird

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You didn't even realize you had fallen asleep in her arms until you felt her warm breath on your ear, whispering for you to wake up.

"You need to wake up, darling. As much as I love having you on top of me, I have to make supper." You mumbled something in response and held onto her tighter. "Oh, so you're clingy. I see."

"Hey!" You protested, bringing for face out of its hiding spot in her neck in order to glare at her. She gave you a grin in response and you realized her scheme.

"I knew that would get you up."

"You're mean." You pouted at her and she kissed the tip of your nose.

"And you're adorable." You huffed and she smiled at you. You were getting absolutely nowhere.

"Five more minutes?" You snuggled back in and felt her sigh.

"Sure. Five more minutes. But don't you even think about asking for another five after that." You nodded and she looked down at you, secretly admiring you. The way your y/h/c hair glistened in the sunlight, spread across your shoulders and her chest, your skin practically glowing. Her eyes scanned across your back, bringing pain to her heart. She longed to take your pain away from you, to heal you, to give you your wings back. She would have done anything to help you, but now it was just too late.

She felt your heartbeat and breathing start to slow and chuckled quietly to herself. "You can't fall back asleep on me, little bird."

"Don't call me little bird." You murmured against her, muffled by both sleep and her jacket.

"But you're my little bird." You pinched her hipbone in protest and she jumped under you. "That's hardly fair. I can't get you back." She growled.

"I know." You looked up at her and winked, then softened and just watched her. She gave you a curious look, and you smiled. "I never really thought I'd get to do this." You said softly, tracing her collarbone with one hand. She looked down at you and a warm smile came across her face. Instead of speaking, she just hugged you slightly tighter and pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head.

"I hate to, but I really do have to get up now. You can stay here and go back to sleep, I'll bring you supper when it's done."

"I can come down." You tried to protest, but she gave you a stern look.

"Rest. And if I catch you out of bed, there will be consequences."

"What kind of consequences?" You said, biting back a suggestive smirk. Apparently you didn't do it well enough, though, as she raised an eyebrow and her eyes widened.

"Y/n, control your mind!" She exclaimed, lightly hitting your forearm.

"I can't help it!" You retorted, squirming away from her playful wrath. In this process, you ended up squirming enough off of her that she was able to sit up. She looked down at your pouting face triumphantly.

"Oh, quit pouting, darling. It's not like I'm leaving forever." Her heart softened and she cupped your cheek with one hand, leaning down and pressing her lips against yours. You closed your eyes and kissed back, savoring the feeling of her soft lips fitting so perfectly against yours. She broke away and you smiled dazedly at her, your heart fluttering when she returned it. "I'll be back soon, my angel." You tried to hide the blush that appeared in your cheeks, to no avail. She chuckled as she stood and checked her hair in her vanity, glancing at you through the mirror. You knew why she had called you that- Your friends had always joked about your angelic appearance, what with the wings and golden eyes. It was almost as though you were an angel yourself. But this felt different, from her, it felt more intimate and special.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now