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She woke up in her new room, and in felt natural. She got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Then she went up to the closet and picked out a simple dress and black leggings. Vertina showed Sophie a half-up half-down hairstyle, which looked really nice with her curly hair. She put on a bit of pink blush, and suddenly looked almost exactly like Oralie. People would defenitly realise if she wore it, so she took it off.

"Trying to look good for Keefe?" Amy said, walking in.

"What? No of course not."

"Don't buy it. Jolie and I both think you like him. Which isn't judgement by the way. He is hot as."

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry. Jolie told me to say that."

"Right. Anyway, I never asked you if you wanted to come with us."

"Id love too, but I just gave my design to the gnomes. They are going to get started when you leave, and I wanted to watch the process, and help if they need. My design isn't that easy to follow so if they have any questions I'm there. It will take a very long time though. The house was quick becasue it was just a replica. But this is unique, huge and the interior will be done. It should be done by the end of the day though. Hopefully."

"Well I've got to go. Can't wait to see it."

"Ok, well seen you later!"

Biana and Dec were waiting in the lounge room, and we're really impressed with her new house. She said she's give them a tour another time, and then took them to the house Keefe was in. Cassius and Ro were also there, which didn't suprise her. Forkle was already there, and looked a little tired.

"Ok we should get started now that we are  all here. Good luck Sophie. Remember the key is fixing what mad ruin guilty in the first place. And inflicting positive emotions."

Sophie nodded. She then put her fingers on his temples and dove into his mind. The 'I hate you' memory was on repeat still, but she pushed passed it. She hoped he had retreated to the nook. He wasn't taught how, but maybe he had. When she went there, she was surprised to see millions of memories there. All of her. All tinted gold. Why were all the memories of her pushed away? Then it hit her. Before his mind broke, he must've buried all his memories of her, because she had said she hated him. Or something like that. Which meant she could defenitly save him. She wraped her mind around the memories and tired to pull them out. When they didnt work she tried inflicting, it helped give her mind strength to lift the memories out of the nook. They all floated around her, like how they would with a normal mind, but the mind was still dark. She tried transmitting things like,

It wasn't your fault

Your a hero, you were willing to sacrifice yourself

I'm sorry I blamed you

You aren't the reason they're dead

We are all ok

I need you

We all missed you, please come back for us all

But nothing worked, no matter what she tried. What was the reason his mind broke? Maybe it wasn't the fact he was guilty. Maybe it was because she had said that she hated him. That was the memory on repeat.

I don't hate you.

She tried. The brain lit up for a few seconds, then went dark again.

I'm sorry I said that, I was overwhelmed with emotions and I was sad. I could never hate you. I told you that many times before. I just could never hate you. It wasn't true. I couldn't believe in had even said that. I couldn't believe my mind even went there. I would be lost without you. I can't lose even more people I care about. Don't  leave me. Please. I- I- I love you too.

His mind lit up and stayed. It looked like a normal mind again. His voice spoke in her head.

"Foster?" He said. Then she realised it was real life.

"You came back!" She said. Then hugged him.

"Son!" Cassius cried. He had tears rolling down his cheeks. And he hugged him. Keefe was so surprised, he almost forgot to hug his father back. But when he did he smiled so wide.

"Hunkyhair! If you ever think of leaving again I will slit your throat. Wait no I can't do that. Keep forgeting I have to protect you. Anyway good to have you back."

"It's lovely to meet you." Jolie told him.

"Woah Jolie! Your alive! I bet Grady and Edaline freaked huh."

"Keefe!" Biana said. "Its so good your alive!"

"Alive? Why would I be dead? Anyway good to see you! Is  that Fitzy behind you?"

The room went silent.

"What did he do?" Keefe said, sighing.

"He's in prison." Biana whispered.


"Attempted murder. He tried to Kill Sophie and also attacked her with a chair." Jolie said.

"It was my fault. I was the one that was here. He originally came to kill you, but I was here and we got in a fight. So it was me."

"He wanted to kill me? Why?"

We were dating and he was afraid that if you were back I wouldn't like him any more.

Keefe nodded.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I've just got a cut next to my eye."


"Councillor Forkle."

"There's a lot to update you on." Sophie jumped in. "But also a lot to update the group on. We are all meeting at my house tonight."


"But before that you need to un freeze the neverseen members they are going on trial in the afternoon."

"So I just have to be a the hall like at 12?"

"1. It starts at 1.30pm so be there half an hour early." Forkle told him.

"Great. See you then."

Word Count 1005

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