Chapter Six- Don't talk to me.

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You stormed through the garden, knowing full well that you were acting ridiculous, but you didn't give a shit. You passed by Olive, who saw you and grinned.

"Hey, how'd it go with her? Did she-"

"Don't talk to me." Your voice broke and Olive noticed the tears that you'd been ignoring.

"Oh honey-"

"I said don't talk to me!" You finally stopped walking and screamed at your best friend, who flinched back when your wings flared out to emphasize your point angrily. She saw the hurt and betrayal in your eyes and lunged forward to grab you with a gloved hand. You tried to wrench away but her grip was firm as she pulled you into a tight hug. More hot, salty tears spilled down your cheeks and stained her dress as you finally stopped struggling and gave up, your eyes squeezed tightly shut as your body was wracked with tears. "Bloody hell." You whispered against Olive's shoulder.

"It's okay, y/n. You're okay. You'll be just fine." She stroked your wings and held you tightly. "I'm so sorry."

You didn't have it in you to reply, so you just sobbed harder and dug your fingers harshly into the girl's back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You shook your head and she nodded, just continuing what she was doing. Eventually you calmed down and pulled away, taking deep breaths.

"Man. Loop. New. Peculiar. Her." You managed to get out as the tears and sobs ramped up again. Somehow, Olive understood, and looked around trying to find Emma. Her eyes landed on Miss Peregrine instead, walking arm in arm with the man that you had just mentioned. Great.

"Y/n, if you don't want her to see you, turn away and hide your face. She's coming." She hissed in your ear, but instead of obeying, you transformed into a parrot and perched on her shoulder inconspicuously. "Or that. That works too."

A parrot had always been one of your favorite birds to be, as you could still technically talk. It was significantly harder and you had a severe stutter, but it worked for the most part. You sulked and fluffed your feathers as you lay eyes on Miss Peregrine, completely ignoring the man linked to her.

"Hello, Olive. Olive, this is Asher. He will be staying with us. We will always provide a welcome home."

"Un-Unwel-come. Unwelcome." You squawked, looking intensely at the woman. Miss Peregrine gave you a dark look, knowing exactly who you were, but kept her mouth shut.

"Oh, what a pretty little birdie. Are you peculiar too?" He spoke to you like you'd speak to a child, reaching out with a finger to scratch your chin. You snapped your beak at him and he recoiled.

"Y/n." Your headmistress warned lowly.

"Y/n, y/n." You repeated, waving your wings. Olive reached up to stroke you, and you made quite the little show of allowing her to when you wouldn't allow Asher to touch you at all.

"I'm deeply sorry, Asher. I was not aware she was this unfriendly to new people." The dark haired woman glared at you pointedly, seeing her so disappointed in you hurt your soul.

You squawked again, angrily, and flew away to collect your thoughts and organize your emotions. Birds, why was she so friendly towards him already? It was so clear he liked her. And judging by the sudden attention she was giving him, and the way she looked at him... She liked him too.

I didn't think she was straight. By the birds, I'm a fucking idiot. I even thought she loved me back. How can I be so stupid?

You finally finished fuming and flew back to the house, entering still in bird form through an open window. You found yourself in the library, and weren't surprised in the least to find your headmistress sitting with this Asher dude, having tea and laughing. You looked around the room and saw the bouquet of roses that you had abandoned in the living room, sitting in a nice vase with water. You bitterly assumed she had found them and simply didn't know what they meant. How fucking ironic. You landed on the floor in from of the two, getting their attention, and shifted back into human form.

"Y/n. You're the only one who hasn't properly met Asher. Asher, this is y/n. As you can see, she has wings and can shift into a bird, similarly to me, though she is not an ymbryne." Alma motioned to you, you were standing with your arms crossed protectively over your stomach.

"Alma." You greeted her, completely ignoring the hand that Asher had outstretched to you.

"Don't call me by my first name, you know this."

"He gets to." You looked him in the eyes for the first time, and noted with shock that his eyes were milky and grey. "Holy shit. Miss Peregrine, that's a wight!" She shot you a look for the language, but before she could speak, Asher beat her to it.

"I'm not a wight, I promise." He chuckled. "It's my peculiarity. I simply can't see in the same way that you can. In a sense, I'm blind. But also I can see things that no one else can. I can read people, and I can still see what the people- or animals, I can read them too- I can still see what they look like. I just can't see inanimate things. One might say I'm a type of empath." He explained while you looked on. "For example, I know that I'm in a library, because Alma told me. But I haven't the faintest clue where the books are."

"Isn't it so intriguing?" Miss Peregrine asked you, her eyes practically glowing with excitement.

"Cool." You mumbled. Selfish disappointment coursed through your heart as you saw the way she looked around him. She looked so happy. Content.

So different than she did around you.

"Y/n, are you alright, darling?" She stood and made her way over to you, reaching to touch your shoulder. Unbeknownst to you, you still had makeup streaked down your face from your tears earlier. You winced when she called you by the term of endearment, and shrugged away from her touch.

"Please don't call me that." You whispered, then walked defeatedly to the door and paused in the doorway. "Have a nice time. Asher, it was nice meeting you." You shut it softly behind you and started running. You took the stairs up to your room two at a time, once you arrived there you slammed your door behind you and sank down to the floor with your back against it. You pulled your knees up to your chest and let out a choked sob, wrapping yourself in the soft feathery blackness of your wings. You heard a knock on the door and hugged yourself tighter.

"Go away."

"It's just me and Olive." You recognized Emma's voice and tried to wipe your tears away, only succeeding in smearing your ruined makeup around.

"Fine. It's open." You stood on shaky legs and made your way to the bed, where you climbed onto it and curled up.

"Olive told me." Emma climbed onto the bed next to you and pulled you into her arms, as Olive cuddled up to your other side.

"We're here, y/n." The redhead whispered.

"Thank you."

A/n- so y/n is a drama queen huh, honestly can't blame her cause who tf is this dude 🤨

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