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"What are you doing here?" He asked accusingly.

"I just came to check up on him. I think I'm going to heal him tomorrow or something."

"No you are not."

"Not what? Healing him or not here to check on him."

"Both. You will not heal him. Our lives were much better without him."

"Fitz! He's your best friend!"

"Yeah, he was. But he's a danger to us all. And he was useless."

"No he's not! He captured 3 neverseen members and saved my sister."

"Yeah, and killed your parents."

"No. You don't know what happened. And you never will because you can't go in his mind."

"But I can go in yours."

"Because I don't block you! And because I used to trust you."

"You dont trust me?"

"No. I trusted Fitz. I don't trust this overprotective boyfriend who won't let me talk or go near my male friends! So I'm done with this."

"That's rubbish! That's not even you talking."

"Who is it then?"

"The puppet masters who created you. Because that's all you are. An experiment. That's all you ever were. Yeah, a super powerful experiment, but that's all. Being powerful is your only good quality. Your not funny, your not a good leader, you don't look remotely pretty your not good at anything."

"Yes I am. I'm good at alot of things. Knowing the right decisions is one of them. And right now the right decision is to be done with you."

"Good luck finding someone who actually likes you."

"I have lots of friends. I don't need a boyfriend."

"Tell that to Keefe."

"What are you talking about?"

"He's in love with you. He's obsessed. Do you really want to be friends with him?"

"I've known he loved me for ages!" She lied, "That didn't stop me from being a good friend. So leave me alone."

"You just made a giant mistake. I'm the perfect person for you, we are both so powerful."

"You don't believe that though. Or you wouldn't be isolating me from all the other boys. Because your afraid I'll fall for one of them because they are all really powerful. Because according to you, that's what everyone looks for in a person. So I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you aren't as powerful as you think. And I think you have lost all the trust I had ever placed in you." She ripped of her thumb rings and threw them at the floor.

"I am powerful." He said Then using his telekinesis, he lifted a chair. Before she knew what was going on, the chair fell on top of her. She fell to the ground and felt her head throbbing. She felt blood trickling on her face. Why hadn't Jolie come out to help her?

"When you die, I'll be the most powerful. Goodbye Sophie Elizabeth Foster." He said and out of his shoe he pulled out a dagger. He held it above her heart and just as he was about to stab her, Jolie spoke up.

"Leave my sister alone!" She screamed at him. She snapped her finger and the dagger left his hand. He reached for his shoes to grab another, but she ran toward him and grabbed him. She threw him on the ground and put her foot on his chest to stop him from getting up. The move she had done had reminded her of what Della had done to prove herself worthy to join the black swan.

"Power is nothing if you don't use it right. So you have none. Sophie, Hail our parents and the council. I think they'll need to free a cell in Exile for him."

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"Except throw a chair at someone and attempt of murder. Your disgusting. You will be punished for what you've done. No one hurts my family. NO ONE."


Her parents came over and were very mad at Fitz, the council said they would hold a tribunal for Fitz when They had a full team of councillors.

"You have no proof that I did anything." He said.

"Jolie was listening and watching from the other room, I can share my memory, an Empath can check if you lieing, my dad can make you tell the truth and Sandor would absaloutly threaten you to tell the truth, so I think we're covered."

"You shouldn't have left without me." Sandor told her when They left Keefe and went home.

"It was a spur of the moment decision and I'm fine."

"After Elwin came."

"Well I'm ok now."

"Im sorry this happened sweetie, and thankyou Jolie for helping." Edaline said.

"She was amazing! She took him down, IN HEELS!! I can't even walk in them!"

"I just held him down and conjured away the dagger." She said.

"You saved my life."

"Well, he will pay for what he did." Grady said.

"Why did he have daggers in the first place?" Jolie asked.

"We always carry them around in case we bump into the neverseen." Sophie said. Then she pulled out all the weapons she was carrying. There was ALOT. "I have weapon pockets in all my dresses."

"Wow that's extreme. But why did he only have 2 weapons on him? Surely you'd need more than that to defend yourself."

"Unless he didn't have them to defend himself. He was really surprised to see me. And why would he go to Keefe anyway? He can help him. He also came alone, so who ever's crystal he used he managed to make them not come."

"He was there to kill Keefe." Jolie finished.

"Why would he do that?"

"Because Keefe was back, and he needed to get rid of him. He didn't want Keefe around because he knew that he was in love with me or what ever. Fitz doesn't want me to talk to any boys because he doesn't want me to like any of them, but he only wanted to kill Keefe because Keefe actually liked me, unlike the other boys."

"Keefe was in love with you?" Edaline asked with a big smile on her face.

"Well he didn't hide it." Grady said. "and I must say, the more you tell me, the more I hate that boy."

"Keefe did nothing wrong." Sophie insisted.

"I wasn't talking about him. Keefe saved your sister, that boy attacked you, and in Keefe's position he wouldn't have saved anyone, because he would think humans aren't powerful enough to be saved. Keefe has earned back his name."


"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, we got a scroll earlier, the councillors will actually be announced tomorrow, so Fitz will be punished accordingly very soon." Edaline said.

"Actually there was something I wanted to ask the council." She said awkwardly.

"What is it?"

"I want to ask permission for Amy to stay here. In the lost cities."

"But it's against the law."

"But she's my sister. I can't leave her alone, without parents."

"But humans aren't allowed to stay in the lost cities."

"That's true." A voice said from the doorway. "Except she's not."

Word Count: 1204

Stellarlune Series: StellarluneWhere stories live. Discover now