Chapter Eleven- Everything's Fine

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You had set the table for breakfast, chatting with Claire as she helped. She had asked about Miss Peregrine's behavior, but you just brushed it off as a simple bad mood. Now you were seated at the table, having a stare down with the very woman who was apparently furious with you. You could easily see the challenge in her gaze, daring you to ever do such a thing again. You hadn't ever seen her like this, and frankly it was scaring you. You swallowed hard as she gave her usual command to eat, still holding your gaze steadily. You broke your eyes away from her to start eating, and heard a soft "Darling, relax." From the end of the table, coming from Asher. Of course. Could things get worse for you? You didn't want to hear anything like that right now, especially not directed at the very woman you were in love with and who was furious with you. You finished your breakfast as quickly as possible and looked over at Claire, who had also finished- it was usually quick for her, with her backmouth.

"Y/n, are you alright? You've been really quiet." You heard from beside you, and turned to look at Olive.

"Miss Peregrine is pissed at me." You said quietly, and concern flooded Olive's features.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I may or may not have snuck out to the pub last night, and she may or may not have caught me coming back." Olive was already beginning to look exasperated, and you sighed. "That's not exactly all."

"Oh, birds, what else did you do?"

"Well, she seemed to not be too mad about last night, but I kinda accidentally let it slip that I got drunk and was hungover yesterday. And then she got really mad that I lied to her about not being hungover."

"Y/n! Why on earth would you do that? You had to know she would catch on, she's smart and you're honestly a bit of a blunder sometimes. No offense."

"None taken, its true." You sighed again. "But I just hoped that if she did she wouldn't be this mad. Guess I was wrong." You shrugged. "I guess I just need to avoid her until she calms down."

"That is a horrible way to fix things, and you know it." She said, taking your hand and giving it a scornful squeeze. "You have to work things out. Just like you always do." She pleaded, but you just shook your head with a resigned smile.

"It's gonna be fine."


You had spent the whole day with Claire, thoroughly avoiding Miss Peregrine. Now it was time for dinner, and the dark haired woman was just about sick of you blowing her off.

"Y/n. After dinner, I expect you in my office. This is not optional." She cornered you in the kitchen, while you were washing your hands from playing outside with Claire.

"But, the movies-"

"Not. Optional." She turned and called over her shoulder, "It's time to eat."

You sighed in defeat and followed her, taking your place at the table and rubbing your face. You were tired, Claire had thoroughly worn you out, though you loved spending time with her. You had allowed her to ride on your back as you flew around the property a couple times, careful not to be caught by your ymbryne. You'd also played tag, kickball, and her personal favorite; hide and seek. Now you were quite exhausted from it, and knowing that Miss Peregrine was going to insist on talking to you certainly didn't help.

"So Chompy, did you enjoy your day?" You asked, met with an eager nod from the little blonde.

"Yes! I had so much fun!" You grinned at her.

"We'll do it again soon!" You promised, you heart warming when you saw her light up at the idea.

"Eat." Miss Peregrine ordered, and you obeyed reluctantly. You ate slowly, knowing that the slower you were the longer you could put off talking to her. Soon you were done though, and pushed your plate back with a sigh. You couldn't deny that the food was heavenly, and it occurred to you that just maybe she'd be less mad if you sweet talked her? "Miss Peregrine, supper was fantastic today. You outdid yourself."

"Thank you, y/n. Now, if you would make your way directly to my office. I'll meet you there as soon as I've done the dishes." You knew it wasn't optional, she made that much clear. Olive looked to you with concern as you stood, Emma with confusion.

"Is everything okay, y/n?" Emma asked.

"Everything's fine, Em."

You squeezed her shoulder and walked off, throwing a glance back at the table as you left the room. The Bird was now standing, collecting plates, as you hurried off. When you finally arrived at the door of her office, you let yourself in, settling in an armchair (the furthest from her desk as you could find) and wrapping your wings protectively around your body.

It wasn't long before you heard the rattling of the doorknob, and braced yourself for the conversation that you knew was coming.

"Stand up, please." She shut the door behind her as you complied warily, watching as she took a deep breath and approached you. "What you did was unacceptable. You disobeyed my rules repeatedly, and then proceeded to lie to me about it. Now, I know how your mind works. Before you can even start thinking it, no. I'm not kicking you out of the loop or making you sleep outside or any nonsense like that. But I will have to punish you somehow. You are not to leave this house for the next week, not unless I am accompanying you."

"Miss Peregrine, are you seriously grounding me? Listen, I know what I did was against your rules, but you have to understand. I'm an adult, Miss P. I'm not eight years old anymore, and I'm frankly sick of being treated as such. I'm not just one of your children, that's not what I want to be to you-" You cut yourself off, realizing what you'd said, and tried to recover. "I want to be an equal, like Asher."

"You're not like Asher."

"And why not?"

She put a hand to her forehead with exasperation, before bringing her captivating eyes to lock with yours and deliver the words that left you reeling and unsteady on your feet.

"Because I'm not in love with you."

You stood there for a moment, your words caught in your mouth. You knew it, but you never thought you'd hear her say it out loud, directly to your face. You took a steadying breath, willing the tears that were beginning to prick in your eyes to just go away already, you couldn't let her see you cry, not now. Then she'd know for sure. Not only had she just openly admitted that your love for her was absolutely not returned, but she had basically said that she loved him. She loved him. You opened and closed your mouth, trying to figure out how to respond, when she beat you to it.

"Now why on earth are you upset?" Utter confusion was written on her face, while you just stood there and looked at her with a blank face.

"Just leave me the fuck alone. I'll do whatever I want to." You snapped, stalking out of the office before you promptly burst into tears the second the door shut behind you.

Yeah. Everything's just fine.

A/n- spoiler alert gays; everything is not fine!

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