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Her schedule was getting very confusing, and it was hard to keep track of all the events. 2 days ago, she found 3 dead people, there was a ball and Keefe came back, she found her parents dead and Amy had to stay the night. The next day, yesterday, they got up very early to have a planting for her parents. Then afterwards, she had a conversation with Amy and Amy told she wanted to stay a few days at her house instead with Quinlin and Livvy's hiuse. Then she got a scroll saying the new councillor would be announced 2 days from then. She then talked to Jolie and went to Keefe to check his memories. Keefe wasn't responsible for her parents death she figured out, and forgave him. Fitz came over, and was about to kill her, they were going to hold a tribunal for him when They had all the councillors. She went home with Jolie, and found out that the councillors would be announced the next day, which is today. She then talked to Amy and Amy decided to move in with her and be adopted by Grady and Edaline. Amy then offered to use her architecture skills to design something so there would be room for all of them. Amy gave the designs to the gnomes by the end of the day, then they all had dinner and went to bed. The gnomes worked through the night and built what Amy had designed. She didn't show anyone the design because she wanted it to be a surprise. So that day, they would see their new house, they would meet their new councillor, make Amy's adoption final and have a tribunal for Fitz. Tomorrow they would heal Keefe in the morning and then hold the trial for the neverseen members in the afternoon, after Keefe un freezes them.

In the morning Amy woke up early and woke them all up.

"I've just been outside and the hiuse is done! Gnomes are so fast! Anyway, come outside and see."

They all went downstairs and then outside.

"I wanted it to be simple, so let me explain what it is before you look. So the old house had 3 levels, the first level was the kitchen, dining and living room. The second was the office and 2 bedrooms. And the 3rd was the ballroom or gala place I don't know one of them. So what I did was, made a replica. Basically it's another building, the same as the original house, and in between the 2 buildings there is a passage and a star gazing place. The new building has a lounge room and 3 bedrooms on the 1st floor, an office and huge bathroom on the 2nd floor and on the 3rd floor is an entire wardrobe for us all to share. Ok you can look now." Amy said when she finished explaining.

They all turned around to look at the building. It looked really good. It was the same as the old one, like Any had said, and there was a rather large gap between them, the star gazing room was in the middle of the gap between the buildings and was a small circular room with a glass dome roof.

"Is the interior done?"

"I'm not sure, I did put it in the designs, but the might not have done it."

"Lets go check." Jolie said.

"How do we go inside?" Edaline asked.

"Well there's a door at the front, or you can go through the star place from the house."

"That's handy! Maybe we should go from the main house entrance, so we can see the stars."

They went through the hallway, and when they got to the centre the opened the door to go in. The circular room was a dark blue and had white dots representing stars, there was a table with a huge map of the stars, there were also shelves of bottled stars along a wall.

"This is beautiful." Jolie said.

"Thanks, but that's not all, you can also locate certain stars, watch." She clapped and said, "Candesia." And the glass ceiling zoomed in on what would've been a star except it wasn't very clear because it was day time.

"It looks better at night." Amy told them. "Anyway, on with the tour."

She lead them out of a door on the opposite side and then down the corridor. At the end of the corridor, there was another door which they went in. It was a huge living room, and there was a desk at the back of the room, there were 4 doors, which Amy explained were the 3 bedrooms and the front door. Each bedroom was different and made for everyone's tastes. Amy's had a yellow bed and the head board had her initials. She had a desk and a pinboard where her designs were.
Jolie had a very pink room and there was a huge make up table and shelves with small plants. There was also an empty mannequin in the corner of the room.

"I'm sorry, I don't really know what you like."

"Are you kidding? Look at all these plants! And pink is my favourite colour, look at this make up table!!! And look at this!" She sat on the fluffy pink chest at the foot of her bed.
"Thank you so much!" Jolie said, hugging her.

"And now for Sophies room. Now I know your favourite colour is teal, but I remember before you cane  here your favourite colour was red." She took a sigh of relief when she found it wasn't teal. She had like red, but she sort of moved off it after realising she was an inflictor.
The room was white, and had a red trim. There was a desk and 2 tall bookshelfs on either side of the desk. Iggy was was sitting in his cage on a pedestal with rubies. There were 3 mannequins in her room, with the 3 cloaks, circlets, and pins for her regent duty. Her bed was huge, and had red covers. The bed frame was white as well as the head board. The head board was the top of a heart and had rubies bordering it. On the headboard was her name with the moonlark sign she left in the neverseen's storage room in between her first and last name.

"How did you find the symbol?"
"It was in one of your books I was looking through. I looked through a pretty blue one as well. It was dedicated to-"
Sophie quickly ran to put her hand over her mouth.
"The neverseen, it was dedicated to the neverseen. Anyway thanks for my room. It looks really pretty."

"All good, now I'll show you the other floors. It'll be super quick now."

They went back into the lounge room and then up a lift, which apparently no one except her and Amy had heard of. They were very impressed. The next level, the bath room and study was pretty much what you'd expect. The lift opened on a large space with lots of books shelves. There was a long desk with lots of chairs, clearly made for multiple people.

"You can use it to plan all your secret missions. There are 13 seats, I don't know how many people are in your group."

"They can also use it to study. Not just death missions." Sophie rolled her eyes at Grady.

"And check this out. Forkle told me to add it. I don't know what it is, But he said Sophie would."

"It's the same map from his secret office! If shows all the lost cities and forbidden cities and the homelands for the intelligent species. It can also access all camera feeds and stuff."

"That's handy." Edaline said.

"Yeah anyway this is our shared bathroom."

The bathroom was huge, it had 2 toilets, 4 sinks, which made no sense, and 3 showers. There was also one bath. They then went upstairs to see the wardrobe. To have an entire level dedicated to a wardrobe was a little absurd to Sophie, but it actually looked really good. There were drawers, and lots of empty hangers waiting for dresses and cloaks. There were 3 changing rooms for each of them with a mirror on the inside. There was also a really big mirror, like Vertina times 5.

When they stepped in front of it, Vertina popped up.

"Guess who got an upgrade! Some guy named Dex made it so I can switch between mirrors, your each getting one in your  room so I can see all of you whenever. But I'll usually be here."

"This is great, Amy, thankyou." Sophie said.

"I agree. I reckon the council will be looking to you for building and stuff."

"Really? But I mean this isn't even that good, I just copied the original design. Is there anything else you want me to build?"

"Actually there is. But take your time, it needs to be really good. We won't build it until later, but I think it will be very useful."

"What is it?"

Sophie whispered it to her.

"I'll get started." She said seriously.

"Now we better get ready. We have to meet the new councillor."

Word Count: 1549

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