Chapter Twenty Eight- The End of Your Story (Part 2)

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You were miserable in the afterlife.

All of your time was spent moping about. Laying on the ground in the middle of the palaces of the gods or in the lush green fields, reluctantly doing whatever you were asked. Your spark was gone. One might say that your life was gone.

Your mothers watched over you with concern and dismay, closely they watched every day for any sort of change. Miłość could see what you were thinking, and it was always about Miss Peregrine and how much you missed her. Finally she cornered Śmierć, having had enough of your constant state of depression. She wanted to help.

"Darling, she's miserable here. She's not living. The afterlife is supposed to be joyous, especially for an angel. But she's just... Not."

"I know. It's painful to watch her in so much misery. But there's nothing we can do, Miłość." Śmierc shook her head and sighed, running a hand through her soft hair. She glanced across the field they were standing in, where you were laying in the grass humming Run Rabbit Run. It was slowed, and your voice kept cracking, but you kept on.

"If we talked to Him..."

"He's not going to let us send her back, Love. There's no way."

"But it's worth it to try! I mean, do you enjoy watching her like that?" She brought her hands up to motion in your direction. You were tugging harshly at one of your feathers now, attempting to feel something other than melancholy. "Hey, hey. Don't do that, that's not healthy." The Love goddess rushed to your side and detached your hand from your wing. You didn't fight her, just flopped back down into the long grass.

"I'm dead. Can't really hurt myself now, can I?" You asked bitterly. She sighed and made her way back to her lover.

"See?" She held a hand out in your direction, and Śmierć looked at the ground. Their discussion continued as they watched you going about your little movements.

"Of course I don't enjoy it. Why would I? She didn't do anything wrong."

"Then let's fix it."


"What?" You were in shock. Were they really offering this to you?

"He said it would be alright, just this once. If you want to, that is."

"You- Thank you so much." You launched yourself at the massive goddesses with a wide grin, Miłość caught you in a hug, which Śmierć joined in on. "I'd love to. When?"

"Right now." And all three of you were tumbling through the blackness, the two goddesses holding you tightly. Soon you fell onto the familiar grass of the loop. You realized with an ecstatic laugh that your wings were back.

"Wait, didn't you guys tell me the loop collapsed? How-?" You looked around, noting a few differences.

"The ymbrynes figured out a way to bring old loops back. And Miss Peregrine managed to rewind this one to a truly perfect day. There's no bombs anymore." Death explained.

"That's- wow, okay. That's incredible." You looked toward the house excitedly.
"Let's go!"

You grabbed their hands and as you pulled them toward the house, they shrunk to an almost normal size, now standing at just over six feet. They were still incredibly intimidating, but less so now. Meanwhile you were wiggling in anticipation, excitement bubbling in your veins with the knowledge that you held. You entered the silent house, tiptoeing upstairs, the goddesses on your tail. You expected to find Miss Peregrine in your shared bedroom, which was exactly where she was. You heard soft sniffling coming from inside, which hurt your heart, but you pushed past it to knock on the door. You stepped back and took your mother's hands, Miłość on your left and Śmierć on your right. You heard shuffling inside the room and bounced excitedly, looking up at the two tall women on either side of you. They smiled down at you, and the three of you faced the door just as it swung open to reveal a disheveled Miss Peregrine, instantly in disbelief.

"Y/n...?" She whispered, and you nodded, letting go of Love and Death's hands in favor of holding your arms out for your lover. She practically threw herself at you, her arms flying to wrap around your neck as you laughed.

"Hey, honey. I'm back." You held her tightly and kissed her hair. "I'm back." You repeated those words over and over, as the two women behind you watched with a smile. Finally you remembered the presence of your true mothers and pulled back slightly, slipping an arm around Miss Peregrine's waist and facing them. "Baby, there's someone I'd like you to meet." You motioned to the goddesses, who waved majestically.

"Lovely to meet you. We've heard quite a lot about you, Alma." Miłość smiled, and you blushed.

"Yes, our y/n is quite smitten with you." Śmierć added with a smirk as you blushed harder, mumbling something incoherent.

"I- Erm, who are you?"

"Ah, yes. I'm Miłość, and she's Śmierć. Goddesses of love and death." The blonde stuck out a hand and Miss Peregrine shook it, dumbfounded. The same happened between her and Death, and you giggled at her reaction.

"I have a lot of explaining to do." You took her hand and squeezed it. "You're in for a ride."

"Yes, and we must go now. It was wonderful to meet the subject of our daughter's affections, though. Y/n, don't forget us." Śmierć leaned down and kissed your forehead gently.

"Goodbye, darling." Love did the same, squeezing your shoulder gently before taking Death's hand.

"I could never forget you. Bye, Miłość, Śmierć."

They nodded and vanished, leaving you alone with Miss Peregrine, who's expression was a mixture of confused, shocked, and overjoyed.

"Daughter? How are you here? Are you really here? You- You died. No, birds you can't possibly be here." She was getting upset.

"I am, love. I'm here. And I'm never leaving again. Come, let's go to our room, I'll explain everything." You led her inside, shut and loved the door, and set beside her on the bed. "Buckle in, Fay."

She listened intently while you rambled, utterly shell shocked when you finished.

"But you're back? You promise you're back?" Her voice shook and you pulled her into a hug.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm back. Forever. Oh, and there's one more tiny detail. One minute." You kissed her cheek and bolted from the room, going to the kitchen and grabbing a pair of scissors. You were back upstairs in your room as quickly as you possibly could be, clutching the scissors in hand. "I hope this works." Without another word, but a wink thrown at Miss Peregrine, you drove the scissors deep into your chest.

"No!" She lunged toward you, desperately trying to take the weapon away. But you stepped out of her reach, pulling the scissors out of your chest. You grinned widely as she froze, eyes trained on the completely clean weapon.

"Look." You pulled your shirt up to show her where there should have been a bleeding wound, but there was nothing. Just smooth skin. "I can't die anymore, my love. I'm here forever."

She let out a disbelieving laugh, pulling you close to her and pressing her nose against yours. "Forever." Her eyes welled up with tears as she hugged you tightly, unable to say more than that. But you had a bit more to say. Dropping down to one knee, you took her left hand in your right, eyes looking at the ring that you had given her. Then you looked up at her face, a wide grin on your own.

"Alma LeFay Peregrine. Will you marry me?"

"Yes. Yes, I will marry you, my y/n. Nothing could make me happier."

And so the two of you finally got your happy ending, basking in eternal life. Your spark remained, every part of you whole again. And finally, finally, you were at peace.


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