Y/N vs Blackbeard

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My arm went aflame as two of Blackbeard's crew charged forwards: Laffitte and Doc Q.

Laffitte began to hypnotise me before I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. There were two vibrations coming from my left and right, one being Laffitte and the other being Doc Q. One was slightly heavier, so...

"Slave Arrow!"

I opened my eyes and saw that Laffitte was turned to stone and I jumped back.


And there went Doc Q.

I cracked my knuckles and looked over at the remainder of Blackbeard's crew. "It's either send your strongest first so the weak are left, or send out the weak first so the strongest can be beaten later." I lowered my hands to my sides. "Your choice."

Three more ran ahead, two holding guns while the other held a sword.

"Room!" I picked up to rocks and moved to the side as a sword was slashed at me. "Shambles!" And the guns were in my hands. I dropped them on the ground and turned my right foot to diamonds, smashing the two guns to pieces.

I took out my sword and blocked Shiryu's sword. "Not bad... not bad at all." He said.

"I'd say the same, but you're pretty bad." I moved back and sliced, cutting him in half as I took his sword. Well, I don't know how to use two swords.

I threw one sword and sheathed the other. "Cinco fleurs!" Five hands sprouted from beneath the two other crew members and grabbed their ankles, causing them to fall over.

Then, the one I know has Burgess came with a knife in his right hand, running at me as if it were a sword.

I pulled out the sword Law gave me again and blocked it, being pushed back a bit.

"You want to know what Ace said as he was being captured?" He began, my breath hitching at the sound of Ace's name being spat from his mouth. "He said... don't tell my brother and Y/N... they shouldn't have to worry about something else."

Then.. when he alerted me...

"Enkai!" Fire surrounded my body, Burgess moving back in a fear of getting burned. I flew up using Marco's Devil Fruit and, "Hibashira!" A fire pillar came crashing down onto Burgess.

He lied there, motionless but still breathing.

"Never say Ace's name with your disgusting mouth again." I barely whispered.

Then, bullets shot through me, though they were useless against Ace's Devil Fruit power, crashing into the rubble behind me.

I glanced at the one called Van Ogre, his gun still fixated on me, though it wouldn't really do much.

I stretched my arm and pulled it back.

"Gomu gomu no... pistol!"

My fist blasted across the battlefield and bashed into Van Ogre's face with a crack, which I assume was his nose.

My arm flung back and I looked at the blood on my fingers. Disgusting. I shook my hand and tilted my head up so it looked like I was looking down at them.

"Quit sending me your weak ones." I whispered, sounding like I was struggling to breath. It wasn't that I was struggling. It's that I didn't want to yell. I didn't want to waste a single dose of energy on anything other than protecting my crew.

I heard a cough from behind me and glanced amongst the rubble I had hidden my crew. They were in terrible shape.

I stood up straight, the earth beneath me trembling.

"What? Are you leavin-?"

"Listen here, Teach." I deeply inhaled. "I'm not the one that's going to beat you. You know why? Because I'm not on the same path that you're trying to follow. The end of my path has nothing to do with the pirate king. There is someone else... someone else that is ready to battle to the death for the throne of the Pirate King."

I turned around. "And let me tell you this: he will win."

I saw the black abyss begin to surround me, and a memory flashed before my eyes. It wasn't mine.. I don't remember it happening. But it was so clear.

This move was supposed to pull Devil Fruit users towards Blackbeard so he could land a punch.

I didn't have a Devil Fruit. I'd just copy them. I assume that's why nothing was happening. But I decided to try and fake it, using Doflamingo's Devil Fruit to float off the ground and begin rapidly flying towards Blackbeard.

But as he recoiled his fist to land a punch on my back, I turned around and moved to the side, his fist missing me as I dug my heel into his arm. My foot turned to diamond, then fire, until finally...


The area beneath my feet seemed to crack as Oyaji's Devil Fruit coursed through my veins for but a moment, though that moment seemed to be critical as I pushed off of Blackbeard, his arm completely destroyed.

"AGH! It hurts, it hurts!!" Blackbeard fell to the ground and held his arm as he pathetically rolled around like a wine barrel on a swaying ship.

My foot hurt a bit. I wasn't expecting Oyaji's Devil Fruit to suddenly take over me.

But nonetheless, it gave me a chance to turn to a Phoenix and fly off towards my crew.

With a quick glance at Blackbeard's crew, I used Doflamingo's Devil Fruit and attached strings to their limbs. I tensed my hands and pulled as Blackbeard's arms and legs began spreading out further and further, hearing him scream.

"Y/N, you're not supposed to eat that!"

My eyes widened, my vision blurring to a memory from back on the Moby Dick.

"I know I'm not supposed to, I'm just trying to blow bubbles at your face!"

"Hey! No- you're supposed to be washing dishes!"

The laugh that I once found so familiar echoed through my ears as my hands relaxed, dropping to my lap.

Why was I hesitating? I knew those memories were fake. He wasn't laughing along with me. He was laughing at me for being so naive. For believing that we thought of each other as family.

"Dammit..." I looked away and checked on my crew, which didn't even consist of a fifth of what my crew was before.

Dammit, some of them need major medical attention. How am I supposed to...?

Then an idea popped into my head.

How far is Cavendish's ship from here? It's been a few minutes since I last saw it, but I could try. "Izo-kun. Can you stand?"

He looked at me and nodded. "Y-Yeah, to a certain extent. Why?"

"I'm just making sure that someone functional is going to be staying here." I squinted to see if I could possibly see the ship's silhouette in the distance, seeing a small dot just above the water line.

"I'll be right back." I peeked around the rubble to see that Blackbeard was trying to get his crew together. "Not today." I formed a heart with my hands and whispered, "Slave Arrow." Turning all but two of Blackbeard's crew to stone.

"If they somehow get out of that, don't move."

I ran across the ocean, the water beneath me turning to ice. Then I jumped into the water, speeding through the currents towards the ship's shadow that was poking through the blue waters.

"Cavendish!!" I yelled as I shot up out of the water and onto the deck. He yelped and turned around. "Y-You again!"

"I need your help."

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