Chapter Twenty Five- Angel

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You and Miss Peregrine had been together for a full year now, and it was your anniversary. Though things were in a bit of an uproar, you intended to make the most of it.

A teenage boy named Jacob Portman had arrived recently, bringing a whirlwind of new to the loop. You hadn't spoken to him a ton, but he seemed nice, though his feelings for your blonde best friend were not exactly well hidden. And dear Miss Avocet had just come flying into the loop, so most of Miss Peregrine's time was occupied taking care of her. You knew it was important though, so you didn't mind. Now she was back in human form and had warned you all that Barron was on the move again, which was extremely scary.

But all of this had been pushed to the back of your mind as you woke up on the morning of your anniversary. You opened your eyes to find yourself cuddled up to your blue haired beauty, head on her chest and arms thrown tightly around her waist, legs tangled together under the covers. You looked up at her peaceful face, expecting to find her still asleep, but you were startled to see her bright gaze trained solely on you. She had a completely love struck look on her face, which made you giggle. You'd never get sick of seeing the way she looked at you, feeling the way she held you, your bodies pressing together so perfectly.

"Good morning, Fay." You leaned up to kiss her on the cheek, voice raspy with sleep.

"Good morning my angel. And happy anniversary." She stroked your cheek and kissed your forehead gently.

"Happy anniversary. I'm so honored to be able to call you mine." You hooked a leg over her thighs to pull her closer, wrapping your arms tighter around her and kissing her neck softly. "A full year. It feels like it's been a lifetime. A wonderful, perfect lifetime." You sighed contentedly and breathed in her scent of pipe smoke, the very one the comforted you every time you were overwhelmed, or upset, or angry. Her scent and the feeling of her arms around you, and her lips placing tiny kisses on the top of your head.

"I love you so much." Your heart felt like it was going to explode at her words. You returned the sentiment, reaching up with one hand and pulling her face down to yours in a sweet kiss.

"I love you more than you'll ever know, Alma." You grinned and touched your nose to hers. That had become a silent form of communication between the two of you, a symbol of your love. It was small, but so significant and special to both of you.

You had exactly seven minutes left before the two of you had to get up, and you spent that seven minutes talking quietly, flirting, and just basking in your love for one another.


"I'm going out. I'll be back in a little bit. I love you, Fay!" You called out to the ymbryne as you walked out the door, cane in hand. You crossed the soft grass, your mind whirling with your plan. You were going to the present for the first time since your trip to Miss Bluejay's loop. Your trip wouldn't take long, but it was necessary. You wanted to make your anniversary special, and you knew exactly how to do it.


A while after you had left, the dark haired Jacob Portman came through the entrance to the loop.

"Hello! Is that you, young man?" A voice called. Jacob knew it, it was that birdwatcher he and his dad had met on the beach. So he was peculiar.

Little did the naive boy know, that man was one of the most infamous wights ever to walk the earth.


"Miss Peregrine! What a pleasure to meet you at last. May we come in?" There was clearly no option. Miss Peregrine took in the sight of Jacob, Barron's knife held to his throat. Nodding slowly, she permitted them to step inside. "Children, would you make your way down the stairs, please?" The wight grinned, sharp teeth glinting in the light as he stared at the group of peculiar children crowded on the staircase. His focus snapped back to the ymbryne though when she spoke, simply unable to restrain herself from taking her authority back.

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