Older Sister

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I sped over the ocean's waved, falling at some point and simply swimming as fast as I could against the ocean's current.

Damn it! Is Blackbeard really that strong? I used to be able to beat him with only Luffy's Devil Fruit before!

I shot out of the water, looking around and only seeing the blue ocean. I could've sworn that the island they were fighting at was here! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Feel his energy. Marco's, Jozu's, anyone's!

My eyes widened and I headed west. There, that's where Marco is... I just hope that they're safe. I saw a ship's mass and stretched my arm, grabbing onto it and propelling myself forwards.

I landed on the ship's deck and panted.

"Whoa, who's this?" I held out my right arm as Ace's fire radiated for my fingertips. "I swear if you try to fight me, everyone on this ship is ash."

"Oh really? And what makes you think I can't take you?"

I stood up and looked at what I thought was the captain. Blonde hair, fancy hat, and depressingly Royal looking outfit. "Look here, pretty boy, I couldn't care less about your ego, right now."

He suddenly fell asleep and I raised a brow. Weirdo.

I was about to jump off before he grabbed my arm and I looked back. What the-? His mouth was contorted into a disturbing grin, his eyes slanted in a maniacal squint.

"Look, I really don't want to hurt-"

He didn't even let me finish as he laughed pushing me over. "C-Captain!" One of the crew members shakily called out.

I pushed at his shoulders. "O-Oi, get off!" I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Dos fleurs!"

Two arms grew from the bottom of the ship and pushed him off and I rolled over, sitting up and kicking his back so he fell asleep again.

"What is his problem?" I muttered. "Oi, you two." I looked at two of his crew mates. "Take care of your captain, okay?"

I stood on the ship's edge. "What's your captain's name?"

"Uh... Cavendish."

Cavendish? Sounds like cabbage. "Alright. Well, tell Cavendish I said sorry for snapping at him... I'm feeling on edge."

I jumped off the ship and into the ocean again, swimming in the same direction as I was before.

I heard the laugh of my old crew mate and I gritted my teeth, seeing my crew being hovered in the sky.

Holding my breath, I quietly maneuvered around the rubble so I stayed hidden from the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard's laugh echoing in my ears.

"Room..." I whispered as it came over almost the whole island. I took my sword and made multiple cracks in the ground so there'd be multiple boulders around me.

I looked back at my crew for just a moment, then back at the boulders. "Shambles."

And my crew was in front of me. I took a deep and shaky breath as I put my hand on my chest. Most of them seemed to be alive. But I had absolutely no idea how I was going to get them all out of here.nj

"Izo-kun..." I whispered a  I sat him upright. "Are you alright?"

He groaned quietly and I putt my hand over his. "It'll be okay... I'm here." It felt odd saying it to the one I've called my older brother, but it had to be said, even if I only half believed it.

"Y/N... I know you're there."

I breathed through gritted teeth and looked at the boulders that were floating in the air. "Takt." They came crashing down onto Blackbeard's crew.

I squinted over and then my eyes widened. Marco! I ran across the clearing and behind another pile of rubble. Marco was lying at the feet of one of the crew members.

I'm still not good at using Shambles. If I try doing it to Marco right now, I might accidentally bring one of Blackbeard's crew members to me.

I lowered the Room and clawed my hands, Doflamingo's Devil Fruit forming at my fingertips. I could try making them puppets... but that's way too many people to control. Maybe I could turn them to stone using Hancock's... no, I might hit Marco. Same with Aokiji's...

"Dammit..." I knew I had to lure them away from Marco so I could get him.

This is stupid, this is stupid.

I ran out for hiding and detached my hand from my wrist using Buggy's Devil Fruit power.

"Remember Y/N." Marco had instructed. "If it's better to take the high ground, take it."

I flew up  just as a black hole formed beneath me and Marco was pulled up to me. I held him close and flew down, putting him next to Izo, who was the only one that was conscious enough to know what was going on.

"What are you doing?" Izo questioned as I stood up.

"Making sure he doesn't follow." And I ran onto the battlefield, hearing Izo call out for me from behind.

"Ah, long time no see!" Blackbeard taunted. My brow twitch. "You're going to be wishing that time was longer."

"Oh really? You match Ace's energy from that day."

"Then why don't we call this a rematch?"

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