An Untold Power

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To all the people who thought that Y/N's dad was Akainu: Ha.

I hummed, sewing through the fabric of my father's shirt. From the side of my eye, I could see his shirtless figure, surprisingly built despite his time in prison.

"That should do for now." I say, tossing the shirt in my dad's direction. "I'll buy you another one."

"You won't steal it?"

I arched a brow. "Why would I? I don't need to." I got to my feet, brushing off my pants. "I told Marco that I'd be home in at the most, a week's time. So we need to get going."

"I'm surprised you were able to utilize that Devil Fruit so well."

I paused in my step, turning back to my dad. "Speaking of which... What Devil Fruit did mom eat while she was pregnant? With me?"

"You never knew?" He tilted his head as if it were common knowledge to know about what your mom ate while you were in the womb. I was about to respond, asking if he knew that his mom ate while he was in her womb, but he interrupted the thought.

"There isn't really a name for it."

I sat on the ground, listening to him as if he were telling campfire stories to me.

"It was deemed a dangerous weapon, capable of making the very devil who created Devil Fruits be reborn. It was founded in the Void Century. No one has ever eaten it since then. Until you, of course."

"How was it able to create Devil Fruits?"

"There was speculation that when the user of this strange Devil Fruit died, the Devil Fruits they had copied would return, making there be a double of all of them."

I looked down at my knees. "I don't think that's the case. I mean, I can't even copy the Devil Fruits of people I don't like."

"Right. Well, that's what the marines thought. And it's dangerous to even test it. There was this fear that they would burst if they tried to copy any Devil Fruit and get information on it."

I bring my knees closer to my chest, bringing them in like warmth to comfort me as I begin to ask my next question. "Why... did you give it to mom if it's so dangerous?"

He goes quiet. Quiet, but not silent. Hums, only as loud as the sea when it is calm, left him. I think it's a form of comfort to himself when bad things happen or come to mind.

I don't interrupt him. I'll wait here until Luffy becomes King of the Pirates if I have to. Answers have been lingering in a prison for the past 19 years.

"It began... about a year before you were born." He finally started. "Your mother hadn't minded that I was a marine although it meant that I wouldn't be home often and there's a risk that I won't come back."

I remember my mom. She always had a bright yet tired smile on her face and made the best food. She taught me how to sew since she was afraid of me going outside and someone seeing me do something odd and report me.

Her voice was almost a whisper but I heard her voice.

I frowned as the memories of her came back. I don't say it much, but I miss her. All the time.

"She was a kind woman." My dad says as a bittersweet smile appears on his face. I don't know how much my dad loved my mom but from this, I can say that it was a lot.

"But despite not seeing her often, when I did, she always seemed so happy. Until one day, when I came back, there were pirates. I didn't think much of it since they left without doing anything. However, when I got to our house, your mother was crying."

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