I wouldn't be able to tell you the details of their one on one battle. I couldn't see it. There were dust and smoke clouds filling the air, my vision still blurry from tears as two drops of blood dripped over my eyes from the top of my head.
But I do remember this: one moment. One moment, I shared a glance with Oyaji, through the flames of Akainu's punch. We held that gaze longingly. I knew what we were thinking.
I could hear the desperate cries of my crew mates, calling out for him. For Oyaji. But both Oyaji and I knew that it wasn't the same calls. We were missing an important one.
Next thing I knew, Marineford was collapsing. I heard horrified cries, deafening screams slowly descending into the abyss, all of it caused by the same man.
"Where's Oyaji?" Marco questioned me, loudly. I raised my hand and sliced at the dust clouds blocking our vision, seeing Oyaji just beyond them, still standing.
I was still in Marco's grasp, just a bit more gently this time. It was less him holding me back, and more shielding me from the battle on the other side of the humongous crater between us and Oyaji and the marines.
I looked up at Marco, who was probably thinking the same thing as I was, looking at Oyaji with teary eyes. I could sense it. Oyaji's light was fading. His candle was at it's end, with but a wick keeping the light aflame.
"Everyone, get on the ship!" Marco announced. Many tried to fight back, although being held back by our division commanders.
"I'll wait here for a moment as backup." I said to Marco, punching the air as bullets came firing at us from all directions. "...I promise I won't try to go over."
Marco was silent for a moment before nodding, but still lingering here, watching. I didn't blame him. From what I could tell, Marco was with Oyaji his whole life. Oyaji was the only one he knew as his father. And nothing could take that away.
I looked back at the marines, watching the bullets coming near me but going right through, unconsciously using Ace's devil fruit power, although I shouldn't have it in the first place. He was still in the same spot. If I tried looking through his eyes, I'd get a headache. He was gone.
But apparently, his Devil Fruit wasn't quite done yet.
My brows furrowed and I gripped Marco's sleeve. "What?" My hands shook, hoping I didn't just see what I thought I did. "He- I— no, he can't be here. He can't."
Just then, there was a low chuckle, followed by multiple shocked exclamations of marines.
My throat closed up and I slowly stepped back, somewhat stumbling, clutching my chest. I tried breathing, but it came in and out as cut off gasps, my eyes going wide.
I don't want him to be here. He can't be here.
"It's the Blackbeard Pirates!!"
"Y/N!" Marco put one arm around my shoulders, one supporting me from the front. I was pale as clouds, my eyes wider than ever before, my breathing so hitched it was like a broken air pump.
"Hey, hey, Y/N, look at me. You're fine. Everything's going to be... fine. He's going to leave soon."
"Ah, still babying her?" Marco glared at his former crew mate, now sworn enemy. With a laugh, Blackbeard stared down at us.
"She was always one of the most pathetic. From what I remember, she couldn't even read when she first came on the ship! And she chose Ace as her significant other... even more pathetic."
I paused for a moment. I stopped breathing, stopped moving, stopped listening, everything just shut down. All that I heard were those final words...

An Eternal Bond
FanfictionPortgas D. Ace x [Female] Reader ••• Wanted for something you couldn't control. Something you were born with. At the age of 6, your village was raided in search of you, the so-called "Most Dangerous Child Alive." One marine, however, had mercy. Had...