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After everyone left the small house he was in, Ro and his dad took him back to the shores of solace. Since the tribunal was in 2 hours he decided to get ready, and talk to Ro.

"So what did you do the whole time?"

"I'm an internationally famous painter. I was so rich and I had my own mansion and stuff. My last painting went for 1,000,000 dollars."

"Don't believe you."

"Here. This is the flyer of the auction with the information."
He handed her a flyer and it said:

Today's auctions
1. Keefe Sencen
17 year old Multi-millionare
Est. Value of Paintings- $1,000,000


"Fine I believe you. So who was your girlfriend? Because I gotta say she was super upset about that."

"Who was?"

"Sophie of course. Now spill Hunkyhair."

"Sophie was upset about me having a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I just said that. Now who was the girl?"

"It was just an excuse. Wait so Sophie was upset that I supposedly had a girl friend? Why?"

"Oh my goshhhh. Please shut up about this! What is wrong with you? Like you used to talk about Blondie all the time but this is accessive."

"It's just when I was broken, I could just hear echoes of what she was saying. But then she transmitted something and my mind came back. I could hear it clearer than anything else, but not clearly. She said something about love. I don't know what she said exactly only that it had love in it."

"Ooooh you think she said that's she loves you."

"Maybe. But I don't know. I'll ask her later. Maybe. Probably. Most likely not."

"Ugh you need to just grow up and tell her already!"

"She probably already knows! If she searched my memories."

"Whatever. Oh It's 12.49pm we should get going."

They left the house and arrived at the tribunal hall. The 3 neversen members were there, still frozen and the council gathered around them.

"Good to see you Mr Sencen. We brought along Grady and Sophie are here so that he can mesmer the members and keep them in check. Sophie will enhance him." Emery told him.

"Great. You guys ready." He waited til Grady nodded, then said in his empath language, "Un freeze."

Grady quickly mesmerized them and the stood still.

"Make them stop resisting the handcuffs." Emery told him. They did stop and soon they had handcuffs and goblins escorting them into the hall.

"Thank you." Bronte told Grady and him.

"Keefe and Cassius you are both going to be on the platform, Ro you are going to be stationed behind Keefe, and Keefe You may choose 1 person for moral support."

"Sophie?" Keefe asked her.

"Of course."

"Um can I talk to you for a sec as well?"


He walked outside of the hall, and out of sight of everyone else. She followed him and had an extremely puzzled look.

"So, what's up?" She asked.

"Well, the whole time you were trying to bring me back, I couldn't hear what you we're saying, but the thing you transmitted that brought me back, I could hear clearer. But not clear enough that I could hear what you said."

"When I was looking at your memories, I saw you talking, to Amy. And you told her that you- that you loved me."

He felt his face going warm.

"And I realised that I did too. So to answer you question, what I did  to bring you back, was saying that I loved you too. And now this is very awkward so I'm going."

She smiled at him, Then bit her lip before quickly kissing him on the cheek. She then walked off with out saying a word.

He stood there, shocked.

The tribunal began and in the end, the sentence was just as he expected. His mother got a life sentence in Exile. Which he had mixed feelings about. Sophie took his hand before it was announced, which didn't reassure him as much as he had hoped. The other 2 members, since they didnt know what crimes they had committed, were just given a 20 year sentence each.

He would never see his mother again. Not that he wanted too. But he had always hoped one day she would say, just kidding, and come back. She was the nicer one out of his parents. Was. His dad had been very nice to him since he had come back, it seemed losing him showed him how much he really cared about his son. Of course all his friends had missed him, except Fitz. How could Fitz do that to him, or Sophie? He tried to Kill him, and just because Sophie was around another boy, he just decides to kill her. He would be eternally grateful to Jolie and Sophie for saving his life. I had also seemed that Sophie had forgiven him, which was amazing. But it seemed he had a lot to catch up on as well. Like the fact that Jolie was back. And also what was going to happen to Amy? She couldn't stay here. Maybe they could secretly keep her in the lost cities. He went home and stayed there for a while. He talked to his dad for a while, and cleaned his room to pass the time. At around 6.00 he got ready for Sophies house. She didn't really tell him exactly a time, but he hoped it was an ok time.

Word Count: 917

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