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As she awoke her vision was blurry, but she could see faint outlines of some people around her.
She rubbed her eyes, hoping to get a better vision, but as she sat up to do so, she was squeezed by a bone crushing hug.
"Honey your awake!" Edaline said.
"Um why were you watching me sleep?"
"Sleep?" She asked puzzled
"Yeah? Wasn't I sleeping?"
"No, when you asked me to send up slumberberry tea, I assumed you'd take a sip, but you drank the entire cup! You've been unconscious ever since."
"Ever since when?"
"7 days."
"7 days??!!" She shouted.
"I'm sorry, it's just that drinking so much of it at once will keep you unconscious, for however long it takes for it to go out of your system or settle down."
"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's ok, we understand. Keefe meant a lot to you and to all of us."
"Us?" She looked around the room to see all of her friends and her parents.
"Oh your all here."
"Why wouldn't we be? We've all been camping out here. Waiting for you to wake up." Surprisingly the comment came from Marauca. It looked like everyone was there, and it also looked like she had a lot of catching up to do, because Dex was holding the note and biting his lip nervously and Marauca had the swan monicle pendant around her neck.
"Thank you. I'm sorry I scared you like that, I just didn't want it to be true." She said sadly.
"Neither did we." Stina said. Which was more surprising than Marauca saying something.
"I know I give you a hard time Sophie, but you are an amazing person. Really."
"You are." Fitz said smiling.
There were murmers of agreement from everyone.

Eventually every one left. Sophie got up to get dressed, and Sandor came in.
"Miss Foster. You scared all of us. I can't help but feel responsible for the occurances, I shouldve pressed for answers and helped you."
"It's ok. I'm fine now." Sandor nodded then walked back to his post at the front of the door.
"Oh and Sandor?" She waited til he turned around to face her.
"Thank you." She said, then walked up to him and hugged him.
"Its my honor."

Sophie decided that she should practice her new teleporting more, so with Sandor's watchful eye, she went out to the pastures and began running and teleporting to a couple metres in front of her.
She was getting quite good at it, but also quite tired. So on the last one, she teleported herself to the panakes tree and sat under it to catch her breath. She breathed it the soft smell of the petals and closed her eyes to listen to the soft hum of its singing. She kept her eyes closed, trying to calm down to help her forget about Keefe. After taking some deep breaths she decided to get up, she opened her eyes only to see Counicllor not-her-mother walking up toward her.
As she came closer, Sophie could see the dark circles around her eyes.
"Sophie!" She called. "I'm so glad your ok!" She gave Sophie a hug, which Sophie would have returned if Oralie wasn't a disgusting liar.
"It's ok, you don't have to do anything. I was so upset when your parents told me what happened. They also told Bronte, because we are both your points of contacts but as you can imagine he didn't cry or anything. I came to tell you a few things, your parents also told me you found Kenric's cache. But I think we'll save that for another day. I know this has been a tough day- or week, and I know my visit made it worse, but I did want to apologize. For you being unmatcheable, for not telling you, for not being there for you, and all the other things that you blame me and hate me for. I'm sorry. I would never want to hurt you, I love you too much for that. Im sorry for everything. I really am."
Sophies head was buzzing at the apology and telling her that Oralie ruined her relationship and everything else, but maybe it was time to listen to her heart.
"I love you too Mum." she said softly, and hugged her. Oralie smiled and hugged her back. Sophie didn't mind that she was unmatcheable, because she got another amazing mum out of it.
They both sat at the trunk of the panakes tree, where Oralie said,
"I have something to tell you Sophie." She said seriously.
"Ok . . . I'm guessing it's important."
"It is, I met up with Forkle today."
"Oh no . . . What did he say?"
"First he said he's proud of what you did in the storeroom, and said his twin would be thought so too." She wiped a tear away. And they paused, as if saying the name merited a few seconds of silence.
"I told him how sorry I was, and he said that he would've done the same thing, and it's ok because there were two of him and only one of me. But then we started talking about what would've happened if I died instead. And that's when he told me, that if I died- so would you. It was something about the genetics. So if your still looking for your dad, then you know he must be alive to be your dad."
"I already knew that though. And don't worry, I'm not looking anymore. I have 5 amazing parents already."
"But we need to look for him, because Mr Forkle told me that he didn't know who it was. One brother knew the dad and he knew the mum. But he found a slip of paper in his office, saying the name on it. I was there when he found it. And it's someone everyone thought he was dead, but how can he possibly be dead if your alive and it changes everything."
"Who is it?" Sophies mind ran through some dead people she knew, that were men.'
"Kenric." She said quietly.
"Kenric? But . . . how? That means he's alive."
"Yes and we need to find him. Heres what Forkle thinks happened. When Fintan started the everblaze he was obviously fire proof, but I think when he left, he took Kenric. Probably to one of their hideouts. And he must still be alive. So we need to find him."
"But Mr Forkle said that Kenric wasn't part of project moonlark."
"He lied Sophie. He doesn't want you to know. And as far as he was knows concerned kenric wasn't. Like I said, he only knew about me."
"Okkkkk. So where do we look?"
"Glimmer. She might've heard or seen something."
"Ok then, but what about his spot on the council? You can't just get rid of Alina."
"I know- such a shame, I would love to get rid of her." She said laughing. "But if we were to find Kenric, then you would not be getting rid of a councillor. You would be getting a new one." When Sophie looked at  her with a puzzled expression she went on. "If we find Kenric, then I will stand down. I have had a lovely time on the council and I am sure I will have an even more magical time with Kenric. After seeing that forgotten secret on my cache, I think I would like to see if Kenric and I would work out."
"I'm sure you would. But then who would be on the council?"
"I expect Magnate Leto, which will be a huge triumph for the black swan, although it would be hard to maintain his identities. I predict that if it does happen, then he will reveal to the council who he is. If the council still supports him then the new Principal of Foxfire would most likely be Master Cadence."
"Woah thats a lot to take in."
"Yes it is. But I'm hoping you'll take it in fast. We have to start finding Kenric as soon as possible."
Now she had to find Keefe and Kenric.

A/N I do not believe that Kenric is her biological father, I think it is Elwin, by for reasons later in the story I had to make it Kenric.

Word Count: 1393

Stellarlune Series: StellarluneWhere stories live. Discover now