Sabaody Archipelago

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I walked through the prison, hearing the occasional, "Hey girly, could you let us out?" Or "Come on, come a little closer to the cell!" But I ignored them.

I looked over at the transponder snail on the wall, with it looking me straight in the eye.

Two groups of guards came at me from both sides and I sighed. "Just take me to your warden." I bashed my fist into the ground using Oyaji's Devil Fruit power and the ground shook violently, with some slabs of stone shooting up and making the floor uneven.

I picked up one by the shirt and tilted my head. "So," my arm burst into flames, stopping right before my wrist. "Where's the warden?"

He stayed silent up until the fire got up to my thumb's knuckle, and to that he yelled, "He's on Level 4!! Level 4!"

I grinned and put down the guard. "Thanks! I'll be sure to ask to give you a raise!" I turned around and my grin quickly faded. No one touches my brother or my boyfriend.

I came to Level 4, feeling that familiar scorching heat on my back.

"How did you get in here?" I heard someone say in a booming voice.

I turned around and crossed my arms. "So you're Magellan?" He stared down at me. "So you're the youngest person in the worst generation."

The worst generation? "What's it to you?"


"Okay, that's an interesting perspective." I jumped out of the way as these purple hydras of goop came at me. All I need to do is touch him.

I slowly got closer and closer to him until I managed to touch his stomach, which burned for a moment, and then it had no affect.

His hydra engulfed my arm but I pulled away and smiled. "Don't be so confident in your little liquid pets."

I stomped on the ground and the ground trembled, making him stumble over and his hydras began affecting the surrounding guards.

"Have you no shame?" I whispered. "Room!" I did two stabbing motions and took two hearts. "Hm, I wonder who's this is?" I mumbled. "Anyways, sayonara!"

"Get back here!"

I stretched my arm and went to the top. "See you! Hopefully not, though!" And I made my way out of the prison.

There is no way I'm able to have a full on fight with him and win. Not without sacrifice at least.

I looked down at the heart in my hand and sighed. "I'll have to give this back at some point... or I could crush it." I sighed. I guess that would make me a murderer, though. Then there was the other one. I took that by accident, but I'm too lazy to go back and figure out who it belonged to.

Once I got out to the front, I saw multiple ships surrounding the dock. "I'm guessing these are going to be used later." I looked back at Impel Down. I really wanted to go down and save Ace, but it seems like Ivankov has camera on this place.

I pushed off the ground and made my way back to the Moby Dick.

"Marco, I'm back." I landed on the deck and was immediately checked on by Marco as if I came back half dead. "Marco- MARCO!! I'm fine."

Izo raised a brow. "And what is in your bag?"


"Oh okay- wait, what?" I reached into my bag and pulled out two hearts. "One is the warden's, the other... I have absolutely no idea."

"They're not... dead, are they?"

"Oh, no, I just have their hearts. I should probably avoid doing that from now on, though, since I might take someone else's heart by accident."

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