Chapter Sixteen- Śmierć

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You hadn't brought any belongings with you, so there was nothing to pack, but you did have quite the time figuring out how exactly you were to get home. You still had trouble walking so that was out of the question, plus it would be ridiculous to try to walk across Wales. You couldn't transform, you were still far too injured to even consider it. You obviously couldn't fly.

"I have a ward named Marcus, his peculiarity is teleportation. It would be risky, as he's still quite young and inexperienced with teleporting extra people, but we could try it. Though he can only teleport to places that he's seen." Miss Bluejay explained, sitting in a chair by your bed. You were still laying on your stomach in bed, Miss Peregrine seated beside you, running a taloned hand absently through your hair. You didn't have the energy to protest so you had given in, allowing her to be affectionate though you knew there was nothing there.

"Well, that's certainly an issue. Y/n, you didn't happen to bring a picture of home, did you? I know you like taking pictures." The ravenette asked you.

You just shook your head and closed your eyes again. You were tired, so very tired. You just wanted to rest. You didn't want to look at her, and honestly you were afraid to be around her after she had kissed you. But she was so oblivious, she obviously didn't know that you had feelings for her, it was just a motherly gesture. There wasn't a heated passion, it was just the lightest peck. It was one sided, it had only meant anything to you. But now there was a rippling tension in the air between the two of you. You felt it and so did she.

She was massively regretting kissing you after what you had said. It was clear to her that you no longer loved her, and she didn't know why, but it sent a twinge through her heart. But what truly mattered is that you were coming home.

"Wait. Wait, yeah I did. But it was in the pocket of my jeans which he..." You trailed off and your face contorted into one of pain and grief.

"What? He- Who is he?" Miss Peregrine asked but Miss Bluejay sent her a look over you and shook her head gently.

"I still have your jeans, dear. I'll go and get them." The older woman said, standing and exiting the room. She returned shortly with a pair of black jeans, though they were torn and the button on the waistband was missing, the zipper appearing broken. Miss Bluejay had handed them to Miss Peregrine who was now inspecting them. She shoved her hand into one of the pockets, nothing, then she checked another and found the photograph in question, though it was torn and had clearly been through a lot.

"Will this work, Miss Bluejay?" She held out the tattered pieces and the ymbryne took them from her acquaintance.

"I think he'll be able to see enough of it to get you there. I'll go get him." She left, meaning you and Miss Peregrine were left alone again. You kept your eyes closed but listened to the familiar sound of the dark haired beauty checking her watch.

"If he succeeds, we'll be back home by lunch." She muttered, you heard the rustling of her jacket as she put her watch back in its place.

"Cool." You murmured, burying your face in the pillow.

"Y/n, what happened to you?" She asked softly, running her fingers again through your hair. You tensed but were saved from answering by soft knocks on the door, followed by Miss Bluejay entering with a very small boy in her arms.

"This is Marcus. He's going to try to take you home, won't you, Marcus?" The little boy nodded and grinned at the two of you. You opened your eyes and craned your head to look at him, shocked to see that he was only roughly six years old. You felt your anxiety spike up and your hands started twitching nervously.

You could die if he didn't get this right.

Though, you thought, perhaps that might not be so bad.

It would get you out of going back. Out of facing her. Out of living a life missing a part of yourself. It would get you out of facing what had happened, and by the birds it would grant you a sweet escape from the aching love you felt for Alma LeFay Peregrine.

"He wants you to take his hands." Miss Bluejay said. You then realized that he was grasping at you and quickly took his hand, maneuvering in a way that didn't hurt your back.

"You'll have to stand, darling. Can you do that?" The younger ymbryne was now standing, hand in hand with the little boy. You nodded and started to roll over, but quickly realized that hurt like hell. You let out a whimper and Miss Peregrine rushed to your side, helping you to stand with as little pain as possible. Once you were upright you let out a rather loud groan and she wrapped an arm around your waist, supporting the whole of your weight. She took Marcus's hand in her free one once again and Miss Bluejay hovered behind you, holding up the pieces of the picture.

"Goodbye, y/n. Heal well, and by the birds be careful and rest. It's been lovely to protect and care for you." You looked back to meet her gaze and nodded with respect.

"Thank you for everything, Miss. Would you tell Lou I said goodbye? And the others, of course. Ash, and Addie." You had made a few friends, caring people in Miss Bluejay's loop. Lou was sweet, a French teen who would come to your room and read their books to you. Ash was from your time, fairly new to peculiarity, so you talked about your experiences with her. And Addie was lovely, she didn't talk much but when she did she was wonderful to hold conversation with. You'd truly miss them, but it was time to go home.

"Of course, dear. They'll miss you. Goodbye, Miss Peregrine. It's been a pleasure to see you again."

"Same to you. Stay well, Miss Bluejay."

The older woman nodded at the little boy, who shut his eyes and squeezed your hands. You looked over at Miss Peregrine, just before you fell into blackness. It felt as though you were being stretched, torn limb from limb, as you tumbled through the lonely darkness. You tried to call out for Miss Peregrine but all that came out was an incoherent scream.

Suddenly everything was bright, so bright, you squinted to look around. All you saw was color... Bright, beautiful color. It was almost like the air itself was shimmering with rainbow. Your eyes were quickly adjusting, now you were able to see the greenest grass you'd ever seen under your feet. You leaned down to touch it, discovering that it was so soft. But when you stood straight up again, you saw a shadowed figure clad in black. Looking at them harder, you saw that it was Miss Peregrine, wearing a simple black dress that accented her curves just perfectly. You raised a hand to wave at her and she grinned back at you, opening her mouth to speak.

"Come to me, child."

You started with a panic. Her mouth was moving, it was her speaking, but it wasn't her voice. It wasn't the calming motherly, smooth voice you loved so much. It was deeper, raspy, terrifying. And it was coming from everywhere. That voice was coming from all around you, it's source was not the woman's mouth.

That's when you realized the pain in your back was completely gone. You were whole again. And you were aware that you had large black wings on your back again.

"I will never let you win, Śmierć."

A second voice, smooth and feminine, rang through the air like the chime of bells. The name was familiar to you, instilling fear and panic in your heart as you realized where you were- And who was standing in front of you. It wasn't your ymbryne, but an illusion of who you loved most in the world. You watched as the fake Miss Peregrine stepped toward you, holding a hand out, but before you could do anything else you fell into the empty blackness and were alone once more. Before you completely blacked out, though, you heard a familiar voice, crying out with grief.

"Y/n, please wake up, darling."

A/n- gays, don't you dare google what that name means istg

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