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{~♡~}<>TIME SKIP 9 MONTHS<>{~♡~}

The past nine months had been searching and searching, and it was getting very boring. There were still 20 hideouts left find. And Sophie was so tired. All of the prisons had been empty. What did they expect to do with all of them? They had found a super creepy prison which labeled cells. There was a cell labeled for everyone on Sophies side, black swan members, friends, family, the councillors, and also family of the friends. But there was no Councillor Kenric cell.

"So, are you guys ready?" Fitz asked.

"Yup, see you later." Marauca said.

"Bye Soph." Fitz said, and kissed her on the cheek. It was the first time he had done it in front of  people, and it made her face go bright red. From the corner of her eye she saw Edaline with the biggest smile, and also with her arm, blocking Grady from killing Fitz.
"Bye Fitz."

They clicked the lime spike on the ball, and the group appeared in another hideout. Sophie was glad she could finally leave Fitz, it meant she could talk to Tam. Fitz was being super protective, not letting her talk to any of the boys, and he was also always there. Like when she was asleep, shed be woken up by a transmission from him. She was also starting to think he was only dating her for her power. Whenever someone asked his favourite part about her or when he had started liking her, he always replied with something about how powerful she was, or when he saw how powerful she was.

"I'll light up the room." Amaya said.

"No, I can do it this time, Maya. There are lanterns, I'll just put fire in them like they are supposed to have." Marella said.


The room was lit up by the lanterns and there was a huge sign watched into the stone prison. It read: 'Dead' People

"This is it. It has quotation marks, which means we think are dead, but they aren't actually dead." Tam said.

"Tams right." Sophie said.
They all followed her down the long hallway. There were cells on either side of the hallway, all empty, except one.

"Kenric!" Sophie said.

"Sophie." He managed.

His voice was quite and raspy and he had dirt all over his face, as well as blood all over his clothes. He was still learning what he wore when he supposedly died.

"We have to get you out of there."

Sophie knew how to break the lock. She imagined a seed inside the lock and imagined it growing into a tree. The lock exploded, and the door swung open.

"Outward channeling." Tam said.

"Yep." Sophie agreed, then quickly ran in to the cell to get him.

"You look like her." Kenric whispered to her. She was sure only she heard it, and it was true. Sophie did look alot like Oralie, the past 9 months had made her hair very curly.

"I know your my biological father." She whispered.

He nodded. "We have to get back. They come and check on us once a day." He said to the group.

"Us?" Marella asked. All the group looked puzzled. Kenric nodded his head toward the cell next door.
"Grace." He whispered to her. Sophie knew who was next door.

"Ok guys, we need to all leap Kenric out of here, fast. Take them to one of your houses, then take a leapmaster to my house." She said. They all quickly get her around Kenric and when Linh took out her home crystal, Sophie quickly pulled Amaya away. The group left, leaving only her and Amya in the cell.

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