Chapter Eight- A Bother

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You arrived downstairs, and who was the first person you see? The very last person you wanted to. You groaned internally as he spotted you and made his way slowly over.

"Hey, y/n. Alma's been looking for you all morning. She's a nervous wreck."

"Good to know she noticed." You muttered bitterly. "I've been in my room. You can tell her that, the next time you spend time together, which I'm sure won't be long." You turned to walk away but he caught your wrist.

"No, she'll want to see you. I'll take you to her."

"My head hurts, I'd rather take some medicine for it." You yanked your hand away and stalked off. You heard the light tapping of his cane as he followed. Miss Peregrine had gotten him that too, so that he could make his way around the unfamiliar house. He had apparently left his in the present or some dumb bullshit like that.

"I'll take you to her afterwards then." He stood there like a wet tissue as you grabbed a bottle of medicine for your head and downed a couple dry pills.

"Birds, you're persistent as hell. Lead on, lover boy." You growled, following him as he led you to Miss Peregrine's office. He knocked on the door and she admitted the two of you.

"Y/n. Where were you?" She immediately asked, overwhelmed with relief that you're okay. "Asher, you can go."

"I'd actually rather he stayed." You said quietly, hovering in the doorway. No matter how much you disliked the new man, the very last thing you wanted was to be left alone with the woman.

"Very well then. Now come in, sit down, there's no reason to hover all the way over there. Where were you?" She asked again.

"I was in my room. I overslept. I'm really sorry." You sat in an armchair in front of her desk.

"You overslept until 2:48 pm? I find that very hard to believe. Why were you so tired?" You rubbed your temples, simultaneously trying to rid yourself of the headache and think of a lie.

"I was sick last night. My stomach." You finally said, after a much too long pause. Miss Peregrine rose and came to stand in front of you, kneeling down between your knees and taking your face in her slender hands. It was everything you could do to not flinch away from her touch, the touch that you craved so badly.

"Darling, why didn't you come to find me if you were sick?"

"Didn't want to bother you and Asher." You murmured. Your stomach hurt and your head was still pounding, you just wanted to get out of there. Neither of you even noticed when Asher slipped out of the room, leaving the two of you alone to have your moment.

"Honey, you're not a bother. You're never going to be a bother." She stroked your cheekbone and tilted your chin up so you were forced to meet her eyes. Those eyes that you could lose yourself in every day for eternity, and still find something new each time. "You're still sick, aren't you?"

"A little. My head hurts badly. And my stomach isn't too great either." You said. You knew you'd made a mistake when you saw her sniff the air and narrow her eyes just fractionally, but it was more than enough to make you panic.

"Y/n y/l/n. Are you hungover?" She hissed, standing and dragging you up with her.

"I- n-no, I'm just sick. I had like one shot last night to see if it would help me feel better." You blatantly lied, and you were certain she didn't fully believe you.

"And just where did you get a shot? I don't allow alcohol in this house, so I know you certainly did not get it here." Her eyes burned as you steadily held her gaze.

Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now