Chapter Fifteen- Come Home

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Reset had come and gone, and Miss Peregrine was now ushering the children inside.

"Emma, tuck them in, would you?" Emma nodded and followed after the group, turning back to Miss Peregrine after a moment.

"Be careful, Miss. I'll see you soon."

"I'll see you soon, Miss Bloom. I'll be back very soon, and I will be bringing y/n."

Without another word, Miss Peregrine leapt into the air and transformed into bird form, her sleek blue feathers glistening in the dim moonlight. The wind whistled around her as she shot off into the night sky, her destination being Pentre Broughton, Wales.


Upon her arrival, she landed and paused to catch her breath. She had just flown across Wales, so understandably she was a bit winded. Once she had caught her breath, she looked around for normals and slipped soundlessly inside a small house with boarded up windows and the paint on the walls peeling. It was a brilliant place to hide a loop- There was mold growing on the outside of the place, it was practically falling apart, and it stank something fierce. Once she felt the familiar pop in her ears, she hurried back out of the wretched place, and shook the stench from her nostrils. She consulted a small slip of paper from her pocket with a quiet hum and started off down a path, her sights set on a small farm down the road.

She arrived at the little red farmhouse, taking the steps up the the door two at a time. She knocked twice, and waited as she heard shuffling inside.

"Miss Peregrine. It's a delight to see you again, dear." A woman with hair very similar to Miss Peregrine's opened the door and motioned her inside. Her hair was shorter and had traces of gray, and she wore it down unlike how Miss Peregrine wore hers. The woman was rather short and had broad shoulders and a kind face, the beginnings of wrinkles lining her eyes and forehead. One could just tell that the woman smiled a lot and was generally very happy, even though in this moment she was rather somber.

"Good morning, Miss Bluejay. It's good to see you too. Now, straight to business- Miss Avocet said that you have y/n. Would you mind terribly to send for her?" The woman smiled up at her, though there was a sadness in it, and the younger ymbryne could tell. "Is she alright? Why are- Miss Bluejay, you do have y/n, do you not?"

"She is with me, indeed. But I'm afraid I cannot send for her. You'll have to follow me." Miss Peregrine tilted her head with confusion but nodded, checking her watch before following the woman down the hall and stopping in front of a white door. "She's in here." Miss Bluejay said softly, motioning at the door.

"Thank you. I really appreciate this." The woman nodded and stepped back to allow Miss Peregrine to access the door, watching closely as her hand landed on the handle and twisted it, swinging it open into the dark room. "Y/n, love, I'm here." She said quietly into the dark room.

She received no response, so she stepped into the room and hit the light switch.

What she saw took her breath away and tears quickly began to well in her stern eyes as she saw what had become of you.

You laid on your stomach, flat in the middle of a bed, which wasn't unusual for you to do because it was often more comfortable due to your wings. But what pained your ymbryne was when her eyes fell on your back.

You were shirtless, with white gauzy bandages stretched across your chest and back in place of your wings. Where your dark wings would have connected to your back were two dark spots- Blood, seeping through the bandages.
Your wings were gone.
You were unconscious, though it was clear that you were alive.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now