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Waking up the next morning, all she could think about wa she next day, she could find Kenric. The chances of finding him on the first try were pretty slim, but hopefully they found him really soon. Sadly, the first day of the deal she had made with everyone, started with a day at school. Which meant facing Fitz that day in her telepathy session. Hopefully all would go smoothly, but with the way Fitz reacted all the time it as shard to tell. She put on her uniform and leapt to school.

"Hey Sophie!" Biana said, appearing beside her.

"Hey Bi! What's up?"

"Nothing much, super conflicted about how to feel about tomorrow. You know? Should I feel nervous or excited?"

"I'm nervous, but you seem really excited, your like jumping."

"Yeah but Biana is always jumping up and down." Dex said coming behind them. They all walked toward the door chatting, and as they walked toward it, more and more people kept adding to their group, Tam and Linh, Stina, Marella, Marauca, Fitz. But there was no Wylie, obviously, he had finished his elite levels, and another person was missing too, someone it just didn't seem right without. Sophie could really use Keefe right now, to support her through it. Fitz could never know the reason they knew Kenric was alive, it would only end in disaster. But somehow, telling Keefe wouldnt really seem a problem. Even so, Fitz still pulled her aside to talk.

"So I wanted to say sorry. For the mind reading thing, and the boyfriend thing, and the kiss, I've just been really stressed since Keefe left, he was my best friend, and he still is. And I've just missed you so much, and I couldnt bear seeing you so upset, and I felt so bad afterwards. I know you probably don't want to to forgive me, I did some stupid things and I'm sorry, but please try and build back our trust."

"No." She said, and his shoulders sank, and he looked at his shoes.

"We don't need to build back our trust." She said, taking his hand, their rings snapped together immediately, and he looked up, shocked.
"You never lost my trust Fitz. I'm sorry I reacted that way. I was mad at Keefe, and I took it out on you. What you did was bad, but I forgave you. I never want to lose someone so special to me."

"Thanks Soph. And I know I made a lot of mistakes,  not just the other day, and I'm going to fix them. I dotn care if we are a bad match or anything anymore, all I care about is you. Please, will you give me a second chance?"

"Yes. Of course Fitz." His face gleamed with the most cheesy grin shed ever seen in her life. But it was also cute at the same time.


"So, you'll be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" She said smiling.

"Yes!" He said excitedly, then he hugged her so tightly.


They all sat together in the cafeteria to plan what they would do the next day.

"So we just pick a random spike on the ball and go there."

"Who is going to go?" Marella asked.

"Well we have no way of knowing how big they are and if they are all the same, so we don't know how many people we need." Sophie said.

"So the best way is to just all go." Marauca said.

"But that could backfire, if we all go, that's a huge group, it would be harder to hide, protect us all and be quiet." Biana added.

"So we go in small groups, and have the others monitoring the situation in case something comes up and we need backup. I'm sure Dex can make something for that." Fitz said.

Stellarlune Series: StellarluneWhere stories live. Discover now