Revolutionary Army

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"Whoa, whoa, you're going quick!"

I ran passed Marco and grabbed my bag, swinging it over my shoulder as I stuffed a knife into it.

"Where are you going?"

I glanced back at him and smiled. "A little reunion."

His eyes widened, seeing my smile for the first time in so long. His eyes for solemn and he put his hands on my shoulders. "Just be careful, okay?"

I put my hands over his and nodded. "Of course."

As I opened the door, I looked out at the land that Oyaji once called home. Oyaji, while my amount of brothers constantly change, you will always be my father.

I pushed off the ground and flames ignited on my skin, shooting through the air with a newfound energy.

"Wow..." Sabo marvelled as I landed. "I didn't know you could do that."

"What? The copying thing?"

"No, I read that in the newspaper. The whole flying thing." I chuckled and walked passed him towards his little boat. "It always just came naturally, I guess."

I stopped at Ace's grave and kissed my index and middle finger, tapping at the stone and whispering, "I'll see you, okay?"

Sabo chuckled and stepped onto his boat, holding out his hand so I could step on it as well.

I was seated at the back of the boat, watching the island get smaller and smaller, the small table with the sake and sake cups still clear as day.

"It's been so long since I've been on a boat." I sighed while leaning back.

"Well, if I could fly, I wouldn't be doing too much boating either."


I looked at the rushing water beneath my feet and looked back at Sabo. "Hey, can I do something?" He paused to peek at me, curious to see what I meant.

Once I saw him not, I jumped off the boat and landed on a platform of ice, running across the surface of the ocean before diving in, a tail replacing my legs once again as I circled around the boat.

I shot out of the water and swung my hair back.

Sabo watched in amazement, his hand no longer gripping the steering wheel.

"Beautiful, isn't she?"

Sabo gasped and looked behind him, seeing that the owner of that familiar voice wasn't even there. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah, she is."

I landed on the ship with two legs and tilted my head. "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh... no one in particular."

I stared at him and smiled. "Don't worry... I heard it too."


We arrived at the island he called the Revolutionary Army Headquarters, and to be honest, it was pretty intimidating. Not because of the fact that the building was huge, but because I knew who was inside: Monkey D. Dragon.

Luffy is a very sweet person, but his father may be a different story.

"Hey, you don't have to worry." Sabo assured. "Dragon isn't as scary as he's made out to be. Probably like Whitebeard to you."


I held onto his arm and followed him inside.

"Sabo, welcome ba— Who's she?" I hid behind him, and he smiled, gripping my hand. "This is my little sister... in law..."

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