Whitebeard's Death

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Still standing, but lifeless. Not one ounce of strength was left inside of him, his nervous system dead as well as he.

But he was standing.

The wind was blowing in my face, but it made my tears no dryer as they streamed down my face, my mouth making not a peep. I felt entrance as I stared upon Oyaji's back. Free of bullet wounds, blood never splattered. Clean as it was when we arrived.

I grazed my finger over the tattoo on my arm. I had gotten it years ago, at the age of twelve. But it never faded. A weapon never touched it. It was like I was born with it.

It was an unspoken rule. Never let someone touch the Jolly Roger, whether it be on your arm, back, chest, or clothing. And if anyone were to ever do so, they would pay.

A small white feather drifted in front of me, landing in the palm of my hand. The lightness of this feather.. it felt nice when I thought about the weight on my heart right now.

So many feelings were swirling through my head. So many unanswered questioned I could never get the answer to. But only one motive.

But right now, I can't complete it.

Right now, I can sense something. Right. The horror called humanity. I could sense that they were watching this, celebrating about Oyaji's death without ever knowing him personally. I could sense that they thought the whole reason for all the dismay is just pirates.

I always found that odd... when people delighted in the death of others.

But seeing Akainu fall into that crack, I somewhat understand. Somewhat. But they didn't know Oyaji. Akainu on the other hand had nothing that was motivating him. I don't understand why someone wouldn't be happy for his death.

I stood up, staring blankly at the other side of the crater created by the man standing dead a few feet away from me, out of arm's reach.

Blackbeard walked up to Oyaji, laughing. Laughing. "Y/N." I heard Vista say, but I didn't move. I felt his hand on my shoulder, but I didn't budge. "Wait. I want to see exactly why he's here."

I didn't want to say his name. That would be a bad word for me, a poison in my mouth.

"I can catch up." I glanced to the side, meeting Vista's eyes. "Just take care of Luffy... please."

He sighed and let his arm drop, continuing to order everyone to the ships, soon following.

"Don't let the pirates get away!!" A marine yelled. Cannons were fired, bullets were shot, but they forget something.


I unsheathed my sword. "Scan." And with my right hand, I took the bullets in the guns and cannons, all of them landing behind me. I flicked my wrist as they rose to my shoulders, the marines stepping back in fear.

I kicked the cannon balls towards the clusters of marines, sending them flying. I didn't want to fight anymore. I just wanted to learn why, exactly, Blackbeard was here.

My cheeks were stained with tears at this point, but I had given up on crying. Or rather, I had just given up.

"Alright, let's begin!" Blackbeard's crew placed a large cloth over Oyaji, and I furrowed my brow. He lifted the dark drape and went underneath, to which I balled my hand into a fist. "Aw, heck no. Shambles."

Blackbeard appeared outside of the drape, his eyes wide in shock.

"I don't care what you were planning on doing under there, but if you think I'll be letting you touch Oyaji with your disgusting fingers, and be close enough for him to know your stench, you better be delusional."

A fire erupted from underneath him and he began rolling around like a pig, screaming, "It burns, it burns!"

The crew looked at Marco, but saw that he was equally shocked. I get it. I don't like hurting people. I don't like burning them like this. But that, over there, is not a person.

He's an atrocity.

"You said you could only copy the powers of the living!" Blackbeard said, to which I raised a brow. "What? You thought you had me figured out?"

I sighed. "If you're going to find someone pathetic, you merely need to look in the mirror." I turned around, following my crew. "So keep Ace's name out of your filthy mouth."

I began walking towards Vista, slowing down a bit and looking him straight in the eye. "Weren't you the one that told me to go back to the ships?" And I walked passed him.

I took one glance back to Blackbeard and saw that he hadn't gotten near Oyaji. I flicked my wrist again, making the cloth float into the air and burst into flames.

"Jinbei, use this ship!" A crew mate called. But the ocean was soon frozen over by none other than Aokiji.

You have got to be kidding me.


The ice vaporized in an instant and I looked at Aokiji with a conniving glare, to which he did the same. "Aren't you troublesome?"

"Well, he's my boyfriend and they're my brothers. Put the pieces together, Aokiji." I saluted and leaned backwards, my arms engulfing in flames and I flew off.

I looked around the area and saw a rather unwanted person emerge from the cracks in the island. "Akainu...?" I flew down and landed next to Marco.

"You see that, too?"

"Yep." I crossed my arms and glanced over at Jinbei and Luffy. "I know he's aiming for Luffy now, so both him and Jinbei have to get away first..." I paused for a moment. "Perhaps not on a ship."

Marco tilted his head. "What else, then?"

I looked out at the ocean, feeling a certain familiar energy drawing nearer and nearer. "A submarine."

I stood my ground in between my crew mates and the marines that were trying to prevent them from leaving. Between the bullets, the swords, and the Devil Fruits, I was worried someone would get past me and get to Luffy and my crew mates.

"Hiken!" I sent a fist of fire at a group of marines while I lowered a "Room" so the cut up marines behind me would fall over.

I looked at Akainu, his fist a hunk of magma. I was ready to fight him, but...


My eyes widened as I saw the scrawny pink haired marine I saved before run in front of Akainu, his arms outstretched beside him. "Haven't you done enough?!"

What is he doing?

"Coby... You were always weak."

I ran over as Akainu raised his fist. Justice my ass, he's willing to kill one of his own men to kill pirates who were trying to save one of theirs.

"Out of the way, idiots!" As I said that, the marines that were in the way fell over and I ran past, not bother to check why.


I picked up a rock and threw it.


I grabbed the pink haired marine and pulled him away just as a certain someone jumped in front.


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