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After the talk with Mr Forkle, she wanted to go home as soon as possible. Maybe get some slee- nah, she'll never get any sleep after what happened in the neverseen's storeroom. She didn't regret what she did. It made her feel proud, but should she have really burnt Gisela's book? I mean that had tons of information. But Sophie knew she couldn't change anything now, what's done is done. She went up to her room, passing Grady on the way. She expected him to say something- or at least nod, but he just walked straight passed her with his head hung low. Sophie pulled out an eyelash, was Grady that disappointed with her actions today?
She continued up the stairs, she'd deal with him later. When she entered her room. Iggy was sitting on her bed with a new coloured fur. He was sitting by a note. Sophie assumed that Dex had come up and done it, but then why had he left? She opened the letter, and already by reading the first line she knew who it was.
To the mysterious Miss F!
Keefe. She whispered to herself. She guessed that was why Iggy looked sort of weird. As she read the letter, her expression changed, from a smile, to a frown. By the end of it she was in tears. Keefe had left her again! He just left her, he went straight into danger. What was she going to do with out him? Who could she talk too? Things were still a little weird with her and Dex, Biana would just assume crazy things, and although her and the twins were close, Tam would just celebrate and Linh probably wouldn't know how to react. Marella would tell the world, she wasn't as close as she wanted to be with Wylie, and although her and Fitz had made up, it was very awkward.
She had no one now that Keefe was gone. She kept crying and the tears just kept coming and wouldn't stop. She tried to keep them silent, but soon Sandor came in after he heard her sobbing.
"Miss Foster! What happened?"
"I need to sleep. Please ask Edaline for slumberberry tea." She said between sobs.
"What happened?"
"Just get the tea. Please?" She added when he didn't leave. After a couple of moments, he left the room.
Sophie quickly tucked the note under her pillow and took iggy off her bed. She didn't want to talk to anyone. So she grabbed an ice blue memory log off her shelf. It was the one Keefe had given her for midterms once. It was empty because she hasn't finished her first one yet, but she took it to her bed and crawled under the covers. She projected all her memories of Keefe, the good and bad. Them eating cookies together, when they first met, them riding Silveny together, when he left for the neverseen, when he came back, when he was in the sparing match with King Dimitar. With each memory many tears fell, and she kept finding new memories until a small teacup appeared on her bedside table. She loved Edaline even more, knowing that she had conjured it up to her and gave her space. But part of her wished she had come up to see her. She sipped the tea and went to sleep.
Eventually when it wore off and she woke up, she saw the memory log on her bed, and realised it wasn't one of her horrible nightmares, and she just took another sip.
When she woke up once again, she took another sip.
But the next time, she drank the entire cup. She didn't care if she slept forever, she wanted it all to be a bad dream. As she drifted back to sleep again she thought of Keefe.

A/N the chapters WILL be longer in the future.

Word Count: 641

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