Chapter Five- Who the Hell?

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A couple weeks had passed, and you were growing really confident in flirting with your headmistress. Every day you sought her out, and you'd begun spending quite a lot of time together. She didn't seem particularly bothered by your advances, which made you even more confident. You started brushing her hand with your own as you walked by her, running your fingers teasingly over her back as you passed behind her... Various little things like that. You also made a point to compliment her at every given opportunity. You still technically didn't know whether she liked women, but you were fairly certain. You also had yet to come out to her, but you were planning to do so very soon.

But that's not exactly all that you were planning.

You knelt in the garden with Fiona, whom you had finally told about your feelings toward the headmistress. She was a little wary at first, but she did accept it, and was actively helping you collect a pretty bouquet of flowers. She held her hands out and grew you a large rose bush, which you thanked her for. You reached out to pick four of the prettiest roses.

"Ow, shit." You hissed, yanking your hand back and sucking on your index finger.

"Ah, the thorns! I forgot them. I'm so sorry, y/n." The brunette held her hands out again and you watched the thorns disappear.

"It's cool, Fee." You removed your finger from your mouth and shook your hand out, then tried again. This time you successfully got the roses, picking out an extra two as well to make six. Fiona grew you a few other types of plants that she said would perfectly accent your little bouquet and you stood, taking a deep breath. "Thank you so much for your assistance. I'll make sure to tell you how it goes." You grinned down at the girl, who grinned back.

"No problem. Any time. Best of luck!"

"Thanks!" You waved and ran off to find Olive and Emma, which wasn't too hard, considering their voices could be heard conversing from all the way across the garden. "Hey idiots!"

"Y/n, we're not idiots." Emma groaned, turning to meet you.

"No, you're my idiots. Deal with it." You gave her a cheeky smirk and fist bumped Olive. You had quite a modern effect on the loop in the years you've been here. You were quite proud of it. "Also, I'm telling her today."

They both squealed in unison.

"FINALLY!" Olive yelled, wrapping you in a huge hug.

"It's about time, y/n!" Emma joined in, hugging you tightly too.

"I know, I know. I've been flirting with her a lot lately, and she seems to be cool with it, so I think maybe? I just hope it goes well." You shrugged. "Or I guess I'll be living in complete embarrassment forever." You laughed awkwardly.

"Hey, you know how she is. Even if she doesn't feel the same, you know she'll do everything in her power to not make things weird. The Bird cares about you, no matter what." Emma pulled back and put a hand on your shoulder.

"Thank you, Em. You're probably right. I just hope it goes okay." You fretted, examining the grass on the ground thoroughly.

"It'll be fine, y/n. When are you gonna do it?" Olive questioned, looking at the flowers clutched in your fist. You had tied a dark blue ribbon around them, in honor of the love of blue that Miss Peregrine clearly had.

"As soon as possible." You said as you glanced toward the house.

"GO!" They chorused, both pushing you in the direction of the house.

"Fine, fine." You took a deep breath. "Wish me luck, girls." With that you strode off and heard their excited chatter growing distant. Your heart beat faster with every step you took, nerves getting the best of you as you ran over what you were going to say a million times in your head.

By the time you arrived back at the house, you were completely certain of every word that would come out of your mouth. You entered and hid the flowers behind your back, before finally beginning your search for Miss Peregrine. You found her in the room where she taught the children, giving Claire a lesson about spelling.

"Oh, hey Miss Peregrine! Funny seeing you here. There's something I need to talk to you privately about, can we meet in the living room in about ten minutes?"

"Yes, of course. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's great, Miss P. See you in ten." You gave her a smile and backed out of the room, shutting the door after you with a nervous sigh and making your way to the living room. Your wings fluttered and your knee bounced anxiously as you rehearsed what you were going to say one last time. You paced the living room, flowers behind your back, as you waited.

Birds, y/n, stop wiggling!

Soon you heard the familiar clicking of heels and stilled yourself, facing the doorway. When you saw Miss Peregrine come into view, your nerves shot up in your stomach and made you almost feel physically sick. You were rooted to the spot as she approached you, a questioning look on her face.

"Y/n, are you alright? You look paler than usual." She placed a hand on your face and ran her sharp thumbnail over your cheekbone.

"Uh- I- yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry." You choked out, tightening your grip on the hidden bouquet.

"If you say so. Now, what was it you needed to speak with me about?" She stepped back and folded her hands in front of her.

"Yeah, that. Uh, you know it's funny, I had like an entire plan here, I scripted this but I can't remember a single word now. I guess I'm just gonna say it right out. So uh, without further ado. Miss Peregrine, I-" You were suddenly cut off by several sharp knocks on the front door. Your shoulders dropped as her head whipped around to look in that direction.

"I'm so sorry dear. I must see who that is. We will talk later." She gave you an apologetic look and hurried off, leaving you standing alone in the living room.

"Why the fuck do I ramble so much..." You looked down at the ground and bit your lip, hard enough to hurt. You screwed it up, you missed your chance, and now she was off busy again. Your head lifted when you heard voices coming from the foyer- The Bird's soft, familiar, comfortingly feminine voice, and what sounds like a grown man.

You grew curious and made your way to the foyer, hiding behind a wall and listening in. You couldn't hear everything that they were saying, but you did catch that the man was from a couple years after your time, peculiar (obviously, y/n, he was in a loop), and that was about it. You heard Miss Peregrine introduce herself, and briefly mention her wards. At the mention of you and your friends, you stepped around the corner to introduce yourself. But before alerting them of your presence, you examined this strange man. He was tall, with medium length brown hair. He wore an open flannel over a tight black t-shirt and some faded jeans.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Alma." He called her by her first name and you froze. Why did he get to, and you didn't? She had literally just met him.

But what really got you is when he took her hand and lifted it to his mouth, laying a gentle kiss on her knuckles, and she turned bright fucking red. And that brought your attention to how she was looking at him. She was looking at this man that she barely met five minutes ago in the exact same way you knew you looked at her. Tears welled up in your eyes and you threw the roses back into the living room, before stalking wordlessly up to the two. The only thing that gave you away was the uncharacteristically heavy stomping of your combat boots.

"Y/n! I'd like you to meet-" The woman began, but you continued walking past her and cut her off when your hand was on the doorknob.

"I'm going outside." Your voice was harsh and cold as you threw the door open, stepped outside, and slammed it behind you, leaving a bewildered Miss Peregrine standing still hand in hand with this man.

Remember when you said you couldn't get your heart broken if you didn't tell her?


You were wrong.

A/n- hey gays ;) so here you go, DRAMA, hope you like this shit. who is this dude? why's he in the loop? guess you'll find out

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