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Before getting ready, she got a hail from Bronte telling her she should tell her group which cloak, pin and circlet to wear. He also told her that the new councillor would be her new point of contact. So fingers crossed it was someone good. She hailed her group and told them to wear the starlight circlet, moonlight cloak and sunlight pin. She asked Dex to hail Biana because she didn't want to face her because of the Fitz situation.

They all went to eternalia to meet the new councillor, which they soon found out was . . .

"So, the new councillor is someone who truly displays the change we have been through. This person has had a lot of support from the public, and we are glad to introduce, Councillor Errol Forkle!"
Mr Forkle glittered onto the stage and the cheering began, his speech was long, and he basically talked about how happy he was about working hand in hand with the council, and the public. He then revealed he was Magnate Leto and the crowd went silent. Sophie began to clap, and in turn so did all her friends and family. In the end the crowd started clapping.

At the end, Bronte came over to thank her for getting the audience to applaud Magnate Leto.
"The tribunal is in 2 hours. You will be on the platform in the middle of the hall because you are the victim, Jolie will be beside you as a witness, his family will also be on the platform, as well as Lord Dex. Who Lady Biana requested for moral support. I expect the 3 of you to be wearing what you are now, and to stay tough."

The 2 hours went by fast, because they decided to start moving all their stuff to the new bedrooms.
The closet wasn't as full as Jolie and Amy wanted it, because it was only Sophie's clothes, but Edaline promised they would buy some new clothes, which she was now dreading. When moving all her stuff to her room, she had to ask Amy a question,
"What going to happen to my room?"
"Well it's up to you guys of course, but I thought it could be whatever it was before."
"That makes sense."
"Yeah well it's  up to you guys of course."
"Ames, your part of the family too. It's up to you as well. Now, how's the design coming?"
"Great! I have a cool idea, but I need to talk to Dex and I need to know the abilities of you friends. Also what are the intelligent species again?"
"Ogre, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Troll."
"And they all have different ways of battling?"
"Yes, but gnomes don't really battle."
"Ok, and the abilities?"
"Um, well Telepath, Flasher, Shade, Empath, Vanisher, pyrokentic, hydrokenetic, psionipath, Inflictor, Enhancer, Polygot, Teleporter, Technopath and I think that's it. I probably forgot one. Why do you need all this info?"
"You'll see."
"Ok. Well then I've got to go. Sorry you can't come. And sorry you couldn't come to meet the councillors as well. I'm going to talk to then about the adoption after the tribunal, so you can go to any events you want afterward."
"Yeah well, see ya. Tell me what happens."
"Will do."

Then she left with Jolie and her parents. When they walked into the hall, she immediately noticed that all the Vackers were already there, obviously waiting for them to arrive. Sophie and Jolie made their way to the platform, while Grady and Edaline sat in the audience.
There was only 2 minutes til the tribunal started, so Sophie quickly went to take a seat. On the end seat was Alden, then beside him was Della, holding his hand, then next to her was Biana, and then Dex, Sophie sat beside him, and Jolie sat on the seat at the end of the platform, next to Sophie. Sandor stood behind her seat, and Woltzer and Lovise stood behind Biana and Dex.
Sophie tried to look away from Biana because she was sure that Biana was mad at her for being the reason she wasn't going to see her other brother again.

Soon the tribunal started, and the councillors sat on their thrones. Emery stood up and adresses the audience.
"Today we are here to discuss the punishment for Fitzroy Avery Vacker, the crimes committed were as follows, assault and attempted murder. We have plenty of evidence, our witness of the attack, Jolie Ruewen, and the victim Sophie Foster. The council has discussed the consequences very briefly, so the decision will be made today."

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