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While drawing another picture he hears a voice in his head. The exact voice he knew would come eventually, but just couldn't bear to hear it. Sophie kept calling for him, and as much as he wanted to talk, he couldn't, because if he did, then she would surely convince him to go back. But he couldn't keep her out for long.

Nearing the end of the discussion, Keefe heard some footsteps, and saw Amy walking down. He didn't know what came over him as he said that his girlfriend was there, but he did.

Keefe was trying to get a job so that he could earn some money in the human world. If he could access his birth fund, then he would be set, but he wasn't a fancy technopath. He was thinking of getting a job in a shop like target. Which funny enough was where Amy worked. But to get a job requires a lot of details that he didn't have.

"Hey Keefe I brought you some food, this is- ok what's wrong?"
"Sophie reached out."
Amy took a seat beside him and asked,
"What did she say?"
"Just asking me to come back."
"Well why don't you? I mean she will forgive you because it's only been a little while. And you can now understand your powers."
"I want to master them though, to see what I'm capable of. Also with all the mistakes I've made and whay I just said to her, I doubt she will forgive me even if I did go back."
"Ok I'm not going to argue with you, we have this conversation everyday. There's your food, let's just practice." Amy's usually happy mood had faded a little. But he let it go and that day he decided to go to a park to paint.
When he got to a nice spot, he set up an easel and began to paint his surroundings. He included the playground, the trees and all the children running around. He added every detail and when he had finished he took a step back. It was his best artwork yet. But there was nothing unique about it. He sat on the grass thinking what to add, when a dog comes running toward him. Keefe quickly moves to dodge it, but in doing so, un-shields his painting. The dog sees the painting and stops, but knocks over the water that was used to clean his brush. The black water spills over the painting and makes it a more darker version of the original piece. Where the water spilt gave it a sort of ripple effect, which made it look even better. He smiled to himself, finally happy with his artwork.

"Wow that's a really good painting." A man from behind him said.
"Thanks. I just finished. The black wasnt intentional but I think it makes the colour pop more."
At least the polygot ability had some up sides- speaking to humans.
"Your right, do you enjoy painting?"
"Yeah, it helps me cope with everything going on, like an escape."
"Do you have anymore paintings?"
"Yes, but this is my best one."
"Do you think I could see them sometime?"
"Umm- I suppose."
"Oh no, I'm not coming to you or anything, I was hoping we could meet up and I could look at them or something, I am someome who auctions off paintings, and I think that these would defenitly sell. I think you could be an incredible, famous and rich artist one day. Not to mention your looks, Im sure the girls will love you."
"My hair is legendary," he said laughing, "but there is only one girl I want to love me. But that's behind me now. I'd love to show you my other paintings."
"That's great! Can I meet you tomorrow for coffee?"
"Yeah sure. Where?"
"Just that cafe there." He said, pointing to a building.
"Ok, I'll see you then!"
Keefe watched as the man walked away and waved. He seemed really nice, and if doing what he loved helped him make money, then why not?"

"So let me get this straight, you were painting this- which looks amazing by the way -and a man comes up to you, asks if he can sell and see more of your paintings for like bucket loads of money."
"Pretty much." Keefe replied to Amy.
"That's amazing!"
"Yeah, except, what's coffee?"
"Like a drink to give you energy. When you are there ask for an espresso, they are the best."
"Espresso. Got it."
"He'll pay for that won't he?"
"Yeah, he's probably rich."
"Ok good. Oh no!"
"I just realised something Amy! He'll ask about where I live, my name and all this information I cant give him."
"So say your homeless and you never knew your parents. And you are broke."
"Then how do I have painting supplies? And decent clothes?"
"A friend got you it for you."
"I suppose that could work."
"Then get a good night's sleep so you won't be grumpy in the morning. Oh and can you promise me something?"
"When you become famous, I'm expecting a painting, and some really expensive gifts."
"Of course."
Then she left, and he slept.

"Can I take your order?"
"Yes, an espresso please?"
"And you sir?"
"So, before I look at what I am sure are masterpieces, I want to do a full introduction. I am Leesha Sloan, and you are?"
"Keefe Sencen."
"Well, Keefe how old are you?"
Keefe tried to think, but he didn't really keep track of his age.
"And can I meet your parents at all?"
"No you can't, I'm sorry, I have never met them, they died when I was born. I'm homeless."
"Oh. I am so sorry."
"But if you are homeless, how could you afford these clothes, and the supplies?"
"Well I buy the clothes when people give me money, and A friend bought me the supplies. You probably don't want to be around me anymore, do you? I should just go."
The moment he sat down at the table with Leesha, he knew he would regret it.
"No please, I don't care about that. I think you have a real talent. I am happy to pay for any needs that you have, housing, food, clothing, art supplies, anything."
"Of course, is there anywhere in particular you would like to stay?"
"Yes actually, I know this is a little specific, but Kingsley road?"
"Actually there is a house for sale on that street. I would be happy to purchase it  for you. But first, let me take a look at those." He said pointing to the bag that was at Keefe's feet.

"And . . ."
"He loved them, he said I had a real talent. And that's not it, he's going to pay for a house, clothes, food, art supplies, everything!"
"Wait does that mean your leaving?"
"Actually, I asked him to but the house for sale on this road. So yes I'll be leaving here, but I will just be walking distance."
"That's great! Now my parents can meet you!"
"Yeah I suppose." The last time he saw Sophie's parents was when They were in nightfall. And he shuddered just thinking about it.
"Either way it's great!"

Word Count: 1218

Stellarlune Series: StellarluneWhere stories live. Discover now