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I am very mad. I just finished writing this and it didn't save.

After 2 horrible conversations she was thinking of just going to sleep. She called Flori in to sing her a melody to get to sleep. She was never going near slumberberry tea again.

When Sophie  woke up the next morning, she found a note on her desk.

Gone to Atlantis, have breakfast, people will be around at noon.

That left her 2 hours to get ready. She ate the breakfast and then got changed. With an hour to spare, she had time to do an immaculate bun with the back out and a frame. Her bun had a floral pin to match the necklace she wore. Her red dress that was more of a long t-shirt went with the brown leggings and black knee high boots. Her eyeliner and eyeshadow matched perfectly with her red lipstick and rosy cheeks. She looked at herself in the mirror. Vertina approved, but Sophie looked at herself and realised it wasn't her. She wiped off the makeup, which left vertina to grumble about a waste of time. Instead she wore a clear lip gloss, mascara and the faintest blush.

Finally she was ready and went downstairs to open the door to the knock that came. In came Wylie, Linh, Tam, Biana, Fitz, Dex, Marella, Marauca, Stina, Mr Forkle and Granite.

Mr Forkle explained the situation to the group.

"So we have to raid a neverseen hideout in search of Kenric, who we thought to be dead, but now know is not, based on evidence you aren't allowed to tell us?" Biana clarified

"Yes Miss Vacker, I understand you want to know how we know this, but we have to protect the privacy of both Kenric and Sophie."

"Wait Sophie knows too?"

"Yeah sorry  guys." She said keeping her head down.

"So how do We get to A hideout? And know where they all are. I wasn't trusted enough to be told about that." Tam said.

"But Glimmer was!" Dex said.


"I didn't know that Kenric was being held captive, but I do know where the prisons are." She confirmed.

"Prisons? More than one?" Wylie caught.

"Yeah they have a little more than one hundred." She said shrugging.

"A LITTLE MORE THAT ONE HUNDRED!!!!" Stina shouted. "That's going to take ages!"

"How do we get to them?" Fitz asked.

"Only the leader has access."

"Then how do We go there?" Linh asked.

"By going to a neverseen storeroom and steal it." She said, taking out a spiky ball out of her pocket triumphantly.

"That's the access to the prisons?" Marauca asked skeptically.

"Yup, each spike has a different coloured tip, which corresponds to a prison, press the spike 3 times and your teleported there." She explained.

"Thank you so much!!" Sophie said.
"Ok let's go back to my house, hail the council, collective. My parents should be back, we will say our plan."


When they got to havenfield and called everyone over, Sophie explained what had gone on.

"So, we found evidence that Kenric is alive, we know that he is in one of the neverseen's prisons, so Glimmer has given us the access to all of them to search them. There are just over 100 prisons, so we should be done in around 3 and a half months, if we do one everyday."

"I have many points to address from that speech." Councillor Emery began, "First I would like to known this evidence."

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you that."

"I thought we were trying to work together, this doesn't work if you don't tell us."

"I don't want to get Kenric in trouble."

"What if we promise not to punish him in any way?" He questioned.

"Then I shall transmit it. I do not want the children to hear. Rumors spread too fast."

Emery nodded.

Kenric is Sophies biological father, and because of special genetics, if he was dead, Sophie would be too. But since she is standing here, very alive and well, it is proven that he is alive.

He transmitted to her, and the councillors.

"Wow that is a huge revelation. I will keep my promise, but I must tell you I wouldn't have punished him. Being a councillor means doing good in the world, and making it a better place. That is what he has done." He was very careful not to say anything about what he actually did.

"Now, back to the other speech." Bronte started. "First, thank you Glimmer, next do you have any idea how big the prisons are? Because if they are huge then we will need a bigger group and all that stuff."

"I'm sorry I have never been." She said

"That is perfectly fine, now my next thing I want to address, you will NOT be going to a hideout everyday."

"What! But that will take so long to search them all!" Fitz said angrily.

"Not as long as you think, here's what I am thinking, I'm sure your parents, the collective and the other councillors will agree. You are missing school to do this. Which is wrong, you need to continue your studies, and you have already missed so much of it. So I believe the best was to do this is to to school one day then a prison the next, and alternate."

"That is an excellent idea Bronte!" Emery says.

"Yes I believe that is the best solution." Mr Forkle said.

"I will contact Magnate Leto and tell him what's going on.

"That's not necessary." Mr Forkle said.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"If we are truly working together, I feel I should show you something." Mr Forkle replied, then drank an elixer and his ruckleberry form melted away to leave Magnate Leto.

"Wow. I did not expect this."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Well you already know that I'm Sir Tiergan." Granite said shrugging and revealing his normal form.

"My identity and the reason I joined should be self explanatory, but here goes." Squall said, revealing herself as Juline Dizznee.

"That is both expected and unexpected. Thank you all for revealing yourselves." Then looked towards the 2 that hadn't.

"We believe that those in our order should know before we tell you. Sorry." Blur said.

"That makes sense. Now, you have school tomorrow and then you can start your search."

Word Count: 1105

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