Chapter Twenty Three- Never Forget

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"What? What do you mean you can't, darling?" Miss Peregrine stepped forward to be closer to you. You took a shaky breath as she continued speaking. "You're healed almost completely. That should be enough."

"Yeah, it should! It should definitely be enough, but I can't! It's like I never could. When I tried when I was still too injured and stuck in bird form, I could feel my form trying to change at least, but NOTHING is happening!" You banged your cane on the ground to emphasize your points. Your voice was frantic and loud, an accurate reflection of the roaring in your ears and mind.

"Calm down. Breathe. It's okay."

"Fuck no! It's not okay. In no realm is it okay. I am not peculiar anymore." The last sentence hit you like a truck, your words airy and unreal and volume suddenly gone. "I'm not peculiar anymore." Your body stilled and you stared straight into Miss Peregrine's eyes.

"You are still peculiar, love. You are still in this loop, aren't you? You don't reset daily with the normals. There is still some part of you that is peculiar." She reached forward and wiped some of your tears away with the pad of her thumb.

"It's nothing more than cosmetic now. It's my stupid eyes. That's the only thing special left about me." You backed away from her and turned your back, wiping the rest of your tears with your sleeve, though they were quickly replaced with a fresh wave.

She came behind you and turned you around, kissing both your cheeks, then your forehead, and the tip of your nose.

"Everything about you is special. The way you move, your voice, your personality, even your stinky morning breath. Y/n, you are the most special, beautiful, and wonderfully unique creature that I have ever met, with or without your peculiarity." She settled her forehead against yours and looked into your golden eyes, watching the way they swirled beautifully and shone like pools of liquid gold and honey. The two of you just breathed each other in for a moment as you allowed yourself to calm down. She held your gaze with those calming, serene eyes of hers that always brought such comfort any time you were upset. "I love you, y/n." She whispered. Your eyes widened in shock and you took the smallest step back, your lips parting just slightly as she carefully measured your reaction. When you didn't speak for a long moment, she began to get worried that perhaps this was too soon, or perhaps you were put off by it-

"I love you too, Alma Peregrine. I love you so much." You blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill again and smiled at her as best you could. "I never thought I'd get to hear you say that." She lit up and reached out to take your hand, lacing your fingers together and kissing the back of it gently.

"I never thought I'd say it to one of my wards. But you're so much more than that. And this?" She pressed your hand to her heart, where you felt the quick fluttering of her heartbeat, the only sign of her nerves. "This is yours." She then gave you a warm smile, and you saw hesitation and worry flash across her features. You gave her a curious look and suddenly she visibly seemed nervous. "Y/n, would this be a bad time to ask you if you would be my girlfriend?"

Your breathing stuttered before finally you just held your breath, unable to move or speak for a moment as your brain struggled to comprehend. Did she really just ask you that? The thing you had spent the past four years dreaming about, did she actually just ask you? It only took you about ten seconds to respond, but to the anxious woman it felt like a lifetime.

"It's not a bad time at all, Alma. I would love that more than anything." She grinned and stepped forward, pulling your body against hers and catching your lips in a passionate kiss. Her hands found their way to your hair and tangled in it, twisting the strands around her fingers as she held your face in its position. Yours rested on her hips, pulling them flush against your own as your fingers massaged little circles into her skin. You smirked against her mouth as your hands slipped just a bit further back and down, until they rested right on her ass. You felt her grip tighten in your hair ever so slightly and your smirk grew as you squeezed gently.
"Perfect." You murmured, lips not even disconnecting fully from hers.

You felt her face heat up and let out a little giggle as you pulled back to look at her. Your theory was correct, her face was bright red and her pupils were blown. You chuckled quietly at her state and leaned your forehead against hers.

"I love you, darling." You murmured, pulling her down to sit on the bed with you.

"I love you too, my special girl." It was your turn to blush now as you cuddled into her side, wrapping both your arms around her middle and laying your head on her chest. "You're mine. Don't you ever forget that."

"I'll never forget it, Alma. Never. I promise."

She scooted further on the bed and laid down, you followed suit and settled your face into the crook of her neck as you sprawled across her. You felt her soft, familiar lips place a chaste kiss on your cheek before she started rubbing your back gently, still careful to avoid your new scars. They were no longer open wounds, but they were bruised and still tender. You loved how considerate she was, about every little thing. She was so careful to never cause you any pain or to allow anyone else to do so either.

You started pressing soft little kisses on her neck where your face was buried, she didn't notice at first until they started becoming firmer- In an attempt to get her to notice, of course. She smiled to herself as she felt your lips start to move further up her neck, her grip around you tightening ever so slightly when you sucked lightly on her pulse point.

"Y/n." She said quietly, sighing out your name airily.

"Hmm?" You smirked against her skin as you continued your trail up. She didn't answer you, just trying to steady her breathing as you seemed to be trying to kill the poor woman. Finally your lips hovered right next to her ear and you knew your voice would be husky and deep, so you took the opportunity to see how far you could push her. "Bet you didn't know that I'm very good in bed." You ended your sentence with a gentle nip to the shell of her ear. "You'd like to find out, wouldn't you, Miss?" You pulled back with a wicked smirk plastered across your face, taking in the sight of the blushing mess that was now Alma Peregrine. You arched an eyebrow, prompting her to stutter out a response.

"I... M-Maybe." She stammered out, gripping your hips as though she were holding on for dear life.

"Hm. That's a shame, then, cause death boy is probably downstairs right now waiting for you to bring him some fresh meat." You were off her in an instant, gripping your cane and standing before she could even think to protest. You held out a hand for the flustered woman, who glared at you and took it.

"That was mean." She mumbled, brushing off her skirt and she stood.

"I know." You winked and she smacked your forearm gently.

"I'll get you back for that."


Only Yours in my Dreams // Alma Peregrine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now