-- recap --

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hello all! this is ziou speaking! thank you so much for your support on my story despite the lack of updates. school has been incredibly tough and it was difficult to juggle so many commitments at once.

this fic is nearly 4 years old and i still get the occasional comments which make me feel very loved, so thank you so much!

bhna has been through so much through the years and thus some parts will clash with what is canon. i've actually planned out the general storyline at the start but struggled to finish it with writer's block and whatnot, so i would like to give some additional background as some are confused. please enjoy this recap and thank you for continuing to read on!


extreme is a Villain!Deku AU revolving around the concept of Murphy's Law- where things that can go wrong will go wrong. For the sake of plot, some scenarios have been selectively edited or removed from the story.

Currently, the League of Villains remain, well, the League of Villains. All for One continues to lead the group with Shigaraki as his successor, with his best friends forever Kurogiri, Dabi, Himiko, Twice etc. etc. They attack during the USJ arc as per the plot, and this is where the plot begins to differ. You, (Name), recklessly rush into the battle headfirst the moment you heard of the disaster. Unfortunately, that has lead to your capture and the story begins there.

Firstly, why are you in the general class despite your powerful quirk? The story states that you actually overpower Todoroki and took his recommendation spot, but you were bumped down by Endeavour due to his influence as the story's #1 hero (Murphy's law- corrupt practices due to the influence of powerful heroes!). However, your background also plays a part. Your father was another influential pro hero with the quirk to manipulate flora, similar to yours, but was  charged with the murder of your younger sister. Due to his reputation, this was kept secret and he remains out of prison, but has since ceased hero work and is classified as inactive. Yuuei has allowed you to attend classes, but restricts your abilities by keeping you in the general class due to potential violent tendencies. 

From your capture, you get to learn more about the villains and start seeing them as humans instead of bad guys. You meet undercover villains- namely Todoroki, Shinsou, Monoma and Bakugou- who attend Yuuei but work for the League of Villains. Amplified by your bad experience with heroes (Endeavour's corruption and your father's homicide), all you needed was a little push to join the League. Well, that and falling in love with Midoriya. 

Midoriya's backstory has also been twisted. His mother was unable to keep living on with his father out of the picture, drunk herself stupid, and eventually left Midoriya. Her alcoholism made Midoriya grow a hatred towards liquor. Even so, Midoriya pushed on, using his childish admiration for heroes to keep going. After All Might fell and went MIA, he met Endeavour and reenacted the iconic anime Midoriya meets All Might scene except with Endeavour. This time, he was harshly rejected and told he would never make it. That was the final blow- Midoriya was broken and felt as if he no longer has any reason to live. However, he came across All Might one day and his hopes were reignited.  Thus, he chose to follow All Might even if he was now a villain, over the cruel Endeavour.

Todoroki continues to have a sour relationship with Endeavour. Instead of aiming to be a hero surpassing his father, he falls to the dark side and becomes a villain to oppose him instead. Similarly, Shinsou was also pressured by society to turn to the villains, keeping up a façade of still wanting to be a hero. Monoma is... well, Monoma.

As for Tamaki and Bakugou... you'll find out soon.

Initially, Midoriya had a crush on Uraraka from observing her during his recon missions. He found her bubbly and cute, somewhat his type. However after the small sign of rejection (aka just simply being blocked), he flew into a frenzy. The moment he found comfort from you, he lapped it up in an instant (a parallel between his Endeavour and All Might encounter). 

You have more interactions with Midoriya, even attending school with your newfound role as a villain. Eventually, you get into a fight with your father and sort out family issues. There he revealed that your quirk wasn't a direct copy of your fathers. It apparently contained hints of your mother's as well- but thats not revealed yet either! After the fight, you stabbed yourself and framed your father, getting him arrested.

After you recover and rejoin the villains, the League gifts you a mask to protect your identity in preparation for a second attack on Yuuei, with you on the villain's side this time. All goes according to plan, until Yaoyorozu Momo appears. (Un)fortunately, you saved her from being disemboweled by a Noumu, possibly hinting at her your identity in the process, but nonetheless saving a fellow Yuuei student. After the mission, you find yourself back in base with All Might as he recounts his backstory, about his fall from grace after his attack by 'Toxic Chainsaw'- or rather, All for One.


my future plans include explaining your quirk, some more major incidents and more lovely deku moments! I will be cutting down on filler chapters seeing that I can't update as often anymore, but i'll do my best. i went through the old chapters and saw one where I had to explain Chronostasis because he wasn't in the anime yet, but now the yakuza arc is old news T-T it's been way too long!!

Thank you for all your votes and heartwarming comments, I'll keep going! hearts to all!

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