Chapter Twenty Seven- The End of Your Story (Part 1)

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"I don't want to live like you!"

"That's understandable. You could walk amongst whatever realm you'd like, really. You could reside in hell, or heaven, or any of the other gods' realms. You're an angel, and our angel at that. You can serve whomever you wish. Though we would love it if you stayed with us." Miłość smiled at you, but you shook your head. "Or... Well, I suppose we could send you back. You would have to begin a new life though, without any of your memories."

"Can't I just go back to her? I love her. Please, I miss her so unbearably much." You pleaded with your true mothers, who shared a look, seemingly communicating silently.

"We can't send you back permanently. But we can allow you to see your love one last time." Śmierć explained. "But you have to be aware that things will not be as they were before you died. Things are different now. Time passes much, much slower here than it does in the mortal world."

"I don't care. I'll do anything. I just need to see her again."

The goddesses nodded and took your hands, one each, closing their eyes, and then you were tumbling through the abyss.


You awoke on a rocking surface, looking around for a moment you realized that it was a ship. That was odd, but you supposed that that was where your family now was. Why they left the loop, you had no idea. But that didn't matter, all that mattered was finding your Alma. You looked around for any of the other peculiars, but saw none. You figured they must be inside, so you pushed open the big door to the (what the f u c k is it called the big inside part on top of the boat) to begin your search for Alma. You checked several rooms, coming up empty, until you caught a sound drifting through the salty air.

Oh, birds. She's crying. I'm coming, my love.

You followed the pitiful sound, ending up in front of the captain's chamber. You braced yourself for what you would find inside, but nothing could have prepared you for the sight when you opened that door.

The tidy, uptight, not a pin out of place woman had clothes and vases and picture frames, anything you could imagine, scattered carelessly all around the room. She was curled up in a heap in the middle of the bed, her usually perfectly neat hair was down and tangled, shielding her perfect face from view.

You stayed silent, closing the door as quietly as possible and treading to the bed. You climbed in beside her, putting a hand on her back and startling the poor woman.

"Emma- No... I'm not hungry." She whispered out, her voice nothing more than a broken whimper.

"I'm not Emma, Fay." You said fondly, draping one of your wings over her. She shot up, disbelief on her face, which quickly melted into a quite indescribable expression. She launched herself into your open arms, throwing her arms around your shoulders and burying her face in your neck. She sobbed against you for a few moments, you held her and whispered comforting things, pressing kisses to her hair and rubbing her back to bring her down from hysteria. "Hey, baby. I missed you." Your own voice shook as she finally pulled back to look at you. "Hey. I bet you didn't know that I really love you. Did you know that?" You kissed her forehead gently as she nodded shakily, then pressed your nose to hers and wrapped your wings around the two of you, creating a feathery cocoon.

"Wait- Your- Your wings. No-" More sobs wracked her body as she realized that this couldn't possibly be you. Just her imagination again. She tried to pull away from your embrace but you held her tightly, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"It's me, Fay. Birds, I've got a lot of explaining to do." You ran your thumb across her sharp cheekbone, leaving a small kiss in it's wake. "I died, as you know. Śmierć took me away from you- But she's not the one who killed me. No, she's not in charge of that. In the afterlife, I was greeted by Miłość. You know, the goddess of love. Basically the two of them explained to me that I am an angel. The child of two goddesses. I am the offspring of love and death, Alma." She looked at you, bewilderment plain on her features, as you chuckled lightly. "Yeah, I know. It's insane. I also look a lot like them, just saying. My eyes are Miłość's, my wings are from Śmierć. But anyways, apparently it's against the laws or whatever for gods or goddesses to raise their demonic or angelic offspring, so they had to send me here to live a 'mortal' life. But they apparently made a bet, to see if love or death would persevere in my life. I guess when I died the first time, that was Śmierć trying to win. But yeah, birds it is so complicated and unbelievable." You paused your rambling to breath for a minute. When Miss Peregrine reached out to touch your face, she half expected her hand to pass through, even though you were actively holding her. "I begged them to send me back to you. Thankfully, they're merciful goddesses."

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now