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Keefe had stayed in the small cubby house for 2 nights now, and it seemed to be working out alright. Amy would bring out any extra food from the main meals, and then A few snacks throughout the day. Amy had told him that if he wants to stay in the forbidden cities for a long time, that he needed to fit in and understand everything. She had taught him quite a lot, and found that telling him the information didn't help, she had to show him. She was surprised how quickly Keefe remembered stuff, but he wasn't, his photographic memory helped him a lot.
Amy had taken him to a mall nearby and gone shopping together. She recently got a job so she could help pay for stuff.
"This is a one time thing." She told him on the trip.
"As much as I love shopping, I want to save my money. So if you want to come here again then you have to get a job."
Keefe enjoyed hanging out at the mall, and with Amy, he could tell why Sophie loved her so much. When they were out, Keefe had bought a couple of extra art supplies, so he could paint when he got back.

He painted scenes of the Lost Cities, the view from Everglen, the panakes tree and the beach from the shores of solace, although he hated the place, it was still beautiful.
He was mid way through drawing the ocean when he got a hail from Grady. Keefe was tempted to ignore it, but decided not too since it could be bad news.

"Thank goodness you picked up. You need to come back now! Sophie was so upset about the letter and you leaving that she drank so much slumberberry tea. She's unconscious and has been the entire day. We don't know how long it will last. You're putting Sophie in more damage being away from her."
"Is she ok?" He asked.
"She unconscious Keefe! Elwin can't wake her up! No one can! All of the friends are camping in her room waiting for her to come up. All supporting her! They would be supported you too if you let them. All of them were so sad that you had left. Wylie even let Marauca join the black swan so she could help find you! They are all on your side Keefe!"
"I don't want to hurt anyone. If I go back I could hurt someone or kill them. I'm better off alone."
"Sophie needs you!"
"No she doesn't! She has Fitz!"
"Yeah and Fitz was an amazing boyfriend wasn't he?" He said sarcasrically.
"For Sophie to break up with him proves that despite how long she liked him, she knew he wasn't right for her."
"She has Dex and the the girls then."
"No, she needs you. I don't think you know how much you mean to everyone, Ro was crying, as well as your father, last I saw him he looked like he'd had a fight with his pillow."
"I have to go."
"Go where? Because I'm not leaving until you come back."
"I dont want to hurt anyone."
"Keefe you already have! So don't make it any worse and come back. The fact that your talking normally means you've overcome it."
"No it doesn't, the commands don't work over imparter."
"Then call your friends over the imparter."
"No because then they will try and find me."
"You know what. Fine. Wait one second. KIDS!! head on downstairs for DINNER!" He screamed from downstairs. Then as soon as everyone was downstairs, he went to Sophies room. Keefe watched as Grady tilted the camera to word Sophie. She was asleep, with tears on her cheeks. Ella was in her arms, and she was clinging on to her very tightly. On her lap was an open memory log. The one he had gotten her for a gift. Grady didn't show much of it, but he could just make out that it was the memory of her and him riding Silveny. Tears fell down his cheek. he wanted to go back. But he couldn't.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, then hung up.
"Who was that?" Amy asked.
"Oh. I was thinking, you know how my hand felt wierd?"
"You know what? It doesn't matter." She grabbed a tissue and wiped the tears from his cheek.
"I know this is hard, but maybe it would help if you controlled your power."
"I tried that and it just didn't work."
"I think I can help. I was thinking about it a lot, and I figured something out. I think your mum gave you a new power. I think that she made you a Polygot so that you could speak empath. I think the commands is your polygot ability speaking empath language and making the person or people feel a certain thing like numb."
"That sounds right . . . But what about being able to sense what they are going to manifest as?"
"I think that she just gave you a new power."
"Inventive there- but the first part sounds about right."
"So try a command on me then- a nice one."
"Umm ok." He thought of a nice command- an emotion. He chose happy. He let it fill him up, made him believe it was good. He remembered tone was key, so in a happy voice he said,
"Happy." He said. Amy smiled the widest smile in history and started jumping for joy.
"Ok great work Keefe! Maybe make it stop now." She said still in the same state. He remembered when he had turn Sophie numb, he had said feel, but maybe it was simpler, when he was trying to reverse it last time he was in a panic, maybe he should let the word fill him up.
"Return." He said as he imagine all things connected to the word return.
"Woah! That was amazing!"
"I know I'm amazing! Everyone agrees."
"But your theory was wrong."
"What theory?"
"That commands don't work on humans."
"Oh yeah. Haha."
"Soooo.  . . Could you do a command like truthful?"
"I suppose so, why?"
"Because I can ask my friends and  family stuff and they'll have to tell the truth."
"Maybe I should have a little more practice before that."
"I guess."
"Ok let's do another!" He said excitedly.

Word Count: 1061

Stellarlune Series: StellarluneWhere stories live. Discover now