Chapter Seven- Desperate

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He had now been here for seven days.

They had been some of the worst seven days of your life.

You acted as normal as you could, but it was clear to those who payed close enough attention that you were utterly broken-hearted. Though, the cause of it had not noticed even once.

All of the time that you had begun spending with your headmistress, getting to know her? Gone. All of the attention that she gave you? Gone. It's all for mister fancy pants Asher. You sat there at the table at every meal, watching them talking quietly to each other, him making her laugh, that pretty sound that was always so hard to get out. He got it so easily. You just knew they were holding hands under the table. They were terrible at hiding it.

You tried to be happy. After all, this was exactly what you wanted. You had wanted Miss Peregrine to be happy, and you still did, but you wanted that happiness to come from you. But no, this man had to just stumble right into your lives at exactly the wrong time.

You avoided him as much as you could. You didn't trust him, and plus he was an empath, you didn't need him reading your feelings or your mind or your past or whatever the fuck he did. You didn't even know and you didn't care to find out. So instead of risking run-ins with him, you began sulking with Enoch, who was also quite unhappy about his presence. You two spent hours talking about your peculiarities or how much you didn't like Asher. You had eventually admitted to Enoch that you had feelings for Miss Peregrine, though he had already figured that out when you owned up to liking girls. You had also told him exactly what happened that day that Asher came into the loop.

Now here you were, sitting at the dinner table, while Miss Peregrine and Asher stood together at the end of it. You rolled your eyes internally and moved your attention to them.

"Children, we have an announcement." Miss Peregrine began.

"We're officially a couple!" Asher hurriedly exclaimed, kissing your headmistress on the cheek. Your eyes widened and you clenched your fists under the table as you tried to force yourself to smile.

"Isn't it a little soon for that?" It slipped out of your mouth and you grimaced as Miss Peregrine's sharp gaze snapped to you.

"We can move as slowly or as quickly as we'd like, Miss y/l/n. It's hardly your concern." She said sharply and you tightened your fists, leaving little crescent shapes in your palms from your nails. Olive put a hand on your back.

That night, you decided to go to the pub and drink away some of your problems. After reset, when you knew your headmistress had tucked everyone in and put them to bed (Except you, because you were an adult. That was the one instance in which you actually wished she'd treat you like the rest of the kids.) and gone to bed herself, you stood up quietly and opened your closet. You rifled through the clothes and pulled out a long black trench coat, which you had always worn when you needed to hide your wings. You folded it up and tucked it under an arm, grabbing some money from your vanity drawer too. You opened your window and climbed out, jumping off the little ledge and catching yourself on your wings. You flew back up to shut it, then made your way through the air to the pub. You landed right outside the village, carefully folding your wings and putting the trench coat on over them, effectively hiding them. Striding towards the pub, you noticed that it was decently empty. Perfect.

"What can I get you, pretty lass?" The bartender asked. You brushed off the name and looked behind him.

"Whatever your strongest is." You said, your eyes dull, the usual shine gone.

"Aye. Drinking pain away huh lass? Got it. Coming right up." He turned and mixed you up a drink, and you didn't even care to ask what it was. When he set it in front of you, you took a large gulp and winced as it burned it's way down your throat and into your stomach. While you were nursing your alcohol, an objectively attractive man came up beside you and took the seat next to you at the bar. You didn't notice him until he spoke to you.

"Ello, pretty lady." He turned to you, speaking with a heavy welsh accent. "Can I get you the next round?"

"Sure, why not." You weren't exactly in the mood to talk, but this man seemed persistent.

"Where're you from?"


"What's your name?"

"Angelica." You lied, making up a random name on the spot.

"Well, Angelica, it's lovely to meet you." He grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it roughly as you downed the rest of your drink, you weren't in the same mindset as usual, you'd usually have pushed him away. You were more than tipsy by then, just a little drunk. The man got you another drink and you downed that one too, faster than the first. You started to feel lightheaded and more open to the man's advances, soon enough you'd downed another and he'd pulled you away into a booth, and you were leaned up against him. An idea formed in your not-so-sober mind, one that might just work.

You needed a distraction from Miss Peregrine.

"Kiss me." You giggled drunkenly, making a kissy face to him.

"You're drunk." He said, traces of concern in his voice.

"I-" you were cut off by a hiccup, "Am not drunk." Before he could protest more, your soft lips were on his rough ones and he made a surprised noise in the back of his throat. You smiled against his mouth as he kissed back, before he pushed his tongue past your lips and into your mouth. Your bodies pressed together, similar to the way yours and Miss Peregrine's- Stop it, y/n. Focus. Your lips moved more insistently against his and you clambered over into his lap, fully making out with him. His hands fell to rest on your hips and yours fumbled to curl around his neck. He tasted of strong whiskey and the stubble on his face was painful against your smooth skin, but you ignored it, too desperate to care in the slightest. You gasped as he tore his mouth away from yours and attached it to your neck, leaving rough kisses.

"Don't- hickey." You gasped out and he nodded quickly, softening his attack. You glanced outside and what little part of you was still sober realized that the sun was rising and you'd been out longer than you thought. You climbed off his lap and whispered an apology, stumbling out of the pub and transforming into a raven when no one was looking. You flew quickly back to the house and up to your window, cursing yourself for shutting it behind you. You saw that you couldn't get in that way and landed at the front door, shifting back into human form and drunkenly struggling with the doorknob. You finally got it open and snuck in as quietly as possible, making your way successfully up to your room and collapsing on the bed, passing out almost instantly.

You were passed out so hard that you didn't hear Miss Peregrine's knocks on your locked door, trying to summon you to breakfast. You didn't hear her or any of the others calling your name, desperately trying to find you. You didn't wake up until after lunch, and when you did you groaned loudly. Your wings were twisted under the trench coat which you had failed to remember to take off, so they were stiff and sore, and your head was positively pounding, you were left with a heavy hangover from all that you drank last night. You tried to stand and stumbled, clutching your head with another low groan. You took off the trench coat and changed slowly, careful of your sore wings and pulsing headache that seemed to have its own heartbeat. You looked in the mirror as you brushed your hair and saw that you were an absolute mess, your makeup streaked and eyes puffy. You did your best to clean up and look presentable before finally coming out of your room and making your way downstairs.

A/n- men? really, y/n?

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