Chapter Twenty Six- Love and Death

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"Hello, darling. I'm Miłość. It's lovely to meet you again."

You looked up at the tall woman in front of you, clad in white. She looked like an angel, massive white wings much like your black ones had once been adorned her back. At the thought of your wings, you felt something on your back. You looked over your shoulder and started- They were back. So it was true.

You were dead.


You sighed and looked up at the ethereal woman, taking in her appearance. She had long, wavy platinum hair cascading down her shoulders. She seemed to emit a glow, and was unnaturally tall, no less than eight feet. You stood in awe as she smiled down at you, unable to stifle her amusement at your gawking.

"Are you...?"

"Love. Yes, I'm the goddess of love." She nodded, her hair bouncing and catching the light. That was when you realized it was iridescent, entirely colorful in the sunlight.

You were in the same place as before, though Not-Miss-Peregrine was nowhere to be found. Thank god.

"I- it's- Words. I'm so sorry." Your voice shook and you shut your eyes firmly for a moment. "We haven't met before, though." You referred back to her previous words, thinking hard. No, you certainly would have remembered meeting the literal goddess of love.

"Yes, we have. Śmierć and I simply wiped your memory." She spoke with clear amusement.

"No, no, because I remember meeting her. When I died the first time." You sighed and she knelt to place a hand on your shoulder.

"We met long before that, little one. You are one of our own. You belong to us."

"I can't be one of your own though. I'm not a god. You're literal gods." You shook your head in disbelief and she chuckled, cupping your chin gently with one massive yet somehow delicate hand.

"No, you're not a god. You're an angel."

You stumbled back and your hands flew automatically to touch your wings. And then you looked into Miłość's eyes for the first time. You saw your own reflected back in them. You barely had time to think about it, though, before you heard another voice.

"She's awake?" It was Śmierć. You recognized her unique voice immediately. You spun on your heel and met her eyes. As always, she was in the form of Miss Peregrine. "Hello, love." You stepped back away from her, bumping right into the other goddess. You muttered a quick apology as you stared down Death.

"I was just explaining some things." Love said, resting a hand on your shoulder like a mother would to her child.

"How far did you get?"

"Just that she's an angel." Śmierć grinned and you swallowed hard. You knew you were already dead, but you were still afraid of her despite that fact.

"Wonderful. Can I explain the next part?" She had a very excited look on her face, which really surprised you. You never expected Death to look so happy. Miłość must have nodded, as Śmierć came to you and held out a hand. "I won't bite, I promise."

"O-Okay." You looked at her hand, then reluctantly took it. It was an exact replica of Miss Peregrine's, right down to her slender fingers tipped with those dark nails. You sighed at the feeling, tears welling in your eyes as you held that familiar hand. The only difference was that this hand didn't have the matching ring. "I miss her so much." It was almost inaudible, but enough for the gods, who shared a look.

"We owe you an explanation, darling. But first, would you prefer I stay like this or take my true form?" Śmierć asked, and you looked at her one last time, thinking. This could be the last time you saw Miss Peregrine, but at the same time it wasn't her.

"You can change."

The goddess nodded and stepped back, enveloping herself in shadow. When she emerged, she was as tall as Miłość. She looked much like the polar opposite of the other goddess, long straight jet black hair cascading down her back. Her eyes were a piercing blue, surrounded by sun kissed skin. She was wearing black flowing robes, hemmed in a shiny gold. And you saw wings sprouting from her back, exactly like your own. You looked between the two, marveling at how beautiful they both were.

"It's time to explain." The light goddess looked to her companion, who nodded.

"As my dear Miłość has informed you, you are an angel. But you're not just any angel. You see, a long time ago, when the earth was still newly born, two goddesses fell in love. Love and Death." She crossed in front of you and took the hand of her... Lover? "We lived a long time, just contented with each other's company. We were an unlikely couple, always pitted against each other by others. But truly we were deeply in love. And one day, we made a decision. Two mortal women cannot have a biological child with just each other, but with gods it's a bit... Different. If a god and a goddess marry and have a child, the child is a demi-god. If two gods have a child, a demon. And if two goddesses have one?" She paused and looked to Miłość, who looked down at you.

"An angel." She finished.

Your brain seemed to short circuit on itself, as you looked down at your body and then back up at the two in front of you.

"So I'm your... You're my-" You shook your head, too in shock to even continue.

"We're your mothers, yes."

"Jesus Christ."

"He's not your mother." Miłość giggled, and you looked up at her. You thought you might have passed out, had you actually been living.

"So why did I leave here in the first place? Why was I... Uh. Sent? To earth?"

"Well, it's against the rules for gods to raise their angelic or demonic offspring. Takes away from their jobs and all that. So we had to send you down, wiping your memory of us in the process. But we also... Sort of made a bet." Love started, and Death finished her thought.

"A bet which I won. We wanted to see whether love or death would persevere."

"You did not win!"

"So I'm a game to the two of you?" You interrupted incredulously.

"No, no. You're not a game. We love you dearly. You're our own child." Love amended. "Śmierć does love to win, but we realized that there is no match between love and death. We must work simultaneously, or else life is not life. One of us is nothing without the other."

"Okay. So. I'm an angel, the offspring of two of the most famous and legendary goddesses there are-"

"Oh, don't let the others hear you say that. They don't like that." Śmierć interrupted.

"Got it. But like, why did you kill me if I'm literally your kid?" You asked the death goddess, who sighed.

"I didn't kill you. I don't kill people. I just bring them here. Common mistake, but it makes people hate me. I didn't kill you, though." She shrugged and put a hand on your shoulder, both of them kneeling down to your level.

"So what now?"

"Now you can live like us."

A/n- just a little more gays! i hope this didn't come too much out of nowhere, and also i hope that you didn't guess it. and that it makes sense. lmao i'll see you gays in the next chapter!!

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now