Sabo's Parents

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Even if I was the only girl in the group, the three of them treated me no different.

"Y/N, do you think you could knock that caterpillar off the branch?" Sabo asked while we were looking at what they deemed to be their dinner.

"Uh... I can make it float." I lifted my arm and the caterpillar hovered above the branch.

"How can you do that?" I looked at Luffy. "Do what?" "Make things float! Did you eat the Fuwa-Fuwa No Mi?" I was silent. I can't tell them now. "You can say that."

The boys would also train, while I scored the points.

"And... that's another win for Ace." I wrote fifty for Ace on the scoreboard, Luffy still at zero.

"What good are your powers, anyway?"

"I just can't do it right!" I walked up to Luffy. "Maybe we can try aiming at something that doesn't move first."

I put my hand on his shoulder and I felt some sort of energy enter my body. His power. "O-Okay. Let's start with this."

Walking next to Luffy, I lifted my left hand. "Put this where you want to aim." Luffy put his left hand over the tree he was aiming at.

"Now, lower it, but do not look away."

Luffy did so. "Then punch, but don't close your eyes." Once he did, he managed to hit the tree.

"You did it!" I pumped my fist into the air. "Good job!"

Ace scoffed. "Yeah, but you won't always have Y/N's brain to help you out." Sabo smirked. "To me, you look like you're jealous."


I laughed. "Oh, come on, Sabo. Leave him be." Sabo crossed his arms. "It's not my fault you're dense."


"D-Dense...?" I didn't quite know if that was an insult or a compliment, mainly because I didn't know it was a word.

"You know, when someone has a crush on a person but that person has no idea?"

I still looked confused, but didn't ask anymore questions.

Ace stood up. "Anyways, we have to go look for dinner." Sabo and Luffy made a goofy smirk, hiding it with their hand.

"I see what you're doing!!" Ace yelled. He chased the two of them until I clapped my hands, grabbing their attention. "Come on, Dadan is waiting for us."

The three of them stopped in their tracks. "Okay..."

The four of us walked to a lake and climbed a tree. "How about crocodile?" Ace suggested. I nodded. "Sure, but don't get eaten this time, Luffy."

The three of them jumped down and killed the crocodile.

"Good job." I smiled at them. Sabo gently elbowed Ace with a how-do-you-feel face. "Thanks." Ace answered, walking away.

I made the crocodile float and it followed the four of us back to Dadan's place.


"We're going to go into the walls?" I asked. Ace nodded. "Sabo and I have been there tons of times. Luffy's been there a few times too."

Sabo crossed his arms. "The only reason we never brought you was because Ace-!" Ace pushed him over. "Because we didn't want you to get hurt."

I scratched the back of my head. "R-Really? Thanks for worrying, but I'll be fine." Sabo crossed his arms. "Yeah, we know." He muttered.

In the city, the four of us shared a cloak. Luffy and I were at the bottom while Ace and Sabo stacked on top.

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