Chapter Two- Demon

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At the table after gathering your friends, you were seated in your spot between Olive and Emma, chatting easily with them.
"So, how's the flirting going?" Olive asked, a playful glint in her eye.

"Woah, what flirting? Y/n, have you finally agreed to flirt with her?" Emma interjected.

"Yeah, I agreed to it. But it's not going too well. I may or may not have run away." You admitted, rubbing the back of your neck and glancing up at the woman you're in love with, seated at the head of the table. You hadn't spoken to her since that moment earlier, though it was all that you could think about.

"What? Why did you run?!" Olive exclaimed quietly, and you were suddenly very thankful everyone else was too into their own conversations to be listening to the three of you.

"Cause I was embarrassed. I basically told her that she looked really nice today- Which was really stupid because she looks the SAME as always, though that same is still gorgeous and stunning but anyways, then I said we didn't tell her how pretty she is often enough and then rambled about having an 'attractive headmistress', cussed, and eventually ran away. I'm apparently not good at flirting with women anymore." You explained, pushing your food ashamedly around on your plate.

"Anymore?" Emma asked.

"I dated a couple women, back before I found the loop. My parents hated it. They were furious. How do you not know this?"

"I did know about you dating women, but you can date without being good at flirting."

"Oh shit, I guess that's true."

"Language." Olive elbowed you playfully.

"Fuck off, fire head."


"Y/n, if the Bird hears you talking like that, you're dead." Emma hissed.

"Maybe she'll punish me." You winked, watching as Emma's eyes widened and she caught your meaning.

"Y/n!" The blonde shrieked and slapped your arm.

"What? I'm just playing." You shrugged innocently and turned back to your food, shoveling the last bit into your mouth. You sat back, satisfied, and looked back over at the pale woman that you were so enamored with, sighing lightly.

"I wish there was something more we could do for you, y/n. But as long as you refuse to tell her, we can't help you." Emma noticed the way you were looking at the woman.

"I'm not telling her unless I'm sure that she loves me as well. I'm not into the idea of getting my heart broken like that, then having to live around her forever." You shot back quietly, resignation clear in your voice. "Hey Miss P, instead of watching movies tonight, could I possibly go for a fly? Just to check the loop and make sure that no one is trying to get in." You spoke up, straightening your spine and watching as she examined you, thinking.

"I'd rather you didn't. It could be dangerous."

"I'm an adult."

"You're also one of my wards."

"I promise, I'll be careful."

"Fine. Just this once, but it will not become a habit." You beamed and stood, thanking the woman. "Do not leave the loop. Be back by reset. If you're not, there will be consequences."

"Promise." You exited the big house, and by then the sun was just starting to set. You leapt into the air and flapped your wings, creating a great gust of wind as you hurtled through the air with a grin. You flew over the village, breathing in the scent of beer and smoke from the pub, The Priest Hole. You landed outside, folding your wings neatly behind you and brushing your jeans off.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now