Chapter Four- The Little Moments

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You were deep in your stories, curled up peacefully on the loveseat in the warm sun with your wings wrapped around you like a blanket. The big book was balanced carefully in your lap as you read quickly, turning the pages with the lovely familiar noise of a vintage book. When you felt the loveseat sink down next to you, a warm hand on your shoulder, the book fell off your lap with a heavy thud as you jumped with a start.

"I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean to scare you." The dark haired beauty apologized softly, then reached down to pick up the book from the ground.

"It's quite alright, Miss P. Sorry for not being present." You laughed, taking the book back and setting it on the table beside you.

"I brought tea." She motioned to the coffee table in front of you, and you noticed a tray with tea and little cookies.

"Thank you." You took your teacup and she took hers, sipping daintily. You sneakily watched her, your heart melting every time she did so much as twitch. You ached so badly to just blurt out your feelings, and almost did, but you bit your tongue. You bit it so hard, in fact, that you faintly tasted blood. You winced and she gave you a quizzical look.

"I bit my tongue." You smiled sheepishly, and she hummed.

"I do hope you're alright, dear." She joked, knowing you were perfectly fine. You nodded and took a cookie, giving her another smile.

Why did I think this was a good idea? What did I think I'd do when I got here?

"So, uh." You paused, thinking of what to say. "Have you ever been in love?" It flew from your mouth before you could even think to stop it. She looked taken aback for a moment and a horrified look crossed your face. "I'm so sorry, that was so rude of me-" You were cut off by her... Laughing? She was laughing. Okay, definitely not what you were expecting, but you weren't about to complain about the gorgeous sound.

"It's alright. You just caught me off guard. No, I haven't, but I've had feelings. They've just not quite blossomed into love yet."

Wait, what? What does she mean by yet? Does she currently have feelings for someone?

Could she feel the same towards me?

Is she talking about me?

You got excited and a grin broke out across your face. You wanted to ask her, but you didn't, you didn't want to put her on the spot and force anything on her. You were sure she'd tell you in her own time. "Really? That's cool. Have you ever been in a relationship?" You asked instead.

"Yes, I have. When I was training to become a proper ymbryne. Have you?" She said vaguely, clearly not wanting to get into details. You didn't push her, and instead answered her question.

"Yeah. I've been in a few." You shrugged. "Obviously none of them lasted."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I dumped all of them, except one. Sh- He dumped me, on Valentine's Day." You caught yourself and played it off with a cough. You had a slight stutter sometimes, so you prayed she just thought of it as that.

"Oh, dear. That's very bad timing. I'm so sorry, y/n." She put a comforting arm around you, setting down her now empty teacup. You followed suit, scooting closer to her and leaning your head on her shoulder. A tear slipped down your cheek as you thought of your ex lover.

"I really thought... He loved me." You whispered. When she had dumped you, you had been broken for months. You still were, honestly. But Miss Peregrine had helped heal you, by just being present in your life. She made things better, just as she always had. Until just then, she never even knew about your ex. You hadn't opened up about the breakup to anyone in the loop, not even Emma and Olive.

Can anyone ever really love me?

"Of course they can, y/n. Don't say such things. You are so worthy and completely lovable, anyone would be lucky to have you." You hadn't realized that you spoken aloud, until she squeezed you and rubbed your arm, speaking comforting words.

"Thank you, Miss Peregrine." Your voice quivered and you snuggled closer into her side. Your tears created a small wet spot on her jacket, but the woman didn't seem to mind, only holding you closer and whispering sweet nothings to you. Finally your slow tears subsided completely and you realized exactly what it was that you were doing.

You were cuddled up to the side of the woman that you'd been in love with for four years, who also just so happened to be your headmistress.

Holy shit.

You did your best to remain calm, closing your eyes and losing yourself in the feeling of her, breathing in her smoky scent as she rubbed your arm. A smile spread across your face as you discreetly maneuvered to look up at her, admiring her sharp features. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the sunlight that was filtering in through the windows, her ocean like eyes sparkling.

"I love you." You whispered, so quietly that she couldn't have heard it even if your mouth wasn't muffled by her jacket, which it conveniently was.

"Did you say something?" She looked down at you.

"Nope." She hummed in acknowledgement and moved a hand to pet one of your wings, which twitched under her gentle touch.

You closed your eyes and just breathed deeply. Her thin body felt warm, and yours fit just perfectly against it. You rested one hand in her lap, the other was fidgeting with one of your feathers as her hand stroked your wing repeatedly. You felt her steady heartbeat reverberating through your own body, and realized with a smile that your own was beating perfectly in sync. In this moment, your heart was completely full. You felt her hand move from your wing to your y/h/c hair, her nimble fingers ran carefully through the long strands. You subconsciously leaned further into her touch, a grin tugging at your lips. You opened your eyes to look up at her and saw that she had hers closed, her face completely relaxed.

It's then, wrapped in the embrace of the woman you love more than anything, that you realized one thing.

It was the little moments that made your life in the loop worth living.

A/n- hey gays so SAPPY CHAPTER SAPPY CHAPTER SAPPY CHAPTER there's not gonna be a ton of these probably so enjoy this while it lastsss >:)

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