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It's been a week and a half since Lark Lair was revealed, and we've been training everyday. The sad part, is that we know we need too. From then on, they decided that they would all put all of their effort into training. They all wake up at 5am, which is way to early, have breakfast, start ability training at 5.30 and finish at 10.00 which is way too long, have a break, then get to species battle training, 2 hours each species. At 12 is lunch, so they have another break, and there's another break at 4.00pm. Then, after finishing at 8 00pm, they have dinner at 9.00pm, then go to bed at the Lair, ready for the next day. So basically they were staying full time at Sophie's house.

Dex had also installed alarms throughout the Lair, to alert us for different situations. They are:

- When someone enters of leaves the Lair it says, (Name) has entered/left Lark Lair

- If someone somehow broke in, there's an alarm that repeats, Break in, Break in.

- If we need to have a meeting becuase theres a quest or something came up.

- If someone uses the microphone to say an announcement to anyone in the Lair

- If someone is hailing the group. We got a group imparter, which Dex linked up to a huge screen, which is like a huge imparter, when someone hails the group, we all go down to the meeting room, where it is, and answer. When someone hails the announcement says, (name) is hailing Lark Lair

- If there's an emergency, the alarm keeps repeating emergency. The emergency could be someone's injured or something huge has been found. It's not a one time thing because Dex knows that we always have emergencies.

There are so many alarms!

Keefe was leaving the Lair to visit his Dad during his lunch break. They had been getting along quite well for the first time. It felt good to have at least 1 parent. He bumped into Sophie, it was a little awkward, they hadn't really talked much the last week, they were super busy with all the training.


"Oh hi Keefe."

"I came out to look through the library for lunch."

"That's boring."

"Actually I reckon you'll like this."

"Are you reading about pranking things!?"

"No. I was actually reading about cognates."

"Ugh I thought that was all over finally and I'd never hear that word again."

"I mean Fitz did say it alot. But I was actually going to ask Amy if she wanted to be my cognate. I mean we're both pretty powerful and we trust each other a lot."

"Makes sense. But why would I like it?"

"So this is a book on cognates. But what was interesting is that they can be used for different abilities as well."

"Please tell me you don't want me to be cognates with Stina."

"No. I mean unless you want too. Cognates can either be 2 people of the same ability, or 2 people of opposite abilities."

"So like Linh and Marella?"

"Yeah, they could be cognates. Mr Forkle gave me the book to study, and it's quite interesting. He acutally suspects that Linh and Marella are actually already cognates. But that's not the point. It has a list of all the matches, there is:
- Phaser and Vanisher
- Shade and Flasher
- Pyrokenetic and Hydrokenetic
- Beguiler and Mesmer
- Psionipath and Inflictor
- Astrakanesis and Guster
- Teleporter and Conjurer
There are no matches for enhancer, Descryer, Technopath, Polygot, Froster."

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