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"That's true." A voice said from the doorway. "Except she's not."

"Forkle?" Jolie asked.

"Jolie. Its so wonderful to see you." He gave her a very awkward hug then continued. "Im sorry I haven't come 'round sooner. I haven't seen you since you found all the supposed dead people." Jolie flinched. Clearly she disliked people talking about her being dead.

"That was only yesterday."

"So it was. I'm getting old."

"Maybe it would help if you got rid of the ruckleberries, then you wouldn't look old."

"Unfortunatley, your stuck with it. But, the reason I've been a little preoccupied is I have had a swell of support to become the new councillor."

"That makes sense. Magnate Leto was getting support last elections as well. Imagine what will happen when the public find out it's you."

"No. Magnate Leto isn't getting the support. Mr Forkle is. They want a black swan member on the council."

"Wow. That a huge achievement."

"Yes it is, But there will be a noticeable absence of the Foxfire principal."

"Well, if you get elected, then you can announce your Magnate Leto and if your not, then just keep going how your going." Grady suggested.

"Yes, that's the solution I came to as well."

"It'll be great if your nominated! That's another vote in my favour."

"Even without me, I expect all the councillors will be in your favour. But I believe we've got side tracked."

"Yeah what do you mean 'she's not'?"

"She's not a human, so it won't be illegal."

"So she's- an elf?"

"Yes. If things didn't work out with you, we had a back up plan, Amy. She was project Starlark. Starlarks are the same as moonlarks except they very rarely make the journey. We made her  Starlark because we had a slim chance of needing her. We didn't trigger any of her abilities, but she has the same as you. Except the teleporting,  we decided not to base her off alicorns. We had extra help from more physicians so we didn't need to. Her eyes are actually blue, they just look alot like green. Her biological parents are also different."

"Wow. That's a big revelation. Who are her biological parents."

"Actually, she's met both. Elwin and Livvy."
Thinking about it, Livvy had been really nice to her, and she was part of the black swan. And comparing Elwin and Amy, they had very similar hair.

"That's what you meant be more physician help." Jolie said.

"Yes, but you can't tell her."

"Ok. So we just have to tell the council she's an elf?"

"I mean it should be fine."

"Does that mean your going to trigger her abilities?"

"Unfortunately I have to. But at least she'll have someone to help cope."

"Where will she live?"

"Actually, Grady and I were talking last night, and we have an idea. Obviously it's her choice, and she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to, and we aren't forcing her to-"

"Stop stalling. Just tell us." Sophie said.

"We would love to adopt her." Edaline said.

"Really?" Sophie asked, tears coming to her eyes.

Stellarlune Series: StellarluneWhere stories live. Discover now