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She sat there, waiting for she didn't know what, when the front door opened.

"Sophie?" She heard Edaline call.
"Are you ok? Jolie said you were going to try and find that boy. We trusted you not to do anything dangerous, but after 15 minutes you still weren't back so we came here and- why are there 3 frozen neverseen members in our house?"
"And why is Keefe lying on our couch?" Edaline asked. "Are you crying sweetie?"
"I'm not crying. Well I came home and looked at the spy ball. And Keefe was in front of the panakes tree. So I went over to him, and he had used his powers to freeze all 3 of them, when he was attacked. But when he was attacked, 2 people died, so he brang them back along with their daughter, who was thankfully alive."
"Oh I'm so sorry sweetie. Do you know who the humans were?"
"Yeah. My human parents. He was staying with them all this time. Amy survived, and when he told me I got really mad at him for putting my family in danger, and then his mind broke from the guilt."
"So Keefe is there with a broken mind, those 3 are here because Keefe froze them, those 2 are your parents, and where is Amy?"
"In my room sleeping."
"Ok, this has been a long night, I'll hail Mr Forkle or someone on the council so they can put them in Exile or some sort of jail. We can leave Amy where she is, let's take your parents to the healing centre just to be sure, and that bo- Keefe can stay on the couch."
Grady said.
"It'll be ok Sophie. Maybe we should just have some sleep." Jolie said, putting her arm around her. Sophie felt like although she had only known Jolie for a small amount of time, she felt as if she had known her, her entire life. "Where are we going to sleep though? Your room was turned into a plant conservatory, and Amy is in my room."
"You turned my room into a plant place? I love plants!"

"Wait I know where we can sleep! And if you love plants it's perfect."
"I'll send some pillows out. You'll love it Jolie, the songs are so soothing."
"Where is it?"
"The panakes tree outside. My gnome friend Calla sacrificed herself to save the gnomish race from a deadly plague the ogres released. The petals have healing powers, and the tree sings songs to help calm you."
"It sounds beautiful." She assured her.
"Why don't you lend Jolie a night gown or something." Edaline suggested. Sophie nodded and took Jolie up to her room.
"Mum and Dad made the entire level your bedroom?"
"Yeah haha."
"Oh that reminds me, there's someone I want to show you."
"Who? Is it your sister? She's so pretty!"
"No it's not her, but I will introduce you later. Its Vertina."
"Oh my gosh! I thiught I would never see her again." She ran over to the mirror and started talking to Vertina, while Sophie got out some night clothes. They went outside and slept together.

In the morning, Mr Forkle came around and said he would take the members to eternalia. Her parents, although not elves had a small ceremony in wandering woods. The trees were separate from the rest of them and were next to each other, they had labels that said their original names, and Amy really liked the fact that they could make something beautiful with her parents a last time. Sophie felt the same. They set up both Amy and Jolie a bed on the floor in Sophies room, but said they would work something out, and Keefe later on was moved to a small house somewhere in the lost cities. The only people who had the crystals to it was her, Mr Forkle and Keefe's dad. Anytime the council wanted to go, they went with one of them, And Ro usually went with Cassius. Sophie had leapt there only once, but it was a nice place. It was a large room with a double bed in the centre, there was 4 seats in the room as well, in case people came over, and small bedroom to the side. It annoyingly didnt have a bathroom, but the gnomes must've thought it was temporary. Little did they know, she wasn't going to heal him.

Then she went to Amy. The planting had just finished, and it was now around 9.00 the planting had been very early in the morning.

"So we have been to their planting now, and I think we need to figure out what to do." Sophie told her.

"What do you mean?"

"Well your only 15, you can't live alone. You'd have to be sent to an orphanage or something. I honestly don't know how that stuff works."

"I don't know what to do. I mean I can't stay here."

"Yeah. But maybe if I talked to the council? They could work something out. In the meantime, you can either stay here with me, or you could go back with Livvy and Quinlin if you like."

"I'm going to stay here. But can they come and visit? I want to say Hi."

"Of course."

Sophie went downstairs and told Grady and Edaline. Sophie was about to go out to find Jolie, who not very surprisingly was sitting under the tree, when she saw a scroll had been delivered. She opened it and it read: Nominations for the new councillor. Vote and send in, the new councillor will be announced in 2 days. Please send form by the end of the day.
She gave it to Edaline and then went outside to see Jolie.

"You love this tree even more than I do!" She said as she walked up to her.

"It's calming. I was just thinking about you."


"Yeah, I think I need calming when I think of you honestly, it's scary how much you've been through."

"Didn't really have much choice."

"There were many other choices you could've taken when you told me your story. But you always chose to be the hero." She paused, then took Sophie's hand, "save Keefe. Save a life that would be lost. Without you. Save a life, not for your benefit, but for those others who care about him. Because there are many. Or at least look at his memory of what happened. Or look at Amy's memory of what happened. There's always a bigger picture. Heal him."

Listening to Jolies words gave her the courage to at least go and see him.

"Will you come with me?"

"Of course."

The both went to Keefe and Sophie carefully put her hands to his temples.

When she entered his mind, she just saw the memory of her shouting that she hated him on repeat. When she dove deeper, she found the memory she was looking for.
She watched as Keefe went to Amy's house.
They talked for a bit, and Keefe said a couple of weird things in the conversation. He basically agreed to Amy that he loved Sophie. He also said Grady hadn't reached out. How did Grady have a way of reaching Keefe? And why didn't he tell her? It finally made sense. That's why he didn't acknowledge Sophie when she came back from the neverseen storage place. He didn't want to tell her about Keefe. He must be walked into her room and watched Keefe leap away. He didn't have enough time to use his ability on him.

Anyway, Keefe was willing to sacrifice himself for Amy. He also told her parents to run. It wasn't his fault.

She stood up and walked to Jolie.

"It wasnt him. He was the hero."
"I told you. From what you'd told me about him, he didn't seem like the person you were making him out to be."
"You were right."
"No I just always thing the best of people. Sometimes its a downfall, but yeah."
"He did love me."
"What do you mean?"
"He told Amy."
"I knew it!" She said. Then continued, "Ok we're going to heal him, right?"
"Of course."
Then they heard a woosh outside. Through a window they saw Fitz making his way to the house.

"Get in the bedroom and close the door. Listen to our conversation." She whispered. Jolie nodded and went in. Sophie quickly ran to the chair beside the bed, and acted as if she had been there the whole time.

"What are you doing here?" Fitz said accusingly.

Word Count: 1424

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