Chapter Fourteen- Remember Me

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"She's been gone for three days now, Emma! Why won't you tell me anything?"

"Because she told me I was never to tell you."

"At least tell me whether she's alive. I have a right to know that much."

"I don't know, alright? I don't know. Are you happy now? I don't know where she is, I don't know whether she's alive or not. She didn't tell me anything."

"You're her best friend. You and Olive. So neither of you know anything? I have to find her, I can't just abandon her."

"May I point out that you were the last to see her? Perhaps we should start there. What did you two talk about?"

"I made sure that she was doing alright, then she told me that she was gay."

"Oh, bloody hell."

Emma and Miss Peregrine were gathered together in the parlor, talking with panic. Olive and Enoch were sitting down, listening carefully and hanging on every word that was uttered. Miss Peregrine was too concerned to even mind the curse as she usually would. Worry was etched into her features as she paced the room.

"I suppose we found the why, then." Olive said quietly, kneading her temples.

"Why would she run away just because of that?" Miss Peregrine turned on Olive, just as the redhead stood to walk closer. But Enoch cut her off.

"Are you blind, or just completely oblivious? She's in love with you. It's obvious, Miss Peregrine." Enoch stated bluntly. Olive and Emma both shrieked his name as The Bird just stared him down.

"Oh." Was all she could say. Shock molded her body into full rigidity, her hands tensed into fists. Her mind was racing, it was made clear by the way her eyes darted back and forth. It finally all made sense to her, everything clicked into place. It was like the final piece to a puzzle, the crucial one that finally revealed the full picture. "I see. Olive, Emma, is he right?"

The redhead and blonde shared a look and each nodded slowly, Olive being the first to speak. "Yes. She's been in love with you since she got here, Miss."

"Why didn't she just tell me?"

Olive and Emma shared another look, this time Emma was the one to speak.

"She was going to, but she was... Interrupted. And then she realized that you didn't feel the same."

The ymbryne dropped her face into her hands, overwhelmed for the first time in a very long time. "We have to find her. Do any of you know where she might be?"

"She wouldn't have gone back to her previous home." Emma said, thinking hard. "She's smart enough to stay in a loop- She knows she'd die if she stayed out too long."

"I'll write to Miss Avocet. She has contact with all of the ymbrynes with established loops, she can ask them if anyone has her under their protection."

The three teenagers nodded in agreement with their ymbryne, and Emma paused with a thought. "When we do find her, you can't tell her we told you. That'll break her even more than she already is. And when we do find her, I can guarantee she'll be in a fragile mental state."

Miss Peregrine nodded and dismissed the three teenagers, sinking down into a seat and rubbing her face with one hand. Her mind raced with the massive bomb that had just been dropped on her. Then she stood abruptly again and made her way to her study, seating herself at her desk and opening a drawer to locate a pen. She froze when she looked inside though, and carefully reached in only to pull out a single long black feather. Yours. She smiled sadly with the realization that you had left it for her- And with another look inside the drawer she found a note, with just two words scrawled in your familiar handwriting.

Remember me.

She wiped a single silent tear from her eye and laid the feather down along with the note, picking up a pen and blank sheet of paper for her letter to Miss Avocet. She began furiously writing, the scratching sound of her pen against the paper echoing through the silent room. The sound of her sharp nails tapping against the wooden desk in thought and her quick breathing were the only other sounds in the room, leaving the ymbryne with nothing to focus on but her own thoughts. It didn't take much at all to convince herself that it was her own fault, that you were gone, that you were quite possibly dead.

She finished up her letter and sent it as quickly as she could, not wasting a moment, and beginning the long wait for a letter in return.


Four days later, Horace and Hugh came running into the house, waving a white envelope.

"Miss Peregrine! It's here, it's from Miss Avocet!" Hugh yelled. Miss Peregrine had never hurried down the stairs as fast as she did just then- when she arrived in front of Hugh, she thanked him and took the letter, before shutting herself back into her study to read the letter.

Miss Peregrine,

I have received your letter regarding your young ward. I apologize for the time taken to respond. The cause for the wait was that I have written to each known ymbryne and was waiting myself for a result. I have pinpointed the location of y/n. She is safe, staying with Miss Bluejay, who previously did not know that she was your ward. Miss Bluejay wants nothing more than to reunite you with her, though she requests that you travel to her loop to retrieve her, as she is unable to send y/n to you. I don't know further details as to why. I hope this helps you, and I sincerely hope that you are able to retrieve her safely.

Best of luck,
Miss Avocet

Miss Peregrine instantly laid the letter down and set off to locate Emma and Olive. Upon locating them, she couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face- The first true smile she had worn in the past seven days.

"I know where she is."

Emma screamed and Olive jumped up and down like a child.

"Where is she? When do we get her back?" Emma asked, rushing forward and placing her hands on Miss Peregrine's biceps.

"She's safe with Miss Bluejay. I'm leaving promptly after reset tonight to ensure that I have plenty of time to return before the next reset. I'm leaving you two in charge while I am gone, I trust that you can keep the loop on track for a day." Then a thought hit Miss Peregrine. "Scratch that, I can't be gone even the whole day- I have to kill the hollowgast."

"I could-" Emma started, but Miss Peregrine immediately shook her head and cut her off.

"Absolutely not. I will not put any of my wards in danger. I will be back by then." Her eyes held so much firmness that no one dared argue, the two girls just nodded. "Good. Now, come help me with dinner."

A/n- get her get her get her get her get her

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