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"And clutch!" The little hands grabbed the dummy by the head and tilted it. "Was that okay?"

Robin smiled and nodded. "Yes, it was. You've seemed to have more control over where the hands sprout."

"Thanks to you!"

"Y/N!" Robin and I looked back and I smiled. "Sabo!" I ran over and hugged him and he held me abnormally close to him.

"How was the mission?"

"It was fine. Look what I found!" He held up a necklace and I gasped. "The pearl is the same as Ace's!" I took the necklace and held the pearl at the end in my right palm. "It's so beautiful..."

"I thought you'd like it."

He held out his hand so I could give the necklace to him and he put it around my neck, though I could feel him struggling with the clasp.

Now I knew why he held me so close. He was reminded of Ace.

"Hey..." I put my hands on his cheeks and squished them. "Don't get depressed on me, now."

He rubbed his cheek and smiled. "Right. Thanks."
I let my hands drop and I rubbed my arm. "I know I'll have to go soon... I can't train here forever. And besides, Marco might be worried about me."

Sabo looked down and nodded. "Yeah... I know."

I chuckled and held his hands. "You looked so sad about it. But don't worry, it's not the last time we see each other." I went silent for a moment. "Sabo."

He tilted his head.

"I want you to take Ace's Devil Fruit. The Mera Mera no Mi. I think it'd suit you. And I can tell that he'd want you to have it."

Sabo nodded. "I promise I won't let anyone have it."

"You better keep that promise." I looked back at Robin and ran up to hug her. She had the same warm hugs as everyone else. "Robin." I pushed back a bit. "Thank you for taking such good care of Luffy."

She nodded. "It's not a problem. I will continue to do so."

"Thank you."

"Y/N." I looked at Sabo and he put his hands on my shoulders, just like he did when we first saw each other again. "When I see you again, I want you to be stronger. Okay?"

I nodded. "Yes, I will."

I stepped back and he saluted with two fingers.


As my arms turned to wings, I flew off into the sky. Get stronger... I happen to know just the right people to do that.

I landed on Oyaji's island and was immediately greeted by a concerned Marco wrapping his arms around me. "You were gone for two weeks. Two. You couldn't send me a message that you weren't slaughtered or something?"

"You're so protective, chill out! I was just training with the Revolutionaries for a bit."

"...The Revolutionary Army."


He let out a breathy sort of chuckle. "Your connections scare me sometimes, Y/N." I laughed. "Yes, fear me. Anyways, I made a promise to someone, so I have a favour to ask of you."


"Ow! Okay, let's try that again."


I know almost everything Marco can do, except for healing. That's... pretty useful, so I decided I'd learn it.

"Just think of your hand like a warm blanket rather than a flame, okay?"

I nodded and slowly brought the small blue flame towards his back, where there was a bruise from bumping into the doorknob.

I took in a deep breath and let the crackling flame get closer and closer to his back until my palm was pressed up against his bruise. "D-Does that hurt?"

He was silent.

"Marco? Marco!!"

"No, not really. It feels nice."

I smacked him in the back of the head. "You scared me, boke!!" I looked at where his bruise was and saw that it was back to normal. "WHOO!!"

"That was a mood change."

I grinned and stood up. "Anyways, I'll make dinner, okay? I think that little girl wants you for something." I ran back to the house, but stopped at the door.

"Marco-san." The little girl began. "C-Can you give these to Y/N-chan?"

I looked back and saw a little bouquet of flowers, or rather dandelions.

"She looked upset when I saw her last, and I want her to smile."

I gasped quietly and gripped the doorknob tightly.

"What are these for?" I asked as Ace handed me a small bouquet of dandelions.

"They're flowers! Since you got upset for letting that one crew member escape."

I chuckled, not having the heart to tell him that dandelions are technically weeds. "Thanks, Ace."


I walked inside and looked at the stove against the wall, seeing an empty vase with a crack at the brim. I picked it up and traced the crack, a smile forming at my lips.

This should work.

"Hey, Y/N!" Marco walked in, the dandelions gripped in his right hand. "The little girl gave me a gift for you.

"Oh, is that so?" I smiled and held up the vase. "Come on then."

As I stared at the steaming stew, I recalled what Sabo had said.

"When I see you again, I want you to be stronger, okay?"

I put down the ladle and turned down the stove. There isn't much I can do to get stronger on this island.

"Hey, you seem deep in thought."

I looked back at Marco and gave him a forced smile. "Haha... yeah. This is a recipe Thatch taught me." I traced the edge of the stove with my finger, my smile fading a bit.

It wasn't a lie. It was the first thing that he taught me.

"Y/N..." Marco gave me a solemn smile. "I know why you taught me how to heal... was it something your brother said?"

My lips parted a bit and I looked down. "He said that he wanted me to get stronger." I laughed. "Don't refer to him as if you're not my brother." I poked his chest. "You were one of the first."

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "You've grown a lot since the last I saw you."


12 years old on a foreign ship, shackled with Sea Prism Stone and on the way to a Navy base. Then a ball of fire came plummeting from the sky. It was all so vivid.

"Marco..." I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest.

"I know, I know... but I know you. You like keeping promises. Don't let me stop you."

I let my lips curl into a smile and I hugged him tighter. "If you ever need me."

"Yeah, you tell me all the time."

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