Ice Oni

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I panted, leaning my head back. "Robin, do you know if anyone got caught in that crossfire?" I crossed my arms. "I can't see over them."

"It's amazing to me that that's what you're worried about." Robin said with a smile.

"Well, yeah, I need to see my path before attacking." I rolled my shoulder and pulled it back, making it stretch a few metres before letting my fist go flying into one of the giants' chests. "Hopefully no one was behind it."

I suddenly saw a glimpse of a claw and immediately flew up, watching it swish past the spot I was just standing in. I'll have to thank Izo for teaching me Observation Haki. It caught my leg and Marco's Devil Fruit deactivated as I panicked.

"Y/N!!" Luffy bounced over to me as I raised my hand.


"Juki X Caliber!"

I flinched, pausing my power once I felt the clasp over my foot loosen and I began to fall. Wait, what just happened?! I was caught in someone's arms and gently placed on my feet.

I looked up and froze. "D-Drake?!"

"Mugiwara Luffy! For reasons I cannot say now, I am an army of one! Please let me fight on your side!"


I stepped away, gripping my sword's handle. "What are you getting at?" Luffy's arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him and I assume the reason was because of how close I was to Drake. "I know you. And you wanna defeat Kaido too, huh?"

"I cannot tell you the reason why, but our goals are aligned!"

I tilted my head. "Wait, why can't you tel—"

"Don't go pulling any stupid crap like that!!" Zoro interrupted as their blades clashed. "Luffy! This guy sank to being under Kaido's wing just like Hawkins!"

I tapped my chin. "But what caused you to—"

"I don't trust a guy who turns his coat that easy!" Franky added. While it is true, I would appreciate if I'm not interrupted over and over again. "But Drake—"

"Stay away from Luffy, X Drake!"

Oh, for crying out lou—

"Even in this pirate's world, there is side of honour!"

"Yeah, that's true Jinbei, but—"

"Sure, he can join." I sent a glare to Luffy but didn't say anything more. His own crew was against it, so no point in fighting against that. Although I was curious as to why Drake decided to switch sides.

"We should get the the castle." I said. Luffy nodded and I turned my arms to wings, grabbing his shoulders and lifting him into the air with my talons.

Right then, the two dinosaurs that attacked Luffy before rose up from the battle.

"Shoot- Sanji, catch!!"

I tossed Luffy towards Sanji and raised my talon. "Hoo-in!" I don't know why Marco named it that. It was one of his coolest moves but named like a child's story. I flew backwards immediately and landed next to Luffy, holding my ankle.

"Are you okay?" Sanji questioned and I nodded slowly. I breathed in, holding a blue flame at my ankle for a moment.

"I've got this." Luffy walked forward for a moment, but...

"Special Attack, Green Star!! Skull Blast Grass!"

I stood up, furrowing my brow. "What was that?" I searched around, seeing Usopp crouched behind Nami. "My favourite kind of pest control is getting rid of lizards! I hope you're ready for this!!"

Does he think that he actually sounds like Nami?

"There'll be no escape for you!!"

"Vengeance for Pay-Pay!!"

My lips straightened to a thin line. Apparently he did. "B-Be careful!" I chuckled dryly and Luffy took my hand, running off without really saying anything about Usopp and Nami running off.

"Ah... Sanji, Y/N, cover your ears!"

I clasped my hands over my ears without a second thought, hearing a muffled tune through my fingers. "What was that?"

"He fights using music!"

"Yep, got that part but— Watch out!" I jumped up, a dinosaur's tail swiping past my feet. "How are we supposed to fight with our hands over our ears?"




My eye twitched and I removed my hands from my ears. "If one more person interrupts me... Room!" Once it surrounded the area, I picked up a rock and threw it, one hand going to my sword handle as I said, "Shambles!" I switched with the stone and sliced at the music-fellow's arms. I'd say his name, but I don't have it yet. 

"You're lucky I actually value your gift of life." I said, putting my blade back in the scabbard. 

Luffy uncovered his ears. "Awesome, Y/N!"

"We should run before he gets a hold of his arms again." I blinked. "I mean- Well, you know what I mean. Let's go!"

"Jaki!! Goki!! Juki!!"

I looked down at the music-guy, which is what I shall be calling him until I learn his name. Those words didn't sound like musical instruments...

Suddenly, I was picked up off the ground by a large hand. That's who Jaki, Goki, and Juki were. "What the- Luffy!"


I tried moving my arm towards my sword, but it felt like my arm would snap in half if I tried to move. "For crying out loud.... Shambles!" I swapped with the music-guy and stumbled backwards. "Sorry bud, but I'd rather you than me!" I called out before running up to Luffy.

"Are you okay?!"

I turned my arms into phoenix wings for a moment before turning them back. "Now I am. Let's go." 

While the three giants chased Franky, I felt this abrupt feeling of dread in my chest and stopped, just as a bullet shot past my face. I blinked and looked at the bullet in the floor, watching it slowly turn to ice. "What the..."

I knelt down next to it and took the bullets out of the gun that Izo gave me. They were certainly different, not including the part that the floor literally was coated in ice. 


"Go ahead, Luffy." I put the bullets back in my gun. "I need to figure out something here." 

I looked around, seeing soldiers from both sides suddenly being encased ice and growing sharp teeth and horns. Then the same people turning into ice began grabbing and biting people who weren't infected and spreading it as fi it were a virus.

I ran up to the nearest person. "H-Hey, pull yourself together!" X Drake suddenly came and took my arm, pulling me back. "Don't touch them with your bare skin."

"What's going on?!"

"That was Queen... it really is a plague!"

"What is? Those bullets?"

He nodded slowly and I turned to the source of the bullets. "Of course he's too high for my Room to reach." I'm not Law. I have more of a limit than him, especially when he's further away from me. 

"Close the doors to every tower!! This floor is finished! This is the shining jewel of my plague rounds... Ice Oni!"

It disgusts me how proudly Queen can say such things. But I guess he fits the description of what someone would believe a general pirate to be. 

"Jinbei!" I called. "Go to Luffy! He could use your help getting to Kaido!"

"And you?"

"I'm finding my brother."


Jujika - Crossfire

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