12. BOTH ♡

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He arrived, and no one was home. Not even Ro, which meant that they were either doung something dangerous, or at Sophies hiuse planning something dangerous. He leapt there with the group. When no one was home he went up to the panakes tree. Soon, Amy drifted off to sleep with it's soothing songs. He carefully moved her behind the tree, along with her parents so that no one would be alarmed when They came. It was evening time, and he had sat down for a while, soon though, he saw Sophie go into the house. Then come out a few minutes later. She started walked directly to the tree. How had she know he was there? It was so dark, and she didn't even look around.

"Keefe?" She said. As if she didn't believe it was him.
"Fost- Sophie." He remembered not to call her Foster. "Your dress is really pretty. Special event?"
"Thanks, yeah, long day, i came back from a ball to celebrate the return of Misty, Kenric and Jolie. Then Kenric proposes, and then he said something in his speech, do I came back here and wait a second. What are you doing here? I thought you had left, and you have a girlfriend and you were gone and we all missed you so much and-"
She said, panicking, then she trailed off and ran up to him and hugged him.
"I've missed you." He whispered.
"I've missed you too." She said back.
"What's going on? I thought you couldn't talk."
"I can control my ability now."
"That's great! Is that why there are 3 frozen neverseen members next to us?"
"Yeah. I managed to stop them before they killed us."
"Us? Oh you mean your girlfriend?"
"No, I don't actually have a girlfriend, I was stressed so I just said it. I was talking about Amy."
"Amy? You were with Amy?"
"Yeah, I went and lived with her for a couple of weeks, then met an auctioneer who sold my paintings, became rich, Amy designed a hiuse that was built in her neighbour hood which I moved into, then I came to her house to visit, the never seen tracked me and tried to kill her."

"But she's ok." Sophie clarified.
"Yes, she's sleeping behind the tree."
"Why behind?"
"Please don't hate me. I really tried and I'm so sorry." Keefe pleaded.
"I'll never hate you Keefe."
"The neverseen didn't kill Amy. But they killed your parents." He said softly.
"What!? You mean they're gone?"
"I'm sorry."
"Where are they?"
"Behind the tree, with Amy."
She fell to the ground and started sobbing. She tried to put some of the falling petals in their mouths, but they were long gone.
"Why did you have to go to Amy's house? The neverseen were obviously going to try and find you."
"I'm sorry, I just didn't think that-"
"No you didn't think, you always just do whatever you want, and make everyone else suffer the consequences. Don't you understand you have to think before you act. If you had never run away they would still be alive."
"I know and I'm sorry. I just thought-"
"I thiught we were friends. I thiught I could trust you. I thiught yturbulent betray me for like the millionth time. You always do this Keefe! And I always forgive you. But getting my parents killed?"

"You don't trust me anymore."

"No I don't. Don't you see? This is all your fault! Your the reason they are dead! Why couldn't you have just kept your mouth shut when I was walking to the healing centre? Then we would've never been friends and my parents wouldnt be dead."

"You wish we weren't friends? You wish we never met? Sophie, Im sorry, but I would've hurt so many more people if I had stayed here."

"How can you hurt so many people by staying at Elwim's hiuse? They were trying to help! You think you would've hurt more people by staying here, but by leaving, you got 2 innocent people killed, and you hurt me."

"Sophie I'm sorry. I really am."

"No. I am. I'm sorry I've wasted so much of my life talking to you, helping you, doing all this stuff for you. When all you've done is constantly ruin my life. I HATE YOU KEEFE SENCEN." She yelled. Then she turned around and started walking back to the house.

"It's my fault." He said, which made her turn back around, just in time to see him collapse onto the floor.

"The guilt." She said to herself. Then she shrugged. He should be guilty. He killed her parents. 

She hated him now. He would never be with her now. He tucked away all of his memories of her away. Like a garbage can. He didn't want to ever remember again. Then let the guilt take him. It was his fault.

"It's my fault." He said.

Then the world turned black. He didn't know how long he would be there, all he knew was that it was his fault, the more he replayed their death, the more he realised he could've prevented it. His mind had his conversation with Sophie on repeat. The nice bit at the start when he had complimented her was left out, and only the bad parts stayed.

After seeing him collapse, there wasn't much she could do. Obviously his mind had broken ftom the guilt, but he should be guilty. And why should she heal him? He killed her parents.

But leaving him there didn't seem right. Leaving her dead parents there also didn't seem right. Neither did leaving Amy or the neverseen members. Using her telekinesis, she moved the sleeping Amy to her own bedroom, so she could continue her slumber.
Sophie eyes wouldn't stop watering as she moved her parents onto a couch in the living room. Moving and actually going near the neverseen members was terrifying. But moving Keefe somehow felt worse than everything else. He deserved what had happened she kept saying to herself, but he had also saved her sister. Kind of. She honestly didn't know, she was tempted to look at the memory, but then she was afraid she would heal him. And she didn't want to do that. She had put Keefe on another couch, and sat on the floor, so she would be near both her parents and him. The neverseen members were just standing close by, still frozen. Sophie, overcome by her emotions began crying. She curled up in a ball and went on one of the couches. Her parents were dead, her sister was now an orphan, and she was conflicted about how to feel about Keefe. Oralie and Kenric's speeches and declarations of love had convinced Sophie to try and find Keefe. She had been so happy to see him. Then she'd been angry because he had lead the neverseen to her parents, then sad because his mind had broken from the guilt.

What was she going to do?

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